
Sorry to say, but this site has been so depressing for a few days. I thought I'd ask an average, everyday make us all feel a little more normal today.

I made Eggplant Lasagna, and my BIL and SIL are coming for dinner. They leave for Cali tomorrow to see their beautiful grand daughter.

Sorry, sometimes we just need some REGULAR conversation.......or at least THIS caregiver does.

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Making a new recipe in the crock pot, for green chili stew. I was going to have ebelskivers with it, but smelling it I changed my mind to corn meal muffins. Also avocado slices.

What are ebelskivers ?????

Dear Boni,
I agree, it is important to remain as normal as possible. Lasagna sounds awesome.

My mom has faced some challenges lately, but is capable and wants to live independently. I was with her Saturday, visited Sunday for a Super Bowl party at my sisters and visited at her house yesterday. Tonight I will be working late and will just call her.

Dinner is stuffed green pepper, one of my healthy favorites. I may even break out a blasts of wine.

Enjoy a normal dinner with family


Glass not blast of wine

Like to use my crockpot anytime I can. Tonight we will be having pot roast with onions, red potatoes and carrots. I have a large family, along with my mom, so always trying to simplify. This week I made a couple of pots of dried veggies - black eyed peas and lima beans on Monday to use during the week. (Last night was much simplier so don't think for a moment I have it all together.... :) ) May everyone have a good night.

I generally cook 6 out of 7 nights, but tonight we're going out for 35 cent chicken wings. Whoo hoo! The Szechuan and Jamaican Jerk flavors are my favorite. I need something spicy in this cold.

You must be in the same mode, Jeanne, with your green chile stew. :) That sounds fantastic. Do you use canned green chiles or are you able to find fresh? I've been tempted to mail order Hatch green chiles but they're so pricey.

Boni, you must not be Scandinavian. :) Ebelskivers are Danish pancakes, made in a special pan with half sphere indents. You flip the pancakes half way through baking so they come out round. They're lighter than a traditional pancake. Serve with jam or jelly.

I like Mama Mia's frozen Manicotti, Classico Florentine Spinach and Cheese Jar Sauce, and Kraft 5 cheese shredded cheese. Put it all together and bake it at 350 uncover for 45 minutes. Served with warmed italian bread and a nice glass of Ziffendel wine. A nice home cooking without preparation hassle. Who says you need red wine when serving pasta. When time is precious a quick 5 minute preparation for a home cooked comfort food is ideal.

BTW, boni, I meant to tell you thanks for the fun thread idea! It's so nice to take a break, so THANKS!

I agree, a fun thread that we can all share and compare recipes. Sometimes you need this kind of distraction in a forum that deals with caregiving. Thank you Bonichak you are a very creative thinker!

I made American Chop Suey.. I bet jinx knows what it is? Or anyone from New England...

Sure do know what American Chop Suey is. My elderly mothers favorite. I alway make an extra batch and bring it to my mother. All she has to do is heat it up in a micowave. It is always better cooked the second time around.

MMMMMMM I want me some ebelskivers! Sounds yummy!

I'm the boring, healthy one tonight -- salmon, greens, and potatoes. Nothing to liven it up at all except a cookie for dessert. Gee, now I want some ebelskivers, too.

Really, I love salmon anyway it can be cooked.

love salmon any way too

tonight ham, creamy mushroom, onion pasta with lots of black pepper, avocado pesto, and green peas. Probably throw a few grape tomatoes on for colour

Take out Chinese from my favorite place that my hubby surprised me with

Emjo, that sounds so good. Love pasta in any incarnation. You had me at creamy mushroom...Yum!

Wing night was a bust with lines out the door. Not standing around in -2. Went to the next town over for their chicken dinner. Hee! Had to wear our coats the whole time it was so cold. The place was dead as a doornail. The 1/4 chicken dinner consisted of a leg the size of a drummie and a tiny thigh. Fries were soggy but the toast was good. Glad it was cheap, relatively speaking nowadays. Didn't complain because I'm just not that way.

It was good to get out and the people that work there are so nice. A Bacardi and Coke and free popcorn didn't hurt either.

Took some beef out of the freezer to make a spicy stir-fry tomorrow for my Szechuan craving.

Okay, I think I might know what American Chop Suey is....does it involve ground beef?

Is there any other kind of chop suey besides American?

Tonight it was Curried Sweet Potato soup with cheesy garlic bread :-)

Tonight was home made vegetable soup and crescent rolls. Soup is good when the weather is cold the high today was 8 and the windchill -12 oh my can't wait for Spring to b here

Anyone here make latkes?

The big latke question is, "Do you squeeze the moisture out of the potatoes or not?"

jeanne, Check out Chop Suey on wiki. Not the best source, I know, but the history is interesting.

emjo, I'm on the squeeze side of things, in a freshly laundered dish towel. Makes for crispy latkes. Time for bed and now I'm hungry! Food dreams....

I agree, many times we need to ask serious questions but from time to time it is nice to just talk about something a bit simplistic.....

My daughter and I ran to a restaurant called "The Stand" and picked up Pulled Pork and Beef Brisket sandwiches for a change. It was nice to get out of the house and bring home something for everyone to eat that was not the "same ole, same ole!"

I have to tell you I fixed a very easy dinner the other night that some of you might be interested in..... Using a crock pot, take some thawed chicken breasts (4) and cut them in about 3 pieces each and toss them in. Take a can of cream of chicken soup and cream of celery soup and wisk with a can of broth. It will be a bit thick but don't worry. Turn crock pot on high and cook for about 5 hours. Make mashed potatoes or white rice. I made the potatoes and when it is done you put down a scoop of potatoes and then cover it with cooked chicken and the soup becomes a gravy. Add salad or some veggies and you are done. Crock pots are great as they cook while you go about your daily chores. Pressure cookers are my new favorite as well especially during cold weather.

emjo- I have made them once and I definitely squeezed the moisture out!

I learned to make them with the moisture squeezed out with a clean dish towel, but Gary's family makes them with the moisture left in. I used a little corn starch to bind them as well as eggs and onion and they were fine. Maybe not quite as lacy....

Oh, latkes I was first thinking lefse. EMJO, I'm sure knows it, also Scandinavian.
We had chicken pot pies, Marie Calendars from the frozen section and a green salad. Nothing like chicken pot pies in -15 temp today! Old fashioned comfort food. Does anybody have Marie Callendars restaurants any more? They have all closed here.

Ismiami.....I liked "blasts of wine" ;)

My husbands Mom's family are Lithuanian and I was introduced to their food when I met him.. Yummy.. I love it all.. Similar to Polish , But don't tell them that! LOL. Potato pancakes are my favorite. They have to be thin and fried a golden brown!! You should have seen their faces when I put ketchup on mine in stead of sour cream!!

I'm Irish so the only thing my Mom did with a potato was boil or mash!!

I just made Tollhouse cookies (which where invented the next town over) and tonight I will be making Tacos... I don't like them but my husband and daughter do. So Mom and me will be having leftover american chop suey...

My son taught me an easy recipe. Place chicken (any parts you like) in a crockpot, cover with a jar of salsa. Add a little water. Cook all day. Serve over rice or noodles, sprinkle with shredded cheddar and throw on some avocado or sour cream if you want.

Tonight is one of those rare days when my sister took mom for the day, and is keeping her for dinner! Wooo Hoooo! I will be having Steak (mom hates it) and salad with blue cheese dressing (mom hates it).
More important than WHAT I am eating, is that i can watch what I want to watch on TV, and at a volume level that doesn't blow out my ears!
Cherry Vanilla Ice Cream for desert!
It's gonna be a good night! :)

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