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Heart2Heart Asked June 2017

Has anyone gotten eczema since caregiving?

If so, how have you dealt with it? Thank you.

surprise Jun 2017
My family has outbreaks of exema related to allergies to new products (or changes in old products). Cleaning products, fabric softener, bread- anything you were exposed to during those last months could be the culprit that caused your allergen bucket to run over into symptoms.

Countrymouse Jun 2017
Eczema is a b*tch. I've had two bouts, ever; but I'm pleasantly surprised that it didn't flair up while I was full-time caregiving. I can't help wondering if forewarned is forearmed, and if you're half expecting it it won't happen? Betnovate worked for me - don't know if they even still make it, I'll look it up. They do, it's made by GSK and it is inexpensive. You wouldn't want to be slapping it on long-term but well worth a try.


MsMadge Jun 2017
Stress definitely will cause flare ups and sometimes certain foods - eggs or citrus are triggers for me

oatmeal soaps and lotions help - cortisone creams for short periods of time

Wear cosmetic gloves to bed if you just can't stop scratching

97yroldmom Jun 2017
My husband developed eczema when he was on a strict diet. He went to several dermatologist,
Allergist, PCP, Endocrinologist. He also had a biopsy. Lots of creams, lotions. Was told it might be the diet but ultimately accepted that it was eczema that was latent. He never had outbreaks as a child but several others in his family had eczema as a child. He is on remission now for maybe 9 months. He went through a really hard time with it. Not sure if it's caused by caregiving but for sure he's had plenty of stress.

Heart2Heart Jun 2017
Thank you Rainmom... very helpful, as I'm thinking stress can really (suddenly) bring this out... I never had it as a young person either. and, wonder how many here on AC have gotten this whole caregiving (stress).

Rainmom Jun 2017
During my fathers final weeks I developed what I call The Mystery Rash.

I thought it was heat induced because it was July - very hot out - and my parents pretty much kept the apartment at about 80 degrees. Plus, I was in the middle of menopause with hot flashes that practically knocked me off my feet.

But nope - the rash hung on thru fall, winter... I had started seeing different dermatologist who gave me an assortment of creams and ointments that did not help - no one tried to give a name to my condition. At one point a dermatologist even biopsied a tiny slice. Nothing.

After six months one doctor said "stress induced eczema" - said it was unusual as I never had eczema as a child/teen. Okay - sure, whatever.

Eventually, it just kind of disappeared on its own. I still start to get flair-ups in the winter but discovered Gold Bond Eczema Relief. It nips it in the bud every time.


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