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Oregongirl Asked August 2015

Now that my partner is gone, my kids seem to think I need to be supervised regarding my finances. Any advice?

I am 16 years younger than my partner, but I guess my kids think of me about his age. I would love to hear someone give me some advice on keeping my kids out of my business without hurting their feelings. Believe me, the day will come (maybe) that I would welcome their assistance. But, now after years of care of my partner and going thru Hospice with him, I am finally having my home to myself and no constant workload involved in caring for a loved one. My guy was sweet and never nasty but care giving is tiring even at its best. I will miss him, but I want to travel now. I know my kids are just trying to make sure I am ok, but they overdo it. Suggestions on how to say it nicely to my kids....LEAVE me alone and to myself for awhile. I do not care to get involved with anyone and I just want to have MY LIFE now.

freqflyer Aug 2015
Orgeongirl, you are so right about the "one year".... I've also heard about the good advice about don't make any major changes for one full year.

Find yourself, enjoy yourself, don't get tired down unless a Cary Grant type enters the picture by accident.

Have you thought about later down the road re-entering Real Estate as a career? Either as a salesperson or broker? Or try your hand at commercial real estate, at least you don't need to worry about a client saying "I don't think Aunt Bea's china cabinet will fit on that wall". And it's more of a 9 to 5 type of work.

Oregongirl Aug 2015
You all have wonderful answers and SO FUNNY Freg Flyer. OMG, fighting dinosaurs. I love that one. Yes, regarding the finances.

I was a Real Estate Broker for 40 years. I saw what it was like when a women was left alone at 70 and her kids moved her to be near them. That is just not me! I see myself touring Germany by myself, traveling to Greece by myself. Just leave me alone and let me live. I am upset that a single on a cruise actually gets penalized and has to pay for the second person even tho there isn't one.

I raised three kids by myself for a short time after my first husband died. Then my second husband after 20 years died and now my partner. Oh gosh, I will say to any man who tries to get interested in me the story about all my partners dying on me. That will scare them away and that is fine. I am ALONE and happy. If I cannot fix something, I know how to call someone who can.

My daughter works for a fund, one of which I have investments in presently. My son just thinks I should not do anything with my money right now. They are concerned that I will make unwise decisions. I can understand that. In fact, I would not make any serious changes for at least a year. If I had a widow call me to list her house a month after she lost her husband, I would say, don't you want to wait a bit before giving up your house? I would encourage a discussion about her major decisions, but in the end it was up to her.

I would be the first to admit it if I felt that I was loosing my grip on life. I have always been very active and extremely healthy. That market scare last week just taught me a lesson to watch my money a bit better. So, I agree she should be handing the investment side of my money. I have no problem with that. But, they seem to want to be talking to me like I AM THEIR CHILD. I wanted to put all my money under a mattress after what happened last week. I have a weak stomach for the stock market.

I am going to enjoy what time I have left. And, if I hear one more person say, you will meet someone else and fall in love again. WHAT are you kidding. I do not want to take care of anyone but me ever again. My partner gave me so much joy that no man could ever touch what he did for me. I just don't want to hurt my kid's feelings. You have all made me think. Give them a few months and they will see that I am perfect in my present living situation. You are ALL so great. This group got me thru caring for a wonderful man. I will never be able to thank you all enough.


BarbBrooklyn Aug 2015
Oregon, did you mention to your kids last week that you wanted to cash out all your investments and keep the cash in your home? Maybe that gave them pause.

I will be the dissenter here. One of my children knows a great deal more about money and inveztments than i do and i frequently consult her before i think about major moves like refinancing and the like. She in turn consults me about real estate, childrearing and sundry topics. We have a mutually tespectful relationship and if she daid she wanted to take over managing my money, I'd ask her why.

freqflyer Aug 2015
Oregongirl, good heavens, I can understand one's parents being overprotected but not the grown children. They must think we roamed the earth fighting off dinosaurs.... that we grew up without electricity or indoor plumbing....

My Mom was and still is of the old school thinking a woman cannot live alone, that there had to be a husband/sig other living with her. When my ex-hubby and I parted ways after 20 years, it wasn't easy convincing my Mom that I am not afraid to sleep at night... that I know how to change the furnace filters.... and no, I won't be stuck in the garage if the power goes out.... and yes I can remember to lock the doors and windows at night :P

Eventually my Mom understood that my Dad had taught me well on how to do things around the house, and to not be afraid of things that go bump in the night. Maybe you can say that your partner had taught you well.

Mincemeat Aug 2015
Tell them exactly what you just told us.....if they cant understand or cant accept what you just said....they aren't smart enough to handle your $ anyhow!

Go and enjoy!


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