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When you ask yourself "when is it time" it is time. You are recognizing your limitations. And that is ok.
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DW has FTD with Aphasia and is still living at home with me. I only plan to commit her when it gets to the point that I can no longer care for her.
Plus I get no compensation for my time. Only reimbursements for her expenses. And all of this was my decision and I told the court I have supported her for fifty years now and I intend to continue for as long as I can, whether it be physically or
I help her with everything except feeding her. That does include washing her bottom after a BM.
All of her SS income is put into her accounts and none of our funds are mixed.

When to place your LO is a decision that you will have decide on. I would set my personal limits and consult with her PCP on guide lines and recommendations.
But what ever you decide, you should start learning about placement now.
I wish you the best.
Helpful Answer (2)
Masonnic Nov 2018
Thank you for taking the time to respond
Hi Masoninc
I don’t have personal experience with your situation. But I wanted to say that regardless of what others have experienced with this form of dementia (and I can understand your wanting to connect with others who have dealt with this disorder) I think each person must decide on their own very personal experience and abilities.
First of all your husband’s doctor should weigh in. Your husband’s extended family may have an opinion but Masonic, how are YOU doing?
What do YOU need to happen? All the opinions don’t really matter if you are at the end of your ability to continue caring for your husband at home.
Sometimes I think the addition of any layer of help can make a huge difference and that people wear themselves out trying to do EVERYTHING and go from that to ALF or memory care.
Why not try adding a housekeeper? Hire a sitter or companion? Have a couple of weeks of respite? I don’t know your circumstance but there are many options. Not just two.
This may not be of help. I’m sorry if not. I hope someone with the experience you requested sees your message.
Helpful Answer (4)
Masonnic Nov 2018
Thank you for taking the time to respond..
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