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Bootzny Asked June 2016

My brother is taking all of my mom's pension and she is being neglected.

My mother lives independently in her own apartment in Mapleshade, NJ. My brother works on the complex and has an apartment around the corner from her and I would travel out every other weekend...when I would go out I would see small signs of my mother needing more supervision and help in the apartment, with her own care especially...taking medication and her hygiene, but both my mom and brother would make excuses. I have offered on many occasions for my mom to live with me, but she has always refused. Last year my brother and I became estranged due to my moms care and a separate issue involving my late father's estate. I am ashamed to admit that has caused me to not visit as I should brother would threaten me and it upsets my mother. Recently my sister in
law told me in secret that my mom needs more help....she is not taking her medication as she should, eating properly or bathing. My sister in law found her unable to stand up and she had soiled herself on the couch. My brother still finds it ok to leave her alone and unattended. My sister in law also just told me they plan to go camping and will be leaving her alone for 7 days. My mother receives a nice pension between social security and 1199, my brother spends all of it on himself. I don't know what to do....please advise.

JoAnn29 Jun 2016
Thank God I don't have sibling problems or Mom has money. Good or bad my brothers haave left it up to me. Primarily because they don't live here. Which is partof the OPs problem. She doesn't live near by. I agree, she needs to talk to her brother and ask where the money is going. I am surprised that the SIL is saying things behind his back. But I also know people that you can't deal with bcause their back goes up as soon as u ask a question. If her Mom ever needs Medicaid, these questions will be asked, what was the money used for. I can prove it with bank statements and receipts.

Northrose Jun 2016
I rarely read these sights too due to the accusations towards the care giver. As a caregiver myself that has been accused of kidnapping my dad (lol) I'm very empathic and could identify with the "underdog". For one stop jumping to conclusions. Your mother isn't dealing with a stranger. It's her son not a jiggalo (sp?) Ok she may need help take her meds. So take her to your house for one week or better yet stay with her during the week while your brother is out of town. Getting APS involved for what? Call it on yourself. That's a reflection of U too. You haven't even made any major attempt to help. All your doing is going to the house to case the home and criticize. Why is it that your mom meds aren't prepared with u and him as her kids. You see something needs to be done than it's also your job to do it. No one should have to tell u that. Don't gloat about it or comment on it..just fix it. Thats what your suppose to do. And then nicely let him know what u were able to do and he could pick up from there. If your mom doesn't want to live with you or move to ASL then it's her choice. That's your brother and he himself might be having a hard time making the decision for a higher level of care for his mom did u think of that? Try to get a mediator or a social worker involved so u both could fairly discuss what maybe the barrier towards mom getting care (which is probably emotions). However, I'm here to tell you as my grandmother being an 1199 member u will receive 0 support for HHA. You will be paying out of pocket costs that will eventually have your mom in a Nursing Home sooner. And if you have money for assisted living than more power to you. In NYC assisted living costs approximately $8-$10,000!per month. But let's not forget that your mom needs help with meds. ASL nickel and dimes every detail your parent needs assistance with. If your mom could tell you what she wants and if she's "choosing" not to take her meds guess what it's her right. It's also her right to refuse to go to ASL or live with u for now. My dad did. And when I decided a year later to get him to ASL the monthly costs increased about $3,000 more. Not to mention his incontinence made him no longer qualified. However he stayed a week here or there with me and on weekends. But only with me. He had an home attendant 7 days each week 4hours daily at $23 per hour and when he moved in with me it was 8-10 hours 7 days each week since I'm employed. Unfortunately, working middle class gets a bad wrap when it comes to elder care. My dad wanted to have access to his own money, do what he wants with his money and stay in his own house as long as he could. Because at the end of the day Medicaid/Medicare won't pay for 24 hour care. So your brother working in the apartment complex in which she lives is ideal. So my advice is your brother is not a monster I'm quite sure. I agree with baby girl. The law is TRULY intended for crooks that prey on the elderly to deceive with malicious intent. Really, your brother is causing harm to your mom. He may need to be re directed but I'm quite sure he wants the best for his mom. The people on this board is very litigious and apparent they assume the worse. r u going to tie up litigation without having a prior discussion with brother without inflammatory remarks or accusations. Because if so then this isn't really about your mom it's about revenge. Your mom doesn't want to live with u for now so move on. Now think about both of you sharing living accommodations for mom. Alternate responsibilities so she can remain home as long as permitted. I did it on my own and as a single mom was tiring. Dad provided cab fares but it was physically and emotionally draining. Half Siblings are not committed to anything but $. Don't go to court and waste time and money. They're other alternatives. I suggest you seek them. Taking care of an elder is no easy task. And tearing a relationship apart that has a chance to rebuild is not fair to your mother.


Babygirl17 Jun 2016
I'm sorry but this story is weird.The SI, brothers wife is giving u info...? I tend not to read these posts because it's all about "catching the crook". I can't understand how these issues suddenly arise when the patient is in mental incapacity? But when patient was mentally stable and made the choices of where they want to be its "they've been bamboozeled or tricked or don't want to hurt the care givers feelings."Honestly, I am having the same issues with my half siblings whose relationship is TOTALLY different from me and my father. My parents were married and they were a product of affairs. However, although my parents divorced in my late teens my dad had joint custody of me. I lived with him for years, payed my share of utilities and even lived in the same building. They never lived with my dad. Get over the fact that relationships differ. It's their Lies! They're opportunists and distorting truths results to the battle of who knows what mom/dad really wants? But the reality is someone or child is not settled with the choices that was made by that parent or not accepting that every child has a different relationship with their parent. That maybe including you. Now you want APS and everyone other legal system to fight your battles that u felt your mom should have done. This is some sort of an opportunity to hope your brother spent anything or something remotely on himself so you can take him to court and spend you or your mothers money/time on an issue that's probably more made up in your mind than anything else. So let me ask you.... is that what your mom would want..?Or is that what YOU want? To stick it to him.? Sad. Instead of people running to care for their parent and sharing caregiving opportunities in THEIR Home; they're running to the bank scheming and concocting on taking their sibling to court for "mismanaging funds". My siblings went as far as took receipts from my home and dads home. It's crazy what people do out of spite no matter how old. Sometimes we have a problem about not being in control and since the mom/dad cannot speak (opportunist) u find people come out with all kind of outlandish stories. If your parent didn't decide to have you as caregiver or to live with u during their ripe age y r u wasting time with this now? Then was the right time to address it. All these concerns are not about the parent but sly/ or jilted children that feels there appointed sibling is being helped more financially or emotionally. And if they in fact are...get over it. Instead of bashing, dissecting and incriminating someone that's trying their hardest to take care of your parent, try to develop your OWN relationship with your parent individually. And respect yours and others as it is. Stop comparing. Between my siblings and all my dads family members that financially benefited from my dad My dad verbalized that he didn't want to be around them. I never took them to court...for what ?! Why should I waste my time on users when I have only precious time with my dad. Trust me karma is something and I just have to pray on it. Now since I have made the choice to place him in NH family is upset and has set me up and accusing me of the despicable. I don't regret not taking them to court. However, despite their trickery I know the truth will prevail. But it's evident this is because they would no longer have access or benefit my dads money. Which I can prove. I have done the best that I've can and in no way would abuse my dad. There are people that do and we need to make a clear distinction of them. If your mom was being abused to the extent of which this law was TRULY intended for then I'm quite sure your mother would have figured it out a long time ago. But to drag your sibling to court for something that maybe a misunderstanding, exaggerated or approved by your mother despite the fact that U didn't like it( cuz the truth is u don't have to like it she's her and you r u) is about envy and jealousy. I have taken care of my dad for five years living across town as a single mother. It's disgusting and upsetting that now I have to deal with lying and self entitlement siblings regarding $ than just being with "My Dad". So my advice is get over it, get counseling for your mom/ sibling issues and learn to take responsibility of taking care of your mother. Because in the end you may think you have won but you really lost. You lost the opportunity to rebuild a family structure, you would strain the relationship with brother that might not c his mom in efforts not to b around u, your mom will ask for him and you wasted time and money. The only people that is winning in this case is the lawyers and facilities. But if you do have the opportunity to care for your mother in the extent that your brother has, trust me NO MONEY in the world could replace the serenity, independence, freedom and life that has been missed. And u will see. Your remorse and guilt will set in but will be to late. On this board u always hear about people complaining about their siblings and when most get their parent most of the work is already done. However, u never hear them returning to the board recognizing that they've underestimated caregiving . I have underestimated. It's not easy. Pick and chose your battles.

Dad_Was_Robbed Jun 2016
According to this page, Social Security is trying to retire paper checks, this page dates back to 2013

I think a good practice for those who won't switch to direct the posit is to temporarily hold payments and put that money into escrow accounts until the recipients switch to direct deposit. This should only be used as a last resort if recipients don't respond to aggressive personal correspondence because yes, checks can be lost in the mail or even stolen. For those who don't feel comfortable giving banking information, you can have a separate account just for the direct deposit to go into. That way, you need not worry about anyone grabbing anything you have in any other account. Social Security will only have the information you give them, and your direct deposit will only go to that account. Direct deposit is actually safer and more secure than paper checks. That way, you need not worry about anyone forging your signature her and cashing your check because it's already in your bank account when it's routed.

o0MichaeL0o Jun 2016
I don't see how the sister-in-law could go along with plans to go camping knowing what is happening with the mother. She may be aware of neglect and confide in you but what is she doing? Why is she allowing this to go on in her family? This is her husband. This is her husband's mother. She accepts this behavior and considers going on vacation leaving her alone for 7 days?

You can probably take this as far as gaining guardianship in court if you are willing to. It is going to take time, energy and money. You will not be able to gain those bank account records just by asking for them. In some states even Power of Attorney is not enough. Gear up for the challenge. Good luck.

Llamalover47 Jun 2016
Bootzny: Listen to 1RareFind. She's a good advisor! Sorry I misspelled your name on the last few posts, Bootzny.

Llamalover47 Jun 2016
Bootzy: The above info only if he cashed mom's SS check.

Llamalover47 Jun 2016
Geeks On Finance-What Is the Penalty for Forging & Cashing Someone Else's Social Security Check?
What Is the Penalty for Forging & Cashing Someone Else's Social Security Check?

What Is the Penalty for Forging & Cashing Someone Else's Social Security Check?. The Social Security Administration provides benefits to workers who reach retirement age or who can no longer work because of sickness or illness. The benefits are specific to a particular individual; it is against the law to forge and cash someone else's Social Security check. The penalties for fraud are severe.

Title II of the Social Security Act describes the types of benefits available to U.S. workers. According to a 2004 report from the U.S. Justice Department, the programs under Title II -- such as retirement benefits, survivor benefits and disability benefits -- have long been the subject of fraud. Fraud is a broad category that includes "forging or falsifying SSA documents" and "conspiring to obtain a false or fraudulent claim." A prosecutor must prove that the defendant acted with the intent to deceive or mislead, which is a slightly lesser standard than other fraud claims. For example, other federal criminal fraud statutes require the intent to defraud or deprive someone of something, as opposed to the simple intent to deceive.

Llamalover47 Jun 2016
Bootzy: Come back on here. Updates, please.

partsmom Jun 2016
If you can get her financial situation straightened out, she might be a good candidate for a board and care home rather than an institution.

Caregiver03 Jun 2016
Just as there is child protective service, there is also adult protective service. Her doctor should be contacted, and if you can, the people she rents from among all the other great replies you got. It is against the law for a caregiver to take her money. He is not "entitled" to it. None at all. Good luck. Go see her and call APS. She needs to be in a GOOD nursing home or assisted living. She doesnt know she has dementia. She thinks she is okay.

Llamalover47 Jun 2016
1Rarefind: Agreed!

Dad_Was_Robbed Jun 2016
I have an idea. Since your mom will be alone for a week, have you ever considered going over and caring for her for that week? Someone obviously needs to look at on her and even help her with her basic needs. You would hate to let her be alone for that week only for someone to find her dead. I would really hate to see this happen, which is why I thought perhaps you can at very least consider popping over more often, especially since she needs help. If you're not able to do it, perhaps there's another person who can, which would actually save her life. If she falls, who will pick her up if she's alone? Simple, no one will be there. You can only go without water a few days before you die, but you can go without food a little longer. Where soiling one's self is involved, that's going to be a different story if no one is there to clean her up. She could really get a nasty infection if she lays in her own soil too long, and you bet by the end of the week she'll most likely have some nasty infection, but she may also be very sick by the end of that week if she's lucky to still be alive as mentioned here. You really don't want to let her face the risk of having to take antibiotics, and it would be far better if someone went and looked in on her more often.

Another idea, have you thought of maybe bringing her home with you for a week? You can pass it off as kind of like a vacation, many people really like vacations to get away from everything. You can reward her with something if she agrees to come with you for a week. Just say you have something special planned for her and actually do it. I'm sure you're smart enough to think of something. Just let her know you're not making her live with you but if she stays with you for a week you'll reward her with something she really likes. That should get her thinking! If she has some kind of special hobbies or favorite treats, you can keep those things handy for her and to give her throughout that week. You can also treat her to a spa treatment, many women like spas. If you can't afford the spa, perhaps you can set up something special that's just like a spa at your house and treat her to it. Try to remember all of her favorite scents and colors. Once you get her home with you, she may not want to leave! Treating her very special could turn out to be something that could change her mind about staying at her own place. You can also fix her favorite meals with all of her favorite foods made with her favorite recipes. I'm sure there must be something she likes that you can offer her. If you treat her a little bit each day throughout the week, I'm sure she would probably dread going back to her house and become very fond of staying with you! These are just a few ideas to get you thinking, and I hope you can get everything straightened out for her and get her life back to normal.

cwillie Jun 2016
I'd like to offer a different do you know he is spending her money on himself? I would only involve APS if you have real evidence that this is taking place and if you are willing to sever the relationship with the rest of your family permanently. You seem to have a cordial relationship with your SIL, could you work for changes through her? She, after all, is most likely the person who is expected to keep an eye on your mom and perform any caregiving tasks, men are usually clueless about things like that and will delegate to their wives if they can. Could it be SIL telling you so you would be aware that mom's health is changing instead of the fearful complaint of neglect that you seem to believe it to be? Is you brother violent and controlling to such an extent? Unless your mom has a cognitive impairment or has been cowed into submission she still has the final say on where and how she wants to live, have you asked her about her long term plans?

Llamalover47 Jun 2016
Bootzny: THIS IS TOTALLY UNACCEPTABLE! Action must be taken now! #1 It is no doubt illegal for your brother to be spending mom's money on himself.Find out how he does this. Does he use her credit card or debit card without being a signer on the accounts? That's fraud if he is doing that!, #2 Who cashes mom's SS check?, #3 How in their demented minds do they think that they can leave mom alone so that can go on a camping trip? She's pooping herself now...what do they think will happen when they return? She will be lucky to be alive. Act now...Adult Protective Services...

meadows Jun 2016
Go to the Social Service Agency in your mother's area and report. They will investigate and come to a solution. Ask for custody of your mother and follow through.

Dad_Was_Robbed Jun 2016
I just had another thought. You mentioned she refused to live with you. I think she wants to maintain a level of autonomy, and I don't blame her. No one wants to lose their freedom, no one. What I was thinking when you get everything under control and going the way it should, you could try hiring in home healthcare. I'm not sure how much care your brother is giving her, but maybe he's burning out, which is why he said he's going camping for a week. Maybe he just needs to get away because of this. I don't know whether or not he's legally obligated to your mom, but if so, it may be time for the courts to give the duties to someone else. Sometimes people who have a lot of responsibility tend to get burned out, or maybe they just don't have the ability to even be a caregiver. Taking care of and elderly adults is a whole lot like taking care of kids, except the adults are full-grown. You must wonder, if he's neglecting his elderly mom, how do you know he's not neglecting his kids? Yes, if he has kids, he's most likely neglecting them, too. People who neglect others in their care generally won't stop at just the person they are neglecting, they'll also neglect others in their care. Neglect is a form of abuse and abusers don't stop at just one victim. Abusers are predators of opportunity, and abusers will take any given opportunity to make their move. Since you're elderly mom is being neglected, it's a good idea to look for other signs of abuse such as bruises and such. What you described about the money issue is also another sign. The money is you is exactly why it's such a good idea to investigate to see where the money really is going just to be sure he's the one spending her money. Someone must be paying to keep her in that apartment, keep the utilities on, and getting her food. Then again, what if this isn't the case and he's not even considering her needs, but maybe he sees her as a paycheck? There are many things to look at from your description. What you can do is print out this thread and take copies to the APS and the eldercare lawyer. There is so much to consider, and this really needs investigated because you really want to find out where the money is really going and how much money your brother has his own, and find out for sure if he really is spending her money or if he has money of his own. You really want to investigate him to learn more. What you really want to do is see just how many jobs he has and what he's making. If he's making enough to not even need her money, then he may not even be spending hers. However, if he's really not making much, that should be a sign right there. Maybe he really is spending her all of her money, but who is paying to keep her in that apartment, the utilities on, and food on the table and even her meds?

I'd be very interested to know just how long this money issue has been occurring so we could know just a little more. If we had just a little more information, that would tell me anyway some clue into what may really be going on.

My question is how long has this been occurring?

If this has been quite a while, someone is paying to keep her there and prevent eviction, utility cut off and somehow her food is being supplied. This is the case if this money issue has been occurring for a while.

If this is a new issue, then the money if you puts her at risk for eviction, utility cut off, not having enough food to survive, and not being able to get her meds if she pays anything out-of-pocket. Your description really does describe a serious threat to your mom's health, well-being, and even her very life if what I think is occurring really is occurring. If no one is covering her food, shelter, utilities, and meds, she is a very serious risk. This is why it would be very interesting to know just how long this is been occurring. No matter where you live, the risk is the same and the same basic action should be taken to stop the theft, get the money going where it really belongs, and make your mom's basic needs

JoAnn29 Jun 2016
Good thought. If he is taking her SS check that is a crime.

Zdarov Jun 2016
Hi - the key info is already here! But I'd like to comment that the mishandling of government checks is a specific federal crime, and can be investigated as such. After you make sure her care is fixed NOW. Good on the SIL for cluing you in. Good luck.

Llamalover47 Jun 2016
Your mother IS going to make excuses due to dementia, loss of independence, et al. But there is no excuse for your brother. Call APS.

Dad_Was_Robbed Jun 2016
One more thing you'll definitely want to review is your mom's competency because you don't know that she may actually be giving him that money and not paying her bills. Definitely get her competency tested to see where she is and whether or not she's really very capable of living independent any longer. Depending on her actual capabilities will determine whether or not she should actually be in a nursing home, and a nursing home will definitely get all of her money. This is only one thing I hate about nursing homes because they're too greedy and they overcharge, giving the resident hardly any money at all. Taking all of the resident's money gives them no chance to save up and get out should they rehabilitate to the point of being able to discharge.

Dad_Was_Robbed Jun 2016
Definitely get those bank records to see how many cash withdraws have been made, this is definitely going to be in your favor to help get all of her money back should you need to sue him for the money (with interest). Yes, your brother or anyone who steals federal funds can definitely get in very serious trouble since they're not entitled to it. I would keep hounding your brother for answers and I would definitely get pretty pushy if I were in your situation. When it comes to federal benefits belonging to a loved one, definitely clamp down hard on him about the money and don't let go. Don't back off, stay on his back if proof is revealed that he's definitely stealing the money. I would also go to the management and report him when you find out that he's stealing money (if this is the case). If you find out the rent's not being paid and if you also find out the utilities are also not being paid, this is where I would definitely go for the bank records of transactions.

What you're describing is exactly why I first of all recommend direct deposit. What you're describing is also why I highly recommend online auto bill pay. You set up each of the bills from your end and not let anyone have access to the bank account. Never ever ever let anyone come in after the money because people have been burned for allowing automatic withdraws. This is why I always tell people set it up from your end so you know what's going out.

What you can do now is start your mom a new bank account at another bank. What you can do is see if your mom will let you on the bank account with her. Call Social Security and give them the new bank account's routing and account numbers, and just have her check come to that new account. She should have a debit card for the new account, you'll definitely want to hang onto that card for her. That debit card is more than just an ATM card, you can actually use it as a credit card because it's already prepaid. We really don't want to make no purchases until all of the bills come out though, you want to make sure they mandatory bills such as the rent, utilities, and other absolute mandatory bills such as insurance and other related bills are paid first. Anything extra I can go into a separate checking account so you know what you have extra. I do all of this for myself, and it works very well for me. I've never default on any of my mandatory bills with the strategy I have, I know my bills will be paid first and foremost before anything else is covered. You may look into this strategy for your mom, I highly recommend automatic bill pay set up from your end. If you can get her finances straightened out once and for all, you'll definitely get the leech out of her bank account. It may also turn out that he may move on. If he's not getting any more money from her, he's most likely to feel disappointment to the point he may actually move away and maybe even quit his job with the rental place. You never know that he may not have actually taken advantage of the job to live near her and rob her blind. When you confront your brother, and this is only if it's proven stealing from her, tell him to get a real job and pay his own way instead of taking advantage of others by stealing from them.

If he's on federal benefits himself, you may want to alert Social Security and report him for fraud because if it's actually proven he's the one stealing the money, Social Security can take appropriate measures to recoup the money by cutting him off or cutting way back on what he's getting to make up for what he took from your mom. Somehow she should be refunded every dime with interest that he ever took from her. It would be nice that if Social Security cuts way back on him providing he's getting benefits himself, they can take the money they withhold from him and return it to her. If by chance he's not getting benefits and he just has that job, someone should be able to garnish his wages to recoup the money he stole from your mom. That's why what you need to do now is go to the person collecting the rent and report him. The first step though is to gather the actual paper trail of proof. If it turns out that he's stealing, they may not keep him around too long. I'm not sure what his duties are around there, but you can be sure that if he's stealing money from your mom, he may also be stealing from others for all you know. I would definitely bring this up to the management collecting the rent where they both live and report him since he is a worker and he's living near one of the other residents. I can tell you his boss will definitely want to speak to him. If they happen to be a reputable place, they'll most likely crack down on him themselves, Because they may actually fire him and even evict from his apartment so he won't have no more access to your mom or her money.

One more thing you'll definitely want to review is your mom's competency because you don't know that she may actually be giving him that money and not pa

Dad_Was_Robbed Jun 2016
Listen to what others have said here because you really do need help on this one. Others have suggested getting an elder care attorney, getting your mom into assisted living, and even calling the APS. The secret though is you never know when the APS is even coming, I experienced this with my foster dad and they showed up unannounced. Knowing this is why I'm not sure if you'll be able to be there when they show up at your mom's house. What I would do though is get copies of all of her bank records where all of the money is being withdrawn and by whom it's being withdrawn.

I have the same exact question someone else does:

If your brother is taking all of your mom's money, who's paying for her to stay in her apartment?

If your brother is taking all of your mom's money, then she would've been evicted for nonpayment, and her utilities would've been shut off. This is what would've become of your mom had there not been any money to pay for her residency and the use of the utilities.

Another question I have is if there's no money, who's feeding her?

Without money, she can't buy groceries (or other essentials), and food banks (at least around here anyway) require people to show proof of where all their money went. For instance, our associated charities requires people who come to them for food to show receipts of where all their money went.

Is your brother her representative payee?

If so, is he using your mom's money to pay for her apartment, utilities, groceries and other needs? Is it possible he's taking all of her (extra) money after bills? If so, it may be time for you or another trusted family member to step in and become her representative payee or even her guardian. What I would do is alert the bank if you suspect fraud, and see what you can do as a fellow family member. I don't know who's withdrawing the money, whether it be her giving it to him or if he's on her bank account. However, I would alert your state's Social Security and report the fraud if you suspect it. If you have an actual print out of proof from the bank of where her money is going, definitely tell Social Security when you make the report. Yes, if this brother is taking money especially from federal benefits that he's not entitled to, he needs to be reported since you now have all of the information about him. Another approach I would make is a police report to see if they would be able to help. Of course, if it turns out the also be a civil matter, you could also alert your state's civil rights department. The fraud really does need to stop because if he really is stealing the money, then he needs to be immediately stopped. It may turn out that when he's investigated, he may not be cut out to be a caregiver. You may want to see what he's doing with the money he's taking from her. You say he spends it all on himself, but do you know that for absolute sure? Are you there when he makes all of these transactions and can he show proof of receipts? This is something the APS and other possible investigators will most likely find out through an investigation. They are most likely going to ask him if he's on his mom's bank account. They're also going to want to know how the apartment and other necessities are being paid for to keep her there. They're also going to want to know how she's buying her groceries. If he's on the account they're going to want to know if he's the one withdrawing money from the bank account. If so, they'll definitely want to know what he's doing with her money, and whether or not he's using that money on her to keep her in her apartment and to keep her alive. They'll most likely want to see proof of receipt and they'll probably want to speak to management who receives the rent money. If the rent's not being paid for that apartment, management is most likely to evict her for nonpayment. Maybe you should speak to management yourself to see what the standing is on your mom's apartment rental and explain to management your suspicions that your brother is taking all of her money. Ask the management if the rent's being paid on your mom's apartment. Next, ask if the utilities are included in her rent. If not, you want to contact each of the utility companies and express your concerns for your mom renting an apartment. Just explain that you have an elderly mom living alone and you want to know if they're getting paid for the utilities to her apartment. You'll probably need personal information about her including her account numbers if she pays for utilities separately. They'll pull up her account and you may want to have her right there with you to consent to having you speak with them on her behalf. If it turns out the rent and utilities are not being paid, that should be a big red flag of the possibility that the brother may be stealing your mom's money. Definitely get those bank records to see how many cash withdraws have been made, this is definitely going to be in your favor to help get all of her money back shou

JoAnn29 Jun 2016
I agree, call adult services to investigate. Who is paying her bills to stay in her apartment? You need to be there when they evaluate your Mom.

JanetP Jun 2016
Adult protective services. They will go check on her and find out the situation for themselves. They can also investigate the funds and your brother.

Anne1017 Jun 2016
I hope that you do not need to reconcile with Mom....if your brother has had the ability to brainwash her then you might be in for a bigger struggle than you thought. If Mom and you are still talking then maybe you can open a new checking account and transfer her SS and pension checks into that account. If you can secure the least so you can give it to the bank and they can document that your brother is not allowed to be on the account. Call any service that can come and make a report on Moms current living environment. Can you obtain copies of her current bank account to observe the money trail? You need to move quickly and do much of this without your brother finding out...the fact that you feel he would threaten you...and maybe Mom certainly worth conveying to PS, an attorney or the police.

IKORWPA Jun 2016
In addition to an Elder Law attorney I would suggest you call your the love cal area on aging where she lives. They will come out and investigate. In their investigation they will figure it out real quick what is happening.

AudreyR Jun 2016
A lawyer can cost money since he is taking her money call adult protection its cost you nothing they will come and investigate and than you can go to the court and get control of her money this happens alot call them today they will make sure she is being taking care dont tell him they coming he better be careful he could end up in jail treating her like this so sorry call them today they will be there before the week is out

freqflyer Jun 2016
Find an Elder Law Attorney, tell him/her what you wrote here. It sounds like your Mom needs a higher level of care, such as Assisted Living, or Independent Living with assisted living options... it all depends if your Mom can afford to go that route.

Who is the Power of Attorney for your Mom? If no one, see if you can be her financial POA and medical POA, then that way you can take control of her social security and pension for her.


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