The forum is filled with people coming together to share valuable information. We’ve compiled some of their best ideas for activities to keep seniors mentally healthy and engaged.


Intellectually Stimulating Ideas for Seniors

“Build on their love of reading. Find a group that meets regularly—preferably one that reads a lot of their favorite genre. The one I belong to meets in a used bookstore. We select our reading list and it is mostly mysteries with a non-fiction title thrown in once in a while, and sometimes best-sellers. Most of our members are middle age or older, although we have had younger members. Hearing other people’s opinions gives you a fresh way of looking at books. Many libraries have book clubs, and senior centers often do, too. The Library of Congress has audio book devices that are very easy to operate that they loan out. Not just books, but magazines and newspapers may be accessed, too. Books on a screen, such as Kindle, Nook or iPad, do not require turning pages if a loved one has dexterity issues. They might just need someone to set them up and get them to a good starting point.” –jeannegibbs

“My dad was a WWII and Korean War vet and loved the magazine Mental Floss. It's fun but science-y, with lots of information. My 95-year-old mom still loves to read novels that I get from the library, and she loves her word find books.” –blannie

Reminisce and Country are two magazines that my father really enjoys reading, along with WWII books. The Reminisce magazines focus on WWII and the Depression. The Country magazines have beautiful photos, which are very soothing and can create a mood perfect for closing one’s eyes and drifting off, either in daydreams or naps. Reader’s Digest offers a large print edition, too. Some of the stories really are quite interesting.” –GardenArtist

“If your loved one is active on the computer, they could find some chat groups where everyone has the same interest, such as gardening. Maybe try a group that Skypes, thus actually seeing each other to talk to online? Just make sure they know the ground rules for safety on the Internet.” –freqflyer

“Try an iPad! My mother used a desktop computer, but was leery of using a tablet. One day we three sisters all signed into ours and sat together with her playing Words with Friends. She is a Scrabble lover, and we knew this would be her gateway application. By the end of the evening playing with each of us, she was comfortable with how to use it. We also loaded it with lots of old family photos. It became a huge help when she was hospitalized, as she could keep up with her email and Facebook. She is now 86 and has 20 Words with Friends games going on at a time with her nieces, nephews and grandchildren. She loves it and has convinced several friends at her assisted living facility to get one, too.” –Lynnnnn

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“Seniors here LOVE Wii bowling. Even those in wheelchairs can do it. There are also ‘brain’ games, walking-focused games, and fishing! Try looking for Wii programs at your nearby senior center.” –micadoormat


“My Mother can’t see well and she’s not really mobile or interested in much, but she loves to play mahjong on the computer. It’s very easy and so many people seem to love it. You basically click on matching tiles.” –ckauffman2000

“We have had big success with the Presto by HP. It’s a printing email box. It plugs into a regular phone line, and no computer is required. You send a picture via email to their address (like and it prints out whatever you sent. It checks up to five time a day to fetch the latest emails. Both my mom and mother-in-law love it. I program the thing in advance to send a note and a picture four times a week in the mornings. Our two Moms compare the messages they got (I make sure they are different). I punch holes in the papers about once a month and store them in a notebook, which they then review frequently.” –sophe59