Sorry to say, but this site has been so depressing for a few days. I thought I'd ask an average, everyday make us all feel a little more normal today.
I made Eggplant Lasagna, and my BIL and SIL are coming for dinner. They leave for Cali tomorrow to see their beautiful grand daughter.
Sorry, sometimes we just need some REGULAR conversation.......or at least THIS caregiver does.
Barq’s is an excellent choice because it isn’t overly sweet. It has a unique flavor.
Barq’s is very popular here. I haven’t tried it but I know others who have. It’s good.
Pulled pork is fantastic in a crockpot. You could make bbq pulled pork sandwiches.
Chuck roast is also great in a crockpot. You can do roast beef sandwiches. Or do either rice or mashed potatoes with vegetables or a salad for a complete meal.
You can also make chicken breasts in the crockpot. Season chicken with taco seasoning and one can of diced tomatoes and onions for a Mexican dinner. Go to for the recipe. Create a taco bar!
Have fun at your game!
Any one have crock pot dinner ideas for about 10 people, I could use some.
Once a month I have to make a meal for are boccie group. Last year I made manwichices but I know one doesn't like them. Made a beef stew once to. Anything with noodles gets to mushy. So if you all have any suggestions let me know
Your hubby is a good cook! Glad you enjoyed your dinner. I love old fashioned, tried and true recipes.
Some of my favorite cookbooks are ones that I have bought from women at churches, with recipes from moms and grandmothers.
I have participated in lots of fundraisers for church and school fairs.
These cookbooks always sell out! They use ingredients that everyone stocks in their pantry that are budget friendly and delicious!
I think I am going to request a batch this weekend. 😋
He likes making juices and preserves and will stop at a house if they have a good fruit tree or bushes with fruit dropping off and ask if he can pick some. Usually they are happy for him to take fruit. He's gotten apples, pears, cherries, saskatoons, and more. He makes a lovely apple cinnamon juice with a little cayenne in it, chokecherry juice which he likes on French Toast and various preserves. The tomato persimmon sauce is just lovely!
I am hands on too. Plus, I feel that I learn by doing things.
My husband’s ways have rubbed off on me a little bit. Or, at least I am trying to explore his ways.
He is the type to read an entire manual, plus watch any video demonstrations before using a product.
I on the other hand, have been known to just jump right in and fly by the seat of my pants.
Guess who figures things out first, most of the time?
My husband does, of course! Okay, I admit that I can get overly excited sometimes and be a little impatient! LOL 😝
Like most people, my husband and I have our similarities and our differences.
I like dessert served right out of the oven. He will allow them to cool before eating.
The girls will tell him, “What’s the point of eating chocolate chip cookies cold?
Then, he tells them that I taught them bad habits! He’s much more patient and methodical than I am.
But, the tutorial is a good idea.
I wonder if you could find a few YouTube tutorials on it. I have looked up products on YouTube before and looked at demonstrations.
I love spicy food too. Plus, it helps with my allergies.
Going to make shrimp creole today. A New Orleans staple!