First, the good news: Chuck is doing very well with his liver transplant. April 29 will mark the one year anniversary of his transplant at the Mayo Clinic. He's showing no signs of rejection, is off 80% of his medications, and his follow up tests and visits show him to be a super star. He's back to photographing birds every morning with my son, even in minus 5 degree weather, so that pretty much says it all. My avatar pics are of his birds.
Now for the bad news: I've mentioned before having a surface melanoma on my arm removed in October of 2021. An "in situ" mole of no consequence where all the melanoma 'was removed successfully'. This was a result of having a dozen beauty marks on both arms blow up like balloons after the 2nd Covid shot, grow scabs on them, and when the scab fell off, the beauty mark disappeared entirely. Except for the one. And all of it was not successfully removed after all, as a few cells must've escaped into my body and caused metastatic stage 4 cancer in my lymph nodes, liver, and bones. I went to the ER 3 weeks ago for excruciating pain in my left side where a CT scan with contrast was ordered. The cancer was discovered at that time, and I've spent the last 2 weeks in testing. The cancer is not in my brain, thank God.
The Oncologist told me there is immunotherapy available now for malignant melanoma. 2 types at once, administered via IV (no port) every 3 weeks x4. That's the goal. To turn on my immune system to kill off this cancer. 50% of immunotherapy patients are alive 2 years later. Idk what the percentage is at the 5 year mark. I've avoided doing research bc I'm overwhelmed enough already.
I'm having tremendous pain in my spine, ribs and liver, where the cancer is the worst. The Oncologist gave me some heavy duty pain meds and told me to wait it out until the IV starts kicking in to relieve my pain. He said I would live less than 2 months without treatment so my first treatment is tomorrow morning. The side effects can be gnarly and these infusions WILL kick my butt, he said. I'm ready, I think. Ain't no beauty mark gonna take ME down at 65! 😑
I'm useless at home, so Chuck is doing everything. Laundry, cooking, grocery shopping, driving to appointments. I have a housekeeper coming in to do the heavy cleaning and my stepson and his wife are cooking 7 dinners for us and bringing them by on Saturday. I have to make sure HE'S not overworked during this treatment process to where he gets sick. He's already overcome with worry and shock over all this as it is. I'll ask my stepson to repeat that meal making plan, too...they want to help & we need help.
We've had a lot to deal with the past year, and now my issues, which were there all along, just not apparent until recently. We wouldn't have been able to handle TWO of us sick at once anyway, so this is how it had to play out, I suppose.
The one bright spot I hold onto here is the dime I found on the floor of the ER room I'd been in ALL DAY where there was no dime on the floor. And when the gal was wheeling me back into the room from the CT scan, there it was. I kicked it across the floor to Chuck and he said, "what's that?" I said, "it's a dime from dad, telling me everything will be alright." He was speechless. Dad used to send me dimes all the time after he died in 2015, but stopped the past few years. I have a whole piggy bank full of them.
We can use all the prayers we can get right now, friends. I believe in prayers, in miracles and in signs from our deceased loved ones that they are with us in tough times. If you do too, please send up some prayers for Chuck and I right now.
Many thanks.
All along my diaphragm has felt like it was attached to my body with a twist tie. Just unstable and hanging on by a thread, due to the connectors being damaged by cancer. Today I can honestly say my diaphragm feels solidly adhered to my body 😁. Sounds weird, I know, and feel much worse to have a wobbly diaphragm. Which has also impeded my breathing due to all the pain in that area. My son bought me a device called The Breather which is an inhaler/exhaler with built in resistance to strengthen my diaphragm muscles and build my lung capacity back up. There are 4 settings of hole sizes on the device, from larger to smaller, so it's like breathing thru a straw. Athletes use it to train with, and it's great for respiratory issues in general. God bless him.
We got to see my grandson today whose 2 in 2 weeks and he was all cheeky toothy grins today. Rejuvenates the soul to kiss those cheeks.
Geaton ty for the scripture.
Colleen ty for the prayers as you drove around.
Hopeforhelp, I think your comment is THE nicest thing anyone has ever said to me, ever. Thank you 😗
Overwhelmed, hasn't everybody done SOME praying on the toilet at some point in their life? 🤣
Alva, I'm glad you read my daily updates!
Funky, the funny thing about meeting Chuck in Colo at 48 years old, is that we both lived 2 miles apart back when we were 19 after I moved to Colo w my parents! Same city, same neighborhood. But we never met. We both went on to meet and marry different people, stay together the same amt of time, move around the USA, get divorced, and THEN God put him in my path, in the middle age of our lives when we both were in need of one another. 7 kids between us. True story. Chuck always laments that we didnt meet back in 1976, but I believe God does not make mistakes. The time had to be right for us to meet.
Petitions for or the rash to clear. 🙏
Praises that your diaphragm is less painful! 🤲
Lord, hear the prayers of your people!
"A cheerful heart is good medicine..."
- Proverbs 17:22
Nay, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him that loved us. [38] For I am persuaded, that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present, nor things to come, [39] Nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature, shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.
Lea, this spoke to my heart for you. No matter what the enemy throws your way, you are more than a conquerer, you are victorious through the blood of Jesus Christ.
Continued prayers for you my friend.
...and, I forgot to add that hearing the backstory of how you and Chuck met is Incredible!! It's like out of a scene from a Hollywood movie - the kind that gives the movie viewer hope and inspiration in finding that rare unconditional love! And, I agree with you just how very hard that is to find.
I bet that Italian restaurant that brought you both together must be your and Chuck's absolute favorite!! :)
Second shocking thing that's disappeared.....huge toe cramps foot cramps and lower leg cramps while sleeping or lying down. I just realized I've had NO FOOT ISSUES the past few weeks including having my big toe feel like it was broken when I walked around barefoot. ALL GONE.
Maybe the sacral tumors were pressing on nerves connected to my feet. And they shrunk which took the pressure off and relieved the pain.
My daily 5pm headaches are GONE too!
The GERD....all I can speculate is that my immune system is ramped up now and healing OTHER issues besides the cancer.
This is fantastic news in my book! A miraculous blessing. I read this today online:
"Have in your mind that which would constitute a miracle for you. Get the vision. Suspend disbelief and skepticism. " -Dr Wayne Dyer
"We talk privately to God and call it prayer. So then why does a return call seem so far-fetched, particularly if we believe that there's some universal intelligence out there that we're addressing?" -Wayne Dyer
I'm ready for more small miracles to happen to me and interpret them as God returning my call 😁 Its important to celebrate the small victories along this journey, imo.
The not so great news is the rash has spread to my chest now, but still mild and not itchy.
Hopeforhelp, the Italian restaurant is now kaput 😏😣
My DD met the love of her life and the same thing happened...a strong connection that was love at first sight. It does happen.
ITRR, thank you for your prayers and posting that lovely scripture.
Colleen and Lilmelba, thank you for the continued prayers.
Geaton ty for your daily post, I appreciate it.
I have two dimes for your jar collection.
Thank you, LORD, for these mercies!
Our bodies are fascinating. You are learning things that I bet you would have never even thought about before. This surely is a tough way to gain knowledge on the subject.
I stopped by church this morning to burn a candle for you. Will continue to pray for you 💗.
I pray for your healing. That circumstances would change. I pray that the fear inside would flee in Jesus name. I pray that a breakthrough would happen today. I pray miracles over your life in Jesus name, in Jesus name.
I speak the name of all authority, declaring blessings, every promise, He is faithful to keep. I speak the name no grave could ever hold. He is greater, He is stronger, He's the God of possible.....Come believe it. Come receive it. In the mighty name of Jesus, all things are possible."
I am standing in agreement with everyone on this forum and believing for a miracle for you, in the mighty name of Jesus. And all God's people said AMEN and AMEN.
What a beautiful prayer put into song. Thank you for sharing this.
FG, thank you for sharing those beautiful lyrics!
What an Absolutely Positive sign - Miracles Are Happening!!!! May These Miracles Continue For You!!
And yes, yours and your DD's stories are very inspiring regarding finding that great love! Having been divorced years ago, I can surely say that all I've come up with since has been some humorous NYC dating stories...but actually finding "the one" is as we said - not so easy!
Wishing you a very peaceful and easy week...and sending great energy and prayers for continued positive results!!
I'm happy about the health improvements I've seen to date and truly pray nothing interferes with getting my future infusions. Praying my body handles them and cooperates. The RN told me to put cortisone cream on my chest and she was showing my photos to the oncologist 😑🤔
I am so happy that the rash is clearing up some. Hang in there. Still praying for you.
I look forward to your posts each day.
So I went back to Marketplace and another one popped up for $500, hardly used, brown leather (the right color), and the seller would deliver! I immediately contacted him to see if we could drive over and check it out. He said he had it loaded on his truck already from showing it to someone who thought it was too short for his height. That he'd be happy to drive it over to my house 30 min away so I could check it out! I told him it's the only chair that helps my back pain from battling bone cancer. He drove it over, its beautiful, perfect condition, I loved it. I took out the cash, he told me to put it away, it was his gift to me, his grandmother would want to know it went to someone who would get relief from it. I all but cried like a baby. I insisted he take $100 as a delivery fee and he agreed. He and my stepson carried it into my living room and set it up, too. It's like heaven on earth.
I'm listing my brocade wing chair w carved lions feet on FB tomorrow. When the buyer comes to get it, I'm going to tell them it's free, to pay it forward a bit.
Can't make this stuff up! 😁😂
What a blessing!
It’s so lovely that you are passing his love and compassion forward.
Someone up there is looking out for you, along with some very special angels.
Thank you, God, for the kindness of strangers!
And thanks for sharing, LL1! Even in your suffering, you are still ministering to weary hearts on this site!
In fact, I know that there are way more good people than not. It's just that we don't hear about the good ones often enough, so thanks for sharing your story about a good one.
Praying the chair brings you the relief you need, and that you can feel the love wrapped around you as you sit in it.
"If you say, 'The Lord is my refuge,' and you make the Most High your dwelling, no harm will overtake you, no disaster will come near your tent. For He will command His angels concerning you to guard you in all your ways; they will lift you up in their hands..."
- Psalm 91:9-12
Be careful for nothing; but in every thing by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God. [7] And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.
"...your Father knows what you need before you ask Him."
- Matt 6:8