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anonymous836162 Asked August 2018

How can I find out whether my brother really has power of attorney over my mom?

My brother had my mother file for a protection against me, she never once told the judge that she was afraid of me!! The judge only asked her if she wanted to see me!! The judge still put the injunction in place, at the time it was placed I was her sole caregiver!!!

I made sure she ate through-out the day and had plenty of fluids!! at the time she weighed around 135lbs. It has been around 2 years since my brother became caregiver, I have been contacted by relatives whom are worried about my mothers RAPIDLY DECLINING HEALTH, she is nothing but skin and bones, forgets to eat , and doesn't weigh more then 80lbs.

We live in Florida, and my brother refuses to put in an air conditioning unit to keep her comfortable (the electric bill will go up), he pays all of the bills out of her SSI $1000. + $200. My fathers pension he also pays his bills with her money!! Also as soon as I was put out of the house he got 2 vehicles!!!

I was told that he has power of attorney over her!! I was also told that my sister-in-law has the secondary power of attorney over her, I have never heard of 2 power of attorneys on a person!

How can I find out if this is true??


anonymous439773 Aug 2018
Power of Attorney is not power over someone. It is to act for someone legally when that person cannot act on their own behalf. If you believe that your brother is not acting in your mothers best interests you need to contact Adult Protective Services and have them investigate your mothers situation. Explain that there may be financial issues and also possible care issues.

Isthisrealyreal Aug 2018
Judges can be wrong or corrupt. Just because an injunction was granted doesn't mean there was anything wrong.

I encourage you to get every person that has expressed concern to file a complaint with APS. The more complaints the more likely something will be done. I would ask APS to verify that there is in fact an active POA.

Best of luck making sure mom gets the best care available, no matter where it comes from.


Ahmijoy Aug 2018
There can be 2 POA in case one cannot do the job, the secondary takes over.

Rather than worrying about who has POA, I think I’d be on the phone to Adult Protective Services and report an elderly person at risk. If you don’t want to do it, have one of the concerned relatives call them. Why would your brother take you to court and have an injunction against you? Judges are hard to fool and he must have seen something he didn’t like.


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