Stayed in hospital with husband for little over two weeks. Then came home when he went to rehab. Five days ago. I go see him every other day. Not knowing for sure about rides there and back till the day before each time. He had open heart valve surgery. Then a stroke six hours later. Also have to deal with bills, laundry and regular life. Where do I get the energy, physical and emotional that I'm going to need when he gets home?
What you are going through is just as exhausting as doing the caregiving at home, until you get into a routine. Right now everything is still new. I bet when you get home the laundry doesn't get done until days later, and the bills are still sitting on the desk. I know that feeling. I would just have on the TV and sit and stare out the window. And here I was just dealing with very elderly parents who insisted on still living in their house.
Is there money in the budget to hire a caregiver to come for a few hours a week once hubby comes home, until you all get into a routine? In fact, an experienced caregiver could give you suggestions on how to do new things that hubby would need help with.
Who is telling you that he doesn't qualify for long term care?
I'm burned out caregiver 24/7.What can I do?Any help somewhere?If I die He have to be taken to NH- unable to live alone- falling many times 911 help get Him up I can not lift Him.