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Nannie Asked March 2015

My brother has said I am taking care of Mom like an invalid. Has anyone experienced this situation?

I am taking care of my mom. I assist her with her baths, dressing, meals and cleaning house. What am I doing wrong?

freqflyer Apr 2015
Nannie, I was glad to read that your Mom is still active around the house by helping out with the chores. Because of her walking issues, of course you need to help her. I believe your brother isn't seeing the minute by minute situations because he only visits on Sunday afternoon... which is probably sitting around enjoying the afternoon.

Why not set up a Sunday afternoon where he will be required to help his Mom do personal things she needs to do... like helping her to the bathroom, and whatever else she needs help with.

Nannie Mar 2015
She has had surgery for spinal stenosis and is on heavy pain medication. She walks with a walker and also has an implant to help with pain. I let her do what she can folding clothes, putting up the dishes,making her bed and etc. She also gets her snacks. My brother is too busy with his job and raising his grandson. He calls and sees her on Sunday afternoon.


BarbBrooklyn Mar 2015
What are your mom's needs? Have you discussed what her care needs are with her doctor and therapists?

If you think your brother's take on the situation is incorrect, invite him over for the afternoon and go run some errands. Perhaps your mom can do more than she lets on. If this is the case, it would be great to find that out.

freqflyer Mar 2015
Nannie, what are your Mom's physical limitations with her age decline?


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