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Anonymous321 Asked February 2023

New elderly neighbors shouldn’t be living alone. They can’t take care of each other and now one of them is accusing me of harassment. What are my options?

This family claims they bought a townhome next door because the father is dying and it will be a place for their mother to live after he’s gone. Sort of a downsizing; however, over a brief amount of time it has become apparent that she has something going on mentally. I’ve heard them arguing through the walls and on the back patio that now that she can’t take care of him. They think she’s had three strokes since moving in. Didn’t see that coming I’m sure, but now they really need help. They do not want to put them in a facility because they’ll be separated. There is at least one family member less than five minutes away so he claims. They come and go with each catastrophe that happens but don’t stay or move in. Now the neighbor with mental issues is claiming that I’m harassing her when in fact it’s the other way around. I hear her yelling at the family members all the time through the walls. I get yelled at when she’s on her back patio and I’m trying to enjoy my patio, I get yelled at in the front yard because when I’m taking photos of some yardwork I’ve done to send to my mom who wanted to see them she claims I was photographing her property. She went to the police and convinced them I was and I got a visit from a sheriffs detective saying not to go over there which I dont except for a few prior times like taking the mail that ended up in my mailbox for them and when I heard her husband through the wall crying out for her at least a half a dozen times. I went over to let her know he was yelling for her. She slammed the door in my face. I won’t be going over there at all because now this cluster is affecting my life dramatically. The visit from the officer was a wake up call that they don’t appreciate nor care about my peace of mind. Please don’t suggest talking to the son and daughter. They know exactly what’s going on. They’ve never been nice to me at all. The son butchered my shrubs along the driveway the day before I had someone coming to cut them back and give them more room in their driveway (the mother knew, but now says she didn’t have that conversation). I volunteered to walk their dog for free after their daughter asked me if I could help and she never followed throug. Basically, my assessment of the situation not being a professional is that someone needs to be living with them 24/7 or they need to be in a facility. They are driving me nuts and now I realize having a conversation with the mother and the daughter and a son is pointless. They know what’s truly going on and are pointing their fingers at me? Help :(

Grandma1954 Feb 2023
When you hear them call the police for the disturbance.
If their mail is put in your box write on it "delivered to wrong address" and place it back in your box. The post office will deliver it to the correct address next time. DO not place anything in their mail box or go onto their property.
If you have an HOA bring some of your concerns about noise to the attention of the HOA, if it is a violation they will notify the residents.
Do not walk their dog for free of for payment.
I guess bottom line is back off...have as little to do with them as possible.
If you truly think they are in danger, if there are VALID reasons that can be proven that they can not safely live alone contact APS but do not make that call if the concerns are not valid. If you make calls for no reason when there is a real concern they may not take the call seriously.
sp19690 Feb 2023
Great advice on all fronts grandma.
LavenderBears Feb 2023
Agreeing with the other posters. None of this is your drama. Ignore them. No contact. If you feel there is a life threatening emergency, dial 911.
Go about your life as if they do not exist.
This is not your drama, It's theirs! Don't make it yours! Do not contact the family. Do not help them. No contact. Ignore.

I know it's hard, but you need to protect yourself and that's the only way you can do it, other than moving. And, more than likely - if this escalates - you will be the one who winds up moving.

Edited to add: I am speaking from my 10 years experience as a 911 Dispatcher.
Anonymous321 Feb 2023
Just to clarify, the daughter came to me and asked me to help with the dog in December. I agreed to help. She never followed through? When I told the detective that the other day, his response was “now why would they ask you and then not follow through?” Clearly, he didn’t believe me. The other issue is that the woman is always yelling to/at me outside…


sp19690 Feb 2023
Just stay away from them and don't offer or help in anyway. The only exception is calling the police if needed or APS or the humane society as things get worse and if they or the dog is in danger or being neglected.

AlvaDeer Feb 2023
No contact is the only way. If you need to call the police for altercations and yelling then do so. Ask for a wellness check on the elderly couple next door who seem in distress. You will only be able to do this a few times so choose them with great care. You may want to ask to APS wellness check and basically tell them what you have learned--what you told us. Leave it to them to contact family.
If you can stay COMPLETELY out of it that is then what I would do. Make recordings, though and keep a diary. Push may come to shove. This is likely a self-correcting thing in that the family IS nearby, likely IS frantic about what can be done about this, and likely IS upset.
Are other neighbors affected? This isn't a condo, with a condo association I am assuming? Sorry, other than a violent couple with guns moving in this is next up for just what you don't want next door, and it's likely to only get worse. Wish I had better news.
Anonymous321 Feb 2023
Just to clarify, the daughter came to me and asked me to help with the dog in December. I agreed to help. She never followed through? When I told the detective that the other day, his response was “now why would they ask you and then not follow through?” Clearly, he didn’t believe me. The other issue is that the woman is always yelling to/at me outside… This is a townhome community with an HOA; however, the owners on the other side are not full time.
Fawnby Feb 2023
You need to go no contact with these folks. Let it play out however it plays out, but without your input. Avoid being outside when anyone from that family is there too. Don't talk about them to other neighbors. Don't worry about the dog. Don't call their family. You've gone over and above to help them, but no one's happy including you.

It's always nice to be a good neighbor, but you've already assessed the situation and see where it's going. Jump out of the way and avoid the crash. It's coming.

NYDaughterInLaw Feb 2023
Install exterior cameras on your property both frontyard and backyard placed at an angle that shows you in relation to their property. If you ever need to prove that you were minding your own business, this is the way. There are plenty of low-cost security outdoor cameras that you can hook up to your internet and can monitor and control from your smartphone. Those cameras also record sound, which you have every right to do on your property. Cameras will give you peace-of-mind.

Check with your town police department to see if you need to register your cameras once installed. And you are under no obligation to inform your neighbors of these cameras.

When they yell at you, make a note of the date and time and after a few instances, call the police and report them for harassment. Hope that helps to get them moved out and into appropriate care settings.

As others have said, do not have contact with any of them. Should anyone ask you for help just say "No" and walk away. And note the date and time they contacted you.
Anonymous321 Feb 2023
I have a Ring doorbell in the front. Ring motion camera/lights in the rear. The detective was not interested in seeing any of it? I’m trying to print off screen shots of them on my property… Is there a way to circumvent this one particular detective and find someone who’s mind is not made up?
Scampie1 Feb 2023
This is a new breed of elderly. I've never heard so many stories of disruptive old people causing issues. Years ago, elderly people would mind their business. I don't know what is going on, but it must be something in the water. I used to be very helpful to my elderly neighbors from years ago. Nowadays, with this newer generation of elderly, I don't want anything to do with these people. They keep a lot of crap going. The lying is what gets to me.

In your case, I wouldn't have anything else to do with them. They sound like neighbors from a horror movie.
Anonymous321 Feb 2023
It sure is… I used to love the elderly. In my case I’m not so sure it’s the age though because the rest of the family is just as ugly. I think it has more to do with where they’re raised and how they were raised and where they came from because I live in a community with a lot of elderly near the coastline and so many people have relocated here and want to change everything…except for the weather… to what it was like where they came from:(
BurntCaregiver Feb 2023
You've got yourself one bad situation. I've dealt with seniors and their families who pull the same thing as your neighbors for a long time.
Here's what you should start doing. Install a couple of cameras on the outside of your place. You're dealing with mentally incompetent elders living alone and their family members who from what you say are totally indifferent to it. So who knows what they might try to pull concerning you or your property? Get the cameras. The family members are not lying and conniving to keep their elderly LO's at home because they don't want to split them up. On the contrary, the most likely reason is because they don't want to see the new townhouse and any other potential inheritance go directly to a nursing home. Next, every time your neighbor so much as looks at you or makes the slightest comment, you call the police. It is beyond my understanding why the police believe what you describe as a person who clearly has dementia over a rational adult like yourself. You should still go and talk to the police and ask them to make a wellness check on them because there's an old woman with dementia trying to care for a demented elderly invalid who is dying and is not coping. Tell the police that either they contact Adult Protective Services (APS) or you will. Tell them that you fear retaliation from the family and do not know what your mentally ill neighbor with dementia is capable of, but that you will call APS anyway.
sp19690 Feb 2023
I don't think the police would be on the OPs side if she called them for talking to them or looking at them. I do agree that cameras are a good idea though.
AlvaDeer Mar 2023
I think that sendhelp may have nailed it. You wait for one of them to die and dial 911. Anon, lots of folks here with lots of advice here, and from your responses (thanks so much for all your responses by the way; so few bother to respond and sometimes we feel we are tapping away into the void) you have tried most of them, including contacting your homeowners assn. They vary so much in what they will and won't address, but at some point you may have an action against them if you keep a clear diary and some recordings that affect laws governing "inhabitability" of your unit.
You kind of have already tried, or feel it best not to try in the case of APS most ideas of ours including calls to APS (you can request being anonymous, but given your history with this family they will likely make the guess). So you are left with sendhelps advice I think.
I still suggest recordings (for all the use they are in court which is not much) and diaries of the disturbances.
Sure do wish you luck and hope you will update us in future.
Anonymous321 Mar 2023
What ideas have I shot down for now other than my reluctance to call APS? I feel like I’m already doing a lot of what was suggested and have been ignoring them since the detectives visit…
Sendhelp Mar 2023

So sorry Anonymous321, but you are not qualified to determine if your elderly neighbors shouldn't be living alone. Even if you know better. And, hope this does not offend you, but
the truth is it is not your business.

Obey the no trespassing order.
Go no contact.

At this point, the goal should be getting the vulnerable neighbors care, but by someone else, not you.

The goal is not to prove if you are telling the truth. Can you stay out of it?

Move on, enjoy your life.
Anonymous321 Mar 2023
Look. This is far from funny.  A neighbor two doors down has been harassing/stalking me for going on four years… She wants me to move, supposedly, on behalf of the community. At one point, she attacked me behind my home. I can’t have friends/family/contractors over…because she harassed them too. After 15 months my name was finally cleared in court by a jury trial. Unanimously not guilty in minutes. She has always/is using others in her attempts. I fear, now, that she is working with the poor old couple because they are vulnerable and right next door. On 12/19, she was behind our home speaking from afar to the elderly woman who is impaired about how they need to have a chat about me. Fast forward to now…. See my concerns? I was finally freed of the charge by jury on 11/15. Expunged 12/15. Removed 12/31. The HOA that I asked for help from for 2+ years, refused, and two answered her call that night she hurt me and helped convince the cops to charge me with simple assault? The investigator the other day claims that both the HOA and management company were contacted and their input used in warning me? Does this all sound like a coincidence to you guys? 🤷‍♀️🧐🤦‍♀️
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