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boomer7 Asked June 2014

Charging me rent while I take care of Mom. Don't I have rights?

I am angry that my brother charges me rent to live in the house where I am the only caregiver to our aging mother. He doesn't care that I do everything for her and he just goes to his other "beach" house to enjoy his life without consideration, that I never get a break.
I am reaching burn out of this situation and do not want to abandon mom.
I have 3 other siblings who are all out of state and cannot help either.
I am angry but do not know how to fix this situation.
Any suggestions? Don't I have any rights in this circumstance?

kazzaa Jun 2014
What a horrible brother! i am not surprised though. I had an accident 5yrs ago and just happened to be living here when mum got ill with dementia. I pay the bills and she pays for food its her house and she owns it. I look after her 24/7 with no help from siblings but i will say this either your brother pays a carer to look after your mum OR stops charging you rent its that simple. Calculate how many hours care you do and tell him if hes not happy youll leave. I know how angry you must feel as im in the same boat, i cannot look after my mum on my own for much longer and my siblings dont seem to care or want to discuss whats going to happen if i leave?
Its terrible when you are in this situation but dont take any of his crap you are doing more than your share and he should be grateful you are there. Do not let him continue to treat you like this and discuss it with your other siblings as this is the lowest thing ive heard on here. If he wants rent then he needs to get mum care!

BarbBrooklyn Jun 2014
This is such a confounding issue for families. Yes, you may need to move out and let them find out what your services would cost on the open market. I had a cousin who cared for his parents for years in their home. Everyone in the family abused him as a no goodnik. They couldn't see the value of what he did,


DoingbestIcan Jun 2014
You might start by calling companies that provide in home care. Make up that list of everything you do for your mom, like GardenArtist said. And then ask those care giver agencies what it would cost to hire someone to do it. (Ask for some official literature on prices so you can show that the prices aren't off the top of your head. Also see if you can find out what comparable room and board would cost for you in a similar neighborhood, or at least the cost of rent for somewhere else you would live. Tally the figures. Then hand your brother a bill for every penny over the amount that you would have paid for rent elsewhere. Tell him that he has two choices: pay that overage amount, or eliminate the rent you pay him now.

pamstegma Jun 2014
You definitely have the right to move out, and maybe that is what he wants. If mom is able to cook, bathe, dress and manage meds on her own, then GO. Tell him to get some estimates for care because you are leaving. After he gets prices, he might reconsider.

GardenArtist Jun 2014
Um, who owns the house? Your brother? And what does he do for your mother? Is he providing any care at all or is he providing the house in which you both live? If so, I assume he doesn't charge your mother rent.

If you're taking care of your mother full time, I think the monetary value of your care would well exceed whatever the market rent rate would be.

Make a list of everything, and I mean everything, that you do for your mother. You'll have to get the courage to challenge him but it's probably the only thing that will change the situation and the feeling of abuse you have.

On the other hand, if you're not able to support yourself in independent housing, your brother knows that and can take advantage of you. If this is the case, you might want to consider getting a job so you can move out and leave the caregiving to him. After he realizes you're serious, he may (or may not) change his attitude and perhaps you could then split the caregiving tasks. But you're going to have to stand up to him first.

vegaslady Jun 2014
What was the agreement when this situation started? Do you have the money to pay the rent? If you didn't pay the rent would he evict you and hire a caretaker for mom? Quit being angry and try to find a reasonable solution


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