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liz8200 Asked June 2016

Hired caregiver taking advantage of elderly memory loss. What do I do?

Family member that has had nothing to do with mother for 25 years shows up and hires a yard man to care for mom.. she also takes over the upkeep of house and moms financials.
I have been there for my mom my whole life.. For 10 years she had lung disease I was the only family member who cared, I went to all her doctors. I knew the doctors. There was no one else to help me with her.I lost my jobs and savings.
Sister and aunt are manipulating her to push me out of her live. I dont live there with mom.
The man they hired has been in prison, he is taking advantage of her memory he took her car, and forged her name. He tells her he was there when he wasn't and gets paid. Now my mom wont talk to me and yells at me when I ask any questions. My sister and aunt tell mom how much they love him and ignore me when I ask questions about whats going on.

Llamalover47 Jun 2016
UncleDave: I understand that. BUT ..... a ? by itself...huh????

UncleDave Jun 2016
a question mark usually means the statement is a question or looking for a yes/no rep;y


Llamalover47 Jun 2016
assandache7: Hello?? How is anyone supposed to discern what your question mark means?

UncleDave Jun 2016
Florida law requires the reporting of known or suspected abuse, neglect, exploitation, or self-neglect of vulnerable adults (elderly or disabled). the Florida Abuse ...
What are the penalties if you do not report? Are you liable for anything if you stay silent?

lifeexperiences Jun 2016
i couldn't read the whole post..sounds crazy!! fire the guy that is stealing from your loved one...and call the cops!!!

Llamalover47 Jun 2016
Three words: Adult Protective Services!

UncleDave Jun 2016
liz8200 Englewood, FL You are required to report !!!
Florida law requires the reporting of known or suspected abuse, neglect, exploitation, or self-neglect of vulnerable adults (elderly or disabled). the Florida Abuse ...

Exploitation means that a person in a position of trust knowingly, by deception and intimidation, obtains and uses or tries to obtain and use a vulnerable person?s funds, assets, or property. This includes failure to use the vulnerable person?s income and assets

Florida Law requires that any person who knows, or has reasonable cause to suspect, that a vulnerable adult has been or is being abused, neglected, or exploited shall immediately report such knowledge or suspicion to the Florida Abuse Hotline on the toll-free telephone number, 1-800-96-ABUSE (1-800-962-2873). The TDD (Telephone Device for the Deaf) number for reporting adult abuse is 1-800-955-8770.

Vulnerable adults are persons eighteen and over (including senior adults sixty and over) who, because of their age or disability, may be unable to adequately provide for their own care or protection. The Florida Abuse Hotline accepts calls 24 hours per day, seven days a week. The Abuse Hotline counselor is required to let the person calling know whether the information provided has been accepted as a report for investigation.

When you call the Abuse Hotline to make a report, have this information ready:

Victim?s name, address or location, approximate age, race, and sex.
A brief description of the adult victim?s disability or infirmity.
Signs or indications of harm or injury, including a physical description if possible.
Name, address, and telephone number of any possibly responsible person/ perpetrator.

Relationship of the possibly responsible person/perpetrator to the victim, if possible. If the relationship is unknown, a report may still meet requirements for investigation.
As the reporter, your name, address, and telephone number. This information is never given out. The reporter may choose to remain anonymous.

The Florida Department of Children and Families (DCF) is responsible for providing services to detect and correct abuse, neglect, and exploitation of adults. This must be done so as to place the fewest possibor self-neglect of vulnerable adults (elderly or disabled). the Florida Abuse ...

Exploitation means that a person in a position of trust knowingly, by deception and intimidation, obtains and uses or tries to obtain and use a vulnerable person?s funds, assets, or property. This includes failure to use the vulnerable person?s income and assets

assandache7 Jun 2016

Dad_Was_Robbed Jun 2016
As mentioned here, get a hold of any documents related to this incident. Also as mentioned here, definitely get a hold of the APS, and I would also get an elder care lawyer involved. What you may have to do is go for guardianship of your loved one. That way, you have all the say over all of your love ones affairs, even who hangs out with that person. If you have enough proof to show the proper authorities what's occurring and what's already happened, you should be able to regain any assets including the car and any lost money. Hopefully the judge will see fit to lien the thief's bank accounts and all other assets, take his drivers license, and even impound his car until he returns all money that he took as well as your mom's car he wasn't entitled to. If he didn't buy it, he's not entitled to it. Your mom sounds like she's incompetent, so someone needs to gain guardianship and take over all of her affairs

caringson12 Jun 2016
What you did is exactly the right thing to do. Before a person takes on the responsibility of being a caretaker be sure the POA and Health advocate is in your name. If siblings object let them become the caretaker. The worst situation is to have some uninvolved relative be on those documents.

cak2135 Jun 2016
Social Services can help you, too

JoAnn29 Jun 2016
I am so glad I had Mom do POAs when she redid her will after Dad died. I am the only one who lives n the same town so I have them. I keep my brothers in the loop but I make most of the decisions. I am on all her bank accounts and the bank has her POA. She now lives with me so all her important papers are here. She is the only one who can revoke my POAs. At this point of her Dementia, won't happen.

caringson12 Jun 2016
Did your mother set up any legal documents (POA or Health Advocate)? Have those documents reviewed to see who is in charge. If your mother is now incompetent these documents will be very important.

iggyziggy Jun 2016
Some states have specific laws regarding elder financial abuse (NH is one). AARP may have a list of the laws in your state. They will prosecute the abusers and try to get the money back. Forging a signature is a crime, regardless; the issue is who has "standing" (the right) to complain? The state elder abuse or Adult Protective Services may be able to if you do not have POA or guardianship. BUT you need proof. Can you get copies of the documents with the forged signatures? If you can get access to the checks and make copies of them - front and back (to show they were cashed and by who) - that will go a long way to show proof, as opposed to just suspicion. Even if the elder signed the documents, if they were taken advantage of, the law can go after them. In NH, saying "she gave it to me" or "she wanted me to have it" is no defense.

IKORWPA Jun 2016
Yes Adult Protective Services is the exact way to go.

Eyerishlass Jun 2016
I agree. Report all of this to Adult Protective Services.

AliBoBali Jun 2016
Are you in the U.S.? You could likely get Adult Protective Services to look into the situation. Financial Abuse is considered abuse like any other. Maybe find a local social worker either through mom's doctors, or your state Dept of Aging.


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