
My mother is 75 years old and resides with me and my husband. Her behavior most of the time is tolerable at best. To say familiarity breeds contempt is an understatement. My mother has endured much emotional and physical trauma in her life. She was adopted and her adopted mother abused her to the point she had to be removed from the home. Given the time period, she was separated from her adopted father too. She was ferried off to an aunt and uncles home for care and they had a daughter they doted on; she was taken care of but always viewed as more of a burden. Fast forward and she has five failed marriages under her belt (although the first one does not count as the guy was actually gay and pressured to marry).
The crux of the issue is my mother is a miserable person who has never sought help to heal from past trauma. This has lead to her having significant health problems like diabetes, high cholesterol, hypertension, and heart problems. Between the diabetes and the recurrent UTI's which affect her mentation, she can be very challenging to be around. She can get hostile and nasty very quickly. She catastrophizes everything. She sulks if she is not included in every aspect of my life. She gets especially intolerable when I go away on day trips or longer trips with my husband away from home. She makes snide remarks and tries to make me feel badly for enjoying life. Most disturbing, she looks to me to somehow make her whole again. She is passive aggressive and always the victim. When she is angry about something, she acts like a petulant child and will flat out ignore me when I try to engage in conversation with her. She slams doors. She stomps around in her slippers. Being around her daily is mentally draining and exhausting. She constantly finds things to clean to the point where I believe she has OCD.
We are in the process of building a home and have specifically built a mother-in-law 1100 sq. ft adjoining structure- 2 bedroom, 2 bathroom, spacious laundry and utility room, brand new appliances and a slot in the garage with a door leading inside. We are not wealthy and this was not a cheap venture. My husband let her design the space. She decided to not add the original amount of windows because she needs more wall space. Ok. Now, she complains the place looks dark and small. She doesn't like the front door we got for her. Mind you she would never be able to find an 1100 sq ft condo/apt/etc. with a garage for 1,000 a month including utilities on her fixed income. I am hoping things will improve when she has her own dedicated area and we are not living under the same roof.
Mostly, I do a lot of ignoring and not feeding into her behavior along with lots calm and nonchalant responses as I know she feeds off of and feels a great sense of satisfaction when she gets me to react. I am interested to hear from other members what coping strategies you use to manage a severely unhappy and oftentimes irascible parent?

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Thank you to everyone who replied to this post thus far. I apologize for not acknowledging all your thoughtful comments and helpful suggestions sooner. I am in graduate school and it's been a hectic and stressful semester. I am appreciative all of the different perspectives and sage advice. Most of all, it is comforting to know that I am not alone when it comes to dealing with this issue. :-)
Helpful Answer (6)

You could roll out the red carpet and she would find a crease in it.
("complains the place looks dark and small') - her glass isn't only half empty, it is dried up.

While she is 'complaining,' and never satisfied, it is old DEEP trauma that has changed her; her brain / functioning, resulting in how she 'sees the world' and you/family.

She likely will not be able to appreciate / understand how you are extending yourself to her (building an inlaw as you are). Thousands - millions of 'mothers' out here would give their eye teeth to have a daughter like you, providing a 'palace of care.'

With that said, I feel you are doing too much - and I question why.
* Do you want / need a mother ('s love) that was never there for you? because she didn't know how to give it to you?
* Are you wanting acceptance and acknowledgment ?

While this is understandable, when you understand - perhaps more deeply - your motives - you will step back (vs ignoring her-although I understand) and set clear boundaries for her, while focusing on healing yourself.

Do not allow yourself to further be pulled into her world.
You are more than providing her a lovely safe, secure home environment (God, I'd like to move in myself).
If I were you, I would focus on:
* your own healing - understanding your pain, and your EXPECTATIONS of her which affect how you ultimately respond / feel when she doesn't give you what you want / think she 'should.' She can't. ****
* somehow steer her into activities she can do either alone or with a caregiver (gardening, arranging flowers, knitting, whatever she is interested in) -
* Even if she doesn't take to activities, get others involved in her life - so you can step back.

While you say "I am hoping things will improve when ..." I believe, due to her brain chemstry/trauma, she will not change, or not much or perhaps a little and then go back to her ways of living, which has been survival mode all her life.

**** decades ago, I had to learn to become my own (healing) mother inside.
My mother was wounded 'too' (different, although wounding nevertheless which transfers / passed on to children). I learned to feel compassion for my mother who 'did the best she could' (which helped me heal myself) with what she had 'emotionally, psychologically, and every other way. When a person doesn't have healthy self-image, self-love, self-respect ... when they are wounded, they can't teach/react or pass on healthy loving feelings/behaviors to anyone else.

Pull back the reigns ('letting her design the space' ... really amazing) ... she doesn't appreciate or understand the immense support and love you are providing to her. She is not in a mental / psychological position to make these decisions. Anything she does / you do 'won't be good enough.' It never will be.

While perhaps too late, I would encourage you to put the money that you intend to put into creating her beautiful living space into therapy, caregivers, activity partners. I STRONGLY encourage you NOT to have the apt set up where she can freely roam into your home space. I believe she will not understand / honor boundaries (to her 'your space is her space' ... her room is too dark so she'll go into your living room...)

The more you give, the more she wants / will ask for. She is used to this relationship. You need to change it. Set limits. Give her a choice of two options, not an open-ended 'anything.' I would limit the 2 options: "We are doing xxx". No discussion.

I believe that learning to find our 'inner mother' (healer/healing) is a life long endeavor. What your mother experienced as a child is heartbreaking. It is amazing that she survived at all - she is wounded, broken. Love her with compassion, at a distance, as needed. Try to see her as a person separate from being your mother. This may help you not feel hurt by how she talks / reacts to you. My heart goes out to you. If I had had a daughter, I would have loved her to be you. Gena
Helpful Answer (4)
AgingCarer007 Aug 13, 2023
Well, you aptly nailed it on the head. She has turned into for lack of better words, a full-fledged brat. I am ashamed of her behavior. My husband has sacrificed many weekends painting her place. We chose an easy and neutral color from Sherwin Williams, Westhighland white. However, my husband and the Sherwin Williams guy messed up and did satin instead of matte. The walls are slightly glossier but my gosh not horrible. My husband asked if she liked the wall paint (mind you as he had just finished working on something else in her place) and she snipes back "not what I would have chosen!" So for the last two weeks I have had to hear jabs about "oh hopefully you are not doing that same shitty white color in your house; walls look like hospital walls." Then today we went out to visit the house (mind you I have limited her visits for this very reason) and she is walking around her place stewing about the color. Meanwhile, we have placed beautiful flooring down and installed all new LG appliances. Her expectations are way out of line. She wants to have the same finishes and same design as our home. And, sorry that is not in the cards. Enmeshment decorating is not a trend I want to embrace. So, today, she starts in with, "Do you think I am dirty person? Is that why you chose that wall color and finish?" Her typical histrionic behavior in full play. I have tried to shield my husband from her vitriol. But my youngest son, who has been helping to paint, got wind her of comments and told my husband. My husbands response to her nonsense is "she is more than welcome to pick up a paint brush and repaint it." Long story short, we are not going to repaint it! To those who said this was a horrible idea, you are most correct. To those who said her behaviors would level up, you were spot on. She is likely just getting started. To those who are considering moving your parent into your home or adjoining your home, don't do it. Just don't.
Please read any of the boundary books by Townsend and Cloud. Since you are committed to keeping your mom with you, you and your hubby need a game plan for dealing with her many difficult behaviors.

I would also advise asking her medical doctor for a referral to a geriatric psychiatrist. Your mother sounds like she has mental health issues as well as the behavior problems that need evaluation and treatment - which may include medications.
Helpful Answer (4)

AgingCarer007: Do not engage in the acrimony of your mother. You have been very generous.
Helpful Answer (4)

You and your husband certainly are far more accommodating than many others. It is good that you realize the root of your mother's behaviors and discontent and need to control stem from her childhood and other life events that have left her with much unresolved grief and unhealthy ways of coping.
Try to get as much self care time away from the toxicity that this brings into your home. You are surely doing far more than others ,vso do not allow her guilt trips to side track you. Be sure that you have all POA documents in place so that if ever needed you can make decisions for her ( such as facility placement) should need arise.
If you practice a faith and / or she does arrange for regular pastoral visits for her. If not, engage a local chaplain to provide spiritual support with her that may help her begin to address her emotional needs. Speak with her PCP,About these dynamics ,vsee if PCP will referca social worker or other in home support system for her.
And if she is cognitively A/ O, capable of understanding, you and your husband can try having a conversation with her as you prepare for the move into her new living space, to set some boundaries with her, expectations and, compliance needs in order for the living arrangements to work. And, for you and your husband to have a quality of life while you are trying your best to accommodate her.
Perhaps getting some 1:1 support for yourself may be healthy especially if she resists getting help. Having some other professionals aware of the situation and providing objective professional support such as a social worker or chaplain and her PCP, will at least allow you to not feel held hostage to her behaviors and she will also be aware that other professionals are a part of this dynamic ; sometimes out of people's own shame, pain,grief ,trauma, they try to drown one other person, usually the one helping the most, the primary caregiver ( you) rather than getting help. You may need to call in the lifeguards ,other professionals, to help save you, as well as her.
Helpful Answer (7)

You are such a generous person to have done this for your mother. Your mother won the lottery frankly.

I truly hope you can set the tone early on for how this living arrangement will be. She needs to learn how not to be a third wheel and live her own life independent of you and your husband. You are not her cruise director.

if it doesn’t work out, she will just have to live elsewhere. Your house, your rules.

I wish you all the best. Good luck.
Helpful Answer (3)

I deal with this with my father. He often finds the negative side of everything. If I'm happy about something, he will often say something to that will make me feel unhappy. I'm glad that you have a supportive husband. I'm also an only child, divorced with no one to step in help me with him. But I have learned to do what I can and that is best I can do. You are an amazing daughter! Your mother is living with you and now you and your husband have provided her with her own space. My father still lives alone for now but I brought up the subject of in home help. I do not think he wants this but I can not move in with him due to a negative childhood. Be proud of what you are doing for your mother and just try to ignore her comments. Blessings to you!
Helpful Answer (5)
BurntCaregiver Jul 8, 2023

Your father like so many seniors does not want outside helping coming in.

Please tell him what I have told countless elders that were obstinant about the help.

'Nothing gets a senior a one-way ticket to a nursing home faster than being stubborn'. ~BC
Your mother and my mother sound like they could be the same person.

I used to run myself ragged for my mother because I was always trying to please her to get her approval which I was never going to get.
Until I stopped playing her games and putting up with it.

In the early days when I was dating my second husband, he brought me to meet his family. I met his grandfather who was a holocaust survivor that lost his whole family in the war. That's trauma. This man had a zest for life. He never complained, he never took his pain out on his family and he was a wise man indeed. My husband (his grandson) was a widower at 30 years old and with a two year old child. That's trauma. He never took his grief and misery out on his family or anyone else. People have trauma in their life. They do not have to behave abusively to their families to cope with it.

So I'm going to give you a good piece of advice and tell you to handle your toxic mother the same way I learned to handle mine.
Sit her down and plainly tell her the following:

I am done playing your nonsense games. If you are going to behave like a spoiled senior brat, our relationship will be at an end.
If you cannot control your histrionics and must make a catastrophy over anything, then you will be going to a nursing home or assisted living facility because clearly you cannot cope with independent living that is not structured and supervised.
Also, my husband and I will go anywhere we damn well please and there will be no snide commentary or instigating from you.
If you cannot learn to behave with basic human respect towards me, you and I will no longer have a relationship.
This means that neither I nor my husband will speak to you, or help you in any way. We will not take your calls or do anything for you.
Your choice.

Then set some boundaries and stick to them.

When my mother is trying to instigate a reaction from me, it is met with zero attention. I ignore her so completely that it's like she's not even there. I've learned this skill over a 25 year career as a caregiver to the elderly. When you act up, you get ignored.
My mother was a big complainer about meals. One day she started complaining about the food (which she liked). So I picked up her plate and threw it in the garbage and she got nothing else.
Meals then stopped being a source of complaint to her.

You set those boundaries and you stick to them. When you stop playing her games, she will stop trying to get you to.
Helpful Answer (12)

Wow, your posts sure are helpful to me and likely a lot of us here! I feel better having to take a breather from my Mother who is sucking the life out of me!! Nothing is ever enough! Her refusal for spending time with anyone but me. Keeping mum if my husband and I go out for dinner. I deal with depression for years. When I come home from being with her and I don't want to be in this life...I know it's time to keep away for a bit.
Much thanks for this group, Lyn❣️
Helpful Answer (5)

Aging Carer 007,

Ouch. I'm so sorry. You have gone above and beyond. I think it's time to tell her that she is ruining your relationship. I have pretty much lost any relationship I had with my mom and she does not live with me. My heart goes out to you. For your sanity (and your husbands) tell her how you feel. I heard someone say the other day, "you do not owe anyone else your life." That is true in every respect. She needs to understand that. You need to get your life back. The truth can be hard to hear but giving your life to your parent because they will not respect boundaries is not the answer. I know it is hard but try to stand up for yourself. I hope your husband supports you (in terms of giving you positive feedback for all that you have done) and that you have friends to turn to. It's a hard road to travel but think about the alternatives. Do you want to spend the next 10 years resentful? This is your life, take it back.

Sending good thoughts your way. I do not in any way think this is easy.
Helpful Answer (7)

You gotta get some boundaries going!

You likely won't be able to impose them on her, but you MUST impose them on yourself to know when to say "enough".

My mom and I (an only child) were estranged for 15 years before we re-established contact about four years ago. She is a full-on narcissist and every time we were around each other, she did a number on my head. When I saw myself responding to my own daughter as my mother had responded to me as a child, I knew it was time to cut contact before the cycle started again. I've done a lot of foolish things in my life, but that was perhaps the wisest thing I have ever done.

Those fifteen years were years of positive growth with lots of self-reflection and healing for me, so when she contacted me, I felt ready to try having a relationship with her again. I remember telling myself - out loud - I don't have to stay if it starts taking a toll. As we waded back into the water together, I could tell she had not changed one iota and I (with the help of my wonderful husband) made a game plan for dealing with her. 1) no way could she live with us. 2) have care in place so that I could step away temporarily if she became abusive to the point of affecting me mentally, 3) don't let my guard down - ever. 4) as last resort, it would be okay to separate myself from her. This last one would prove to be most difficult because I am her MPOA as well as her DPOA, but it can be done if absolutely necessary.

We MUST take care of ourselves FIRST if we are to take care of a parent. It's like having a child again, especially if there is dementia involved. If you are not fit physically and mentally, you don't have the reserves to pour into their care.

Mom lives in Memory Care these days, but until 8 months ago, she was in AL. When she was no longer able to be home alone, she wanted to move in with us, but I told her no. Thankfully, we live in a two-room cabin in the boonies, so she could see for herself that that was not going to work. Instead she happily packed her stuff up and moved to an AL in my town. What I didn't realize was that she expected that meant we could be besties and spend all our time together. She thought I should get off work and come straight to her place and stay til bed time, and then spend all weekend every weekend with her and I should take her with us on trips (even though she started asking "how much longer?"after a half hour in the road) and she should get to go with me to various groups I am involved with (even to the point of wanting me to quit them because she didn't like them). Lots of friendly ladies in AL, but she wanted no part of them, or of the men, or of the activities - she wanted my undivided attention. I shut that down pretty quickly and tried to get her involved with a senior group at church and a couple of groups in our town, but she hated them all. I felt real badly for her loneliness, but she made the choice not to make friends. I've come to realize that what I had always perceived as her ability to make friends was hinged on her being able to take control and dictate the who, what, when and where.

I've had to step out several times for a couple of weeks at a time to get perspective and to take a stand against being verbally abused, not that it changes her but it reminds me that I am not seeking her approval to be happy and that I don't identify as an abusee.

Even now in MC, she works to manipulate me to be her defender, provider, confidante, and problem solver. I KNOW she's in a good facility, so I'm not going to step in and make demands based on her feeling she isn't treated like the royalty she envisions herself to be. If I see a problem, I will (and have) handle it, but getting served sweet tea instead of unsweet does not call for the militia.

So anyway - yeah - boundaries. It helped me to envision situations in advance and imagine a positive response to them and build my boundaries based on those forethoughts.
Helpful Answer (10)

Lots of great responses here.
Calling out her bad behavior might just make it worse. But, as someone else wrote, you DO have all the power. It might be good to remind yourself and her of that pointing out you and hubby have a right to a happy life.

It’s incredibly stressful to be with a parent who is always negative, judgy and childish. I learned a few mantras that helped me with my mom when she was still alive. Your mom will always know how to push your buttons because she installed them!

Here are the mantras that helped me:

Least said, soonest mended.

Just let the bait swim by.

You do not have to attend every fight you’re invited to.

What other people think of me is none of my business.

Your mom seems selfish and ungrateful and scared. One of the hallmarks of fear is trying to control people, places and things.

You are very empathetic to her childhood and the issues and emotions it created for her. BUT, that was THEN and this is NOW. She is solely responsible for her own attitudes and behavior. And you do NOT have to put up with it. If she sulks, let her. If she goes silent, let her be.
It need not have anything to do with you.

Having her move into an inlaw apt won’t change her behavior unless you lay down clear boundaries and then enforce them.
Remaining neutral to her button pushing will make it stop. I learned to say to my mom, “I’m sorry you feel that way.” and change the subject.
If she was baiting me with gossip about other family, I would say, “ I really don’t have an opinion about that.” OR “I don’t feel that’s any of my business.” and change the subject. If you change your behavior, hers will too. But initially, she may escalate her obnoxious behaviors still trying to get a response. Do not take the bait.

Finally, I will give you an example from my work life. Years ago, I had a co-worker who just drove me crazy. One day for some reason, I thought to myself, if she was a dog, what kind would she be? I immediately pictured a chihuahua—all yappy and nervous. From then on, I had compassion for her and a sense of humor about our interactions.

I hope something I have written here helps you.
Take care of YOU first.
Good luck.
Helpful Answer (7)

I first signed on here asking about long term strategies for aging in place for my Mom. It is so complicated. Physical alterations to her home, constant neediness, vicious and vituperative attacks, all the way to threatening eviction in her extreme mental breaks. I thought she was crazy...I know she is demanding.
So, realizing the density of this issue I simply asked her DR for advice in her presence. She said Mom is covering for cognitive decline by acting either outraged, sad, manic, etc etc,,, I've processed this for almost 5 years now.
I think your relative is a royal @$$ for taking the low road. She doesn't have any sense.
She sounds like she may be "covering" up her own mental deficiencies by acting the fool.
Also, man a tiny bit of appreciation goes a long way.
Thank You for taking such good care of your elder.
You deserve a medal
OH, and also,
try to treat her as you would want to be treated if you lost your mind. Even though rolling your eyes may be appropriate, resist the urge to somehow fire back at her when she picks troublemaking
Helpful Answer (0)
BurntCaregiver Jul 8, 2023

No one has to tolerate or live with abuse. It does not matter if the abuse is coming from a perfectly rational person or someone who is mentally ill, or someone who has dementia.

If a person's 'cognitive decline' means that others will have to live in abusive situations then that person belongs in a managed care facilty being cared for by professionals.
No one has to have their lives wrecked in order to keep a demented elder "at home".

One of the members of this forum had a very wise bit of advice. They said:

'Don't light yourself on fire to keep someone else warm'.

Amen to that because no truer words were ever spoken.
My mom and my grandmother (Dad's mom) had similar childhoods to the one you described. The difference was how they grew and learned from them. My mother taught me to be always able to take care of myself and not to rely too much on others. This sure came in handy when the first husband walked out. Everyone loved my mother and wanted to be around her. Now my grandmothers sounds a lot like your mom. Everything had to be about her and if it wasn't she sulked. No one wanted to be around her because she was just so negative.

I think it is time you point out to your mother just how much she does have with living with you and if she is unhappy or thinks you are falling short of her expectations she is free to find other accommodations. She behaves like this because she knows she can get away with it. Everyone allowed my grandmother's behavior because they were afraid of making her mad. So she gets mad? What can she do to you? You have all the power here.
Helpful Answer (2)

Ignore and go about your business. Just shake your head and say uh huh, really? Oh wow that’s too bad. You can’t change others you can only change your reaction to them. Separating your walls is a great first step. Never ever feel guilty about about doing fun things with your husband. Think about it this way. Am I a bad person because I want to enjoy time with my husband? Of course not and follow the advice you would give your best friend if she came to you with this problem. You can do this!!!!
Helpful Answer (6)

My 75 y.o. Mother has many similar issues and behaviors. When she showed back up after a mutual 10 year estrangement, needing help, I adopted the “grey rock” strategy. I think this was mentioned here? I treat her calmly, and politely but detached. As if she’s my obnoxious nutty “patient.” I have a healthcare background, so this was my natural go-to. Her friend tells me she’s a bit puzzled by my indifference. That’s good in my opinion. She doesn’t know the depths to which she really stresses me.
Im sorry you have to live with your mother. That would be intolerable. Hopefully her own space will put some distance between you and her problems.
Sadly, I’m sure you know nothing will probably fully satisfy her
Helpful Answer (4)

Seems to me that you're doing the best possible to cope with your mother's irreparable unhappiness. There will never been enough to make her happy because happiness comes from within - as you have acknowledged.

You've got the tough job of not getting drawn into it and giving her the satisfaction of you reacting. That's where I fall short so many times with my own mother.

Your mother is blessed to have you.
Helpful Answer (7)

Oh my! I’m so sorry for you. My mother, age 91, is the same and has been my whole life. I’m an only child and dad died 8 years ago which just ramped up her narcissistic behaviors. She had a challenging childhood but like yours, she holds onto misery and refuses to see or acknowledge her blessings. Luckily, she does not live with us. She lives in her own home two blocks away and refuses assisted living or any outside help which is frustrating. At 75, your mom can be enjoying life and getting out despite her health issues. There are seniors buses to take her places I'm sure. if she refuses to go, then it’s on her. Don’t play into it.

Because of my moms behaviors, I limit my contact though we do all bills, shopping, etc for her. In your new home, establish boundaries. Even though she is right next door, have her cook her own meals, don’t allow free access to your home, and go out and enjoy life with your husband. She will cry and complain and manipulate but you need to stay strong. It takes time for you to be consistent and she will rail against it but you must stay strong.
Please take care of you and your mental health. I understand totally. It is a challenge but you can’t be swept up in her life story. She’s an adult woman who is choosing to hold on and make you feel sorry and somehow responsible. Take a stance. Stay strong. Your husband and you are stronger as a unit than she is. Blessings.
Helpful Answer (4)

I’ve got this going on too, except for your mother’s trauma is deeper and I’m single, we live together also. My mother has memory loss dementia so she’s constantly saying she wants to go home.

I’m trying! I just came on a weekend trip, and she made me feel guilty. She forgot the fact that she was here six months ago where I’m visiting, of course. I’m getting chest pains from the stress, so I’ve got to decided to either let her suffer in her own misery because it’s not my fault or have her take me down. She’s a miserable person if she never fully emotionally matured I think it’s a bit too late now the best thing we can do is go out and enjoy life together a few minutes at a time and forget the rest.

My mom also likes to get a reaction out of me and says some bizarre things and is also the victim. It’s a little bit too late to convert her to a grateful and happy person, so I’m just gonna give up the job. I’ve often thought about pulling her out of our place and taking her to a senior facility. But I know I would be the one to be driving back and forth from the place like I already did when she still had memory, so forget that I think I’m just gonna get her some care full-time and go rent myself an office to work, sleep rest and take my dog. I’m still trying to figure it out too but she’s not going to take me down with her when I’m a lot younger and happier it’s not my fault. She chose to stay miserable and not get counseling for her emotional deficiencies. In fact, living with her now, she treats me the same as she used to treat my father constantly fighting, and then turning to another question to fight about, that’s her method, constant.

there’s no fixing this one girlfriend just go on make the best of it and learn to ignore it I think. She’s there because she needs you, but in reality, you don’t need her BS.
Helpful Answer (4)
Nicolo06 Jul 8, 2023
Glad you are being strong and refusing to be controlled by her issues. Good job!
No suggestions from me as I'm dealing with an unhappy mom, also. However, I wanted you to know that I appreciate your reference to happiness as being an inside job. Soooo true!!
Helpful Answer (6)

Do not allow such a person to live with you. She’s still fairly young. She needs to find somewhere else to live. She won’t change. Either out she goes or you get to deal with this for possibly another 20 years.
Helpful Answer (6)

You won't change anyone's attitude toward life, and I am thinking your mom proves that! But I can't help asking why you have chosen to take her into your own home? Even to allowing her to remodel. Of course she doesn't like it! She doesn't like anything!

You are wise to know that your mom has limitations.

But you are very mistaken to think they caused her physical problems. I have had a blessed and happy, happy life starting out with the best parents in the world, a great career as an RN, wonderful daughter and great partner. I never had a bump in the road that didn't have something to teach me, including breast cancer 38 years ago. But, I'm 81, and I can promise you, happy or not, our genes will out. We will get stuff, no matter how contented we are. And while our unhappy nature may make it more difficult to deal with, it didn't cause it. To suggest it did further victimizes someone already a victim.

If I could offer any advice that might help I would encourage you to stop expecting your mom to change. A lot of her attitude is simply habit.

Get on with your own life, create your joy. You CHOSE to take your Mom in, but you aren't joined to her hip.
For me--I garden, read, walk, sew kimonos, go on trips, go to museums, listen to podcasts, watch a bit of TV, visit the kids and grandkids. Others have lots of friends or make community out of houses of faith. Find what brings you joy and don't overthink the joy others are creating (or not) in their own lives.

I sure wish you the very best.
Helpful Answer (13)
Sadkid22 Jul 8, 2023
I love your feedback. You are very wise and yet humble. I think this website is great because of people like you. I'm not religious but God bless you AlvaDeer.
I did not want to say this in my last response. es Mom get anything in the way of SS from her 5 spouses. I ask because I had a woman from work who needed to retire but the SS she would have received she could not live on. As we talked I found out she was a Widow and had been married 20 yrs to him. An ex she had been married to for over 10 yrs. Because she had been single so long she did not even mention this to SS. I told her to go back and tell SS what we discussed. She ended up getting more money based on which husband had more earnings so she was able to retire.

If Mom was married to any of her 5 husbands 10years or longer she could get more SS based on their earnings. Also, there is an income supplimental, SSI, she may qualify for.
Helpful Answer (2)
Oedgar23 Jul 8, 2023
My mother just did this. I found out she had been living in poverty on Social Security only in the 10 years we had been estranged. She was married to my father for 10 years, divorcing in 1976. My father died in January 2022. She was able to file for Social Security based on his earnings, and got a $400 a month raise, plus about six months worth of back payment. it is helping a lot. My father would be resentful that she is being assisted in someway from his work history, but I think he would be happy that her increased income helps me deal with her since I am stuck with it now.
I would have told Mom a long time ago "this is not working we need to find you another place to live"

At 73 I have found that people are unhappy because of expectations they have of others. When the others do not meet those expectations, then they get angry. I had a friend like this. Not saying Mom did not go thru alot in her childhood. Her marriages were bad choices on her part and thats her fault. I think its a personality thing. My grandmom died when Mom was 9. The closest in age to her was a sister 9 yrs her senior who now had to fend for herself. So Mom was shipped off to a step relative. Mom, the baby of the family was now living with a strict religious woman who had 2 children of her own and of course favored her daughter. My Mom married at 18, I think to get away. That marriage did not work out and she married my Dad and was married to him for 55 yrs. She was a nice happy woman. Always smiling.

You are doing good by ignoring and not reacting. Like you said, you do not want to feed into it. Make sure boundries are set when she moves in to ur new home. Like, she just doesn't walk into ur part of the house when she wants. But what I might do is sit her down, sit right across from her and look her in the eye and say "No more complaining. We did not have to move you in with us or build a house with a MIL suite for you. On what u bring in, u could have moved into a HUD subsidized apt. But instead, you lucked out you have a daughter who allowed you to live with her. A daughter who now kind of regrets it because all you do is complain and sulk when things don't go ur way. Its getting old Mom. I have given u a place of your own. Its up to you to be happy in it. I refuse to give up my life for you. You need to find your own life. If you continue to complain and sulk when u don't get ur way, you may need to find somewhere else to live. We can always rent out your space. So, think about it Mom, do you want to live near a daughter who loves and appreciates you, or do you want to push me away and spend the rest of your life completely alone. Your choice."
Helpful Answer (15)
Way2tired Jun 28, 2023
i like this 10x .
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You are one brave lady, there is no way that I could live with my mother. This living together with a parent never interested me as I knew it wouldn't work.

I fear that moving her will not make anything better.

Why not consider her moving to AL where she can be with people her own age? Make friends and enjoy activities?

You appear to be heading into the "Burnout" stage in dealing with her. not good.

My mother is 98, now lives in AL, she likes it, your mother is a year younger than me she could live another 20 years, I hope that you are up for the ongoing challenges.

Therapy for you is the only coping strategy I can recommend, might help you to set boundaries and deal with the stress which will never go away as long as you two live on top of each other.

Sending support your way!
Helpful Answer (7)

I hope your Mom can settle in & enjoy her own space once it is finished. Then you can all relax.

Having secure housing, your own space, the way you want is a true luxury & something to be grateful for.

She is very very lucky to have such family to provide this.

Maybe she will flower into an optimist & thank you with massive squeals like on tv property makeover shows... Or mabe not. Maybe like Mammy in Gone with the Wind, just a little subtle smile that says a lot (& a swish of that new petticoat).

Thank yourselves!!

Tell Mom, ENJOY it or MOVE, your choice! (Hey, if she does move you have a ready made rental for extra $).
Helpful Answer (1)

Great thoughts and suggestions, Again, very helpful. So sorry AgingCarer007 that you are having to deal with her passive aggressive behaviors, especially in your own home.
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Wow, your mom is quite the miserable one! I'm shocked that you built her a MIL apt on your new home. Much too nice of you. I think it will help a bit to be under your own roofs but does she need help? Will you have to go over there and assist or is she independent? If she needs help, does she have any money to hire helpers? Does she understand that she is supposed to stay in her apartment and not be coming over to your side all the time?

I would take her to the senior center. Go with her a few times and maybe she'll like it. I wanted to do that with my mom, but the center is a 30 minute drive from our house and it would have taken up too much of my time to get her back and forth cuz her driving days were ending back then.

I think you are doing a great job of ignoring and not feeding into her B.S. I'm glad you know it is NOT your job to make her happy. My mom lived with us for 7 years and is now in AL. As her dementia started, we went through periods of being mad at each other and her stomping to her room. Thankfully that stage did not last very long.

Boy are you ever right that familiarity breeds contempt! My mom is a nice person and was a good mom but after a few years of living here with her dementia progressing, I could barely stand to talk to her. I was always waiting for hubby to get home so he could carry the conversation cuz I was tapped out in that department.

Best of luck!
Helpful Answer (5)

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