Q: Should I quit my job to take care of my elderly parents?


A: Before considering quitting your job, I would first recommend having your aging parents' overall situation assessed to determine what their current needs are. Contact your local Council on Aging who, in many areas, will conduct a free assessment to determine what the level of care your elderly mother and father would require and what resources are available in the area. Visit http://www.eldercare.gov/.

Secondly, I would get a handle on what your parent's financial situation is (income, expenses, house value) to determine what they are able to afford for in-home services. Based on income levels and need, there may be resources available to them.

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Also, if one parent is a veteran, they would also be entitled to benefits -- http://www.vabenefitsservice.com/. If they need additional care that you or an aide are unable to provide and your parents could afford it, suggest looking at assisted living facilities – http://www.alfa.org/. ow there are many resources and support -- caregiver groups, Internet and books that can provide the help you need. If you have siblings, suggest you have a family meeting and determine how they can get involve and help.