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Kellymack Asked August 2017

My mom lives with me and is refusing her psych meds and other meds. What are my options, if any?

blannie Aug 2017
I don't have an answer for you, I just admire your love and kindness towards your mother. You've had a tough road your entire life, it sounds like. You are a good human being!

Kellymack Aug 2017
Thank you for your answers. I will give you some background. My mom is 69 years old with bipolar and schizophrenia and now dementia. My father passed away in Sept 2015 and my mom has lived with me since April 2016. She thinks people are coming to pick her up and she thinks she doesn't need her meds. She likes her psych doctor but unfortunately he is no help. She hears voices and will pack her clothes. Unfortunately I have been dealing with this since I've been a young girl but it's been very difficult to deal with on a full time basis. On a good note, I was able to get her to take her a.m. and p.m. meds today!!!! Thank you for taking time out of your busy days to give your support!!!



cdnreader Aug 2017
Dear Kelly,

Please talk to her doctor. I know there are no easy answers, but refusing meds is a choice but it can be fatal mistake. If she doesn't like her current doctor don't be afraid to seek out a second or third opinion. Don't give up on your mom, try and find out why she thinks she doesn't need her meds and try to look for another option.

Grammyteacher Aug 2017
My mom went through a phase where she wouldn't take her Seroquel. I started putting it in a piece of a chocolate candy bar. I used the bite size dark chocolate milky way cut in half. Now I use mini peppermint patties. Maybe you could try that. Others I know crush and put in pudding or apple sauce, or ice cream....first check with the pharmacist to see if it is safe to crush.

BarbBrooklyn Aug 2017
Can you tell us a little more about your mom's age and condition?

How long has she lived with you? Are you in touch with the prescribing doctor? What does s/he recommend?


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