
Im looking for an alert system, that my dad could alert me 1st for non emergency calls, or he could call for help if I'm not available. Does anyone know of this type of system and which is best? I live next door on his property, and I would like for him to be able to get In Touch with me if needed. He has trouble using the phone.

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We used Life Alert and were happy.
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Can it be used to call me next door
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Don't know. Another alternative might be jitterbug. Google it.
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There is a new one at Walmart in the pharmacy section, no contract, It's less expensive than Life Alert.
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In our place, we use a simple wireless doorbell system. If the signal goes that far, it could work. Again, depending on the signal strength a baby monitor system could work.

Maybe those'll give you some ideas.
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I do a lot of research for our company, Freedomshowers and we sell an alert system that could go through your phone, but doesn't have to be monitored (it just automatically called either 911, or numbers that you programmed in)
However, in my internet travels I have found this company, and it looks like an amazing product and service.
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About 2 months ago, we got Life Alert and set it up for my mother, who is 88 still lives in her own home ( I live several doors down the street, and can get to her in a minute). They were helpful, easy to work with, and it seemed to provide the most bang for the buck. Thank the lord, we have not had to use it other than to run a check every month, but it has given both of us more peace of mind.
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5star by Jitterbug. My dad has that and it keeps him feeling quite comfortable wearing it. It's the least expensive monthly we found and there are no contracts. Read the reviews on the net for all of the most popular and was most impressed by the reviews of the 5star.
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