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JessieBelle Asked September 2016

Are there other caregivers that feel spacey a lot?

For the past few days I have been feeling spacey. I don't feel like I'm really in the world. I'm not really connecting with people anymore when we talk. Today I stopped at a stop sign, then spaced out for a moment before remembering to go. I'm starting to think I'm going a bit nutty.

kellse Sep 2016
well I have stopped at stop signs and waited for the green light before .

staceyb Sep 2016
I have a habit of of doing a 30 second tidying up, while my husband goes to start the car and waits for me, then when we get back, he wonders, who folded up the throw blankets, put the phones on the chargers, put the dogs dish and coffee mugs in the sink, and his shoes into the bedroom, and the meat out to thaw. He never thinks of the 20 quick things I do, every time we leave the house, guys don't have those things constantly running through their heads. I think women, or in this case Caregivers brain's just Never Turn Off, and compile that with Lack of Sleep, and Sheer Frustration? Yep, your NORMAL!!!


freqflyer Sep 2016
Jessie, oh my gosh, I am going through the same thing.... I think it is because my Dad has been in the hospital since Saturday, I know he is in excellent hands, it is just the uncertainly.

I also found I couldn't remember so many different things, it started to scare me. Once I got to work and settled in then that fear went away. I kept telling myself it is my fall seasonal allergies... and let's add that full moon to the mix. No wonder one of my cats was acting like a 2 year old instead of 15.... he was attacking every leaf on the desk.

Plus I am upset with Mother Nature for all this hot weather.... like enough of this hot flash outdoors. Bring in a light dusting of snow, please. I am ready !!

BarbBrooklyn Sep 2016
Jessie; two thoughts. Drink more water. The feeling you describe is one that I get when I'm coming down with pneumonia. I've had it three times in my life, and it's a very distinct feeling of "I'm not really here, my feet aren't touching the ground". Not a good thought, but, you might be coming down with something.

Lots of water!

Gershun Sep 2016
I get spacey a lot. I don't know how old you are Jessie but that is also a symptom of menopause. My Hubs is always asking me "What are you thinking about?" Usually I'm not thinking about anything. Just spacing out. One day I went to the kitchen to put on the kettle for some tea. I was sitting in the front room wondering why the kettle hadn't started to whistle. I got up and saw that I had put the stove burner on but the kettle wasn't on it. Looked everywhere for the kettle and finally found it in the fridge. :P

micalost Sep 2016
Jessie, when I cared for my mom I thought for sure Alz was contagious and I was getting it. - It was the prolonged years of stress - I am just now finding, after a year of her in a home, that I am starting to have a memory. Although I still have problems with word-finding.
But during those years I suffered from dissociation and spacing out - now to figure out how to lose the thirty pounds i put on.

JessieBelle Sep 2016
There's been a few things that have shaken up lately. They're just little things. I had things set up with a local drugstore for my mother's medicines. They stopped handling Medicare Part B, so I switched these to another drugstore. But then UAB started sending the other prescriptions there. So we're floating between two drugstores. That bothers me, though it really shouldn't. And my bank branch closed, so I have to drive to a new branch. I want to yell Stop Changing! sometimes.

Then there has been the house projects added onto my mother feeling bad all day long every day. I don't feel like I ever get a restful night's sleep. Why, I don't know. Maybe it's because I don't feel like I'm at home.

I'm just mentally fatigued, most likely, and it's making me feel physically fatigued.

anonymous281963 Sep 2016
Pretty sure you aren't going nutty. I am not an expert, but I follow your posts, often, and they make perfect sense to me. Your post the other day about kicking Mom's butt, in a joking way, was hilarious. If you can have a sense of humor in all of what you are going through, then maybe you are actually feeling better, and this has unsettled you.
There are so many reasons for feeling spacey, so get yourself to the doc if this continues. Or, are you eating right? I mean things you like, not just Mom's diet.

Talk more about it here, just talking it out will help.

I have read, she will come to your door? Just living with that can cause extra lack of sleep. When raising babies, the mothers get to sleep when the baby sleeps only. Arrange her schedule of sleep with a little Benadryl, after asking the doctor, because this is an emergency respite, until you can get real respite.

Are there flu vaccines, flu symptoms to think about?

staceyb Sep 2016
I hope it's Normal, because I do it all the time! Driving on the freeway, and realizing that I can't even recall the previous 5 miles? I always put it down to my mind is racing and that I'm preoccupied, and hopefully not earlier dementia! I've missed exits, and just the other day (although not related to this subject) my sister and I passed the exit to my cousins, because we were blabbing away, and we almost ended up at the Casino, our Normal Exit, Lol! We both blamed each other too! Lol!

No, it sounds perfectly normal to me, but you may be a little depressed, or a Lot depressed, too! But probably just preoccupied with way too many things to do for one Super Human Woman, that you are!😉 Now, if you are dizzy, you should get it checked out!

GardenArtist Sep 2016
Jessie, missing a destination is common I think, when we're preoccupied, which many of us probably are. I've done that occasionally, then realized after a bit that I'm going the wrong way, missed my exit or destination and need to double back.

If by spacey you're also including a situation when your thoughts come and go faster than fireflies, I think that's normal when we're preoccupied or stressed out. A friend used to mention when she was in law school that sometimes she felt as if she was meeting herself coming and going.

Sometimes I think of thoughts colliding and competing for my brain space as a crowded skating rink with people skating every which way and bumping into each other. Or worse yet, one of those bump car places where people drive miniature cars and try to avoid bumping into each other. Or sometimes like a football field with some thoughts getting through and others getting trampled or stomped by competing thoughts.

FF, when it's unbearably hot, I check the NatGeo or Smithsonian channel for weather programs of Greenland, the Arctic or Antarctica. Helps cool me down.

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