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Marco40 Asked October 2013

How do you measure an "Expert" an "Expert Answer"?...and/so as posted?

You have posted answers to questions...from... "Expert Answer", from whomever. What is this based upon? Actual experience, and/or a degree? What is an answer from an "Expert"? What are their qualifications to be qualified as an "Expert"? They studied and have a degree?...and/or they were really on the front line?

To this end, the politicians are all "experts"...after all, they are our leaders. Where are all these leaders? Most all of them have JD degrees. Really?

May I suggest you re-think posting answers from "Experts".

Respectfully, Mark

Veronica91 Oct 2013
Where did you get the idea that I only find the answers from "experts' acceptable?
That is totally untrue. I greatly value the experience and expertise of others on this site. Most of them are on the front line everyday and although they are not trained experts they are experts on the care of their own loved one and have many tips and ideas to share.
There is no logic in the caring of demented patients. There are learned texts on the disease of dementia and the expected stages, but there is not a rule book. For example after surgery you may be instructed to get the patient out of bed on day 2 and remove sutures on day 10 and make a follow up appointment at 6 weeks. These are usual procedures but with dementia it is not possible to predict when a patient will refuse to bathe, see mice climbing on the fridge, run naked down the street or tell the neighbor jack the ripper is sitting on her roof, not to mention finger painting with poop on her bedroom wall. Care givers who have dealt with these situations can share their experiences and the solutions that worked for them, that does not make them expert but it does make them experienced. A soldier does not become an expert marksman by shooting balloons at the Fair, he has to be trained and practice

jeannegibbs Oct 2013
My basis for my statement was your statement that "I'll leave the reading of expert bios up to you, and to the experts." Sounds to me like you aren't willing to see what qualifications the experts have. If that is wrong, perhaps you can explain what you meant, in another way.

Some of us are very glad that there are some "experts" here. Not that anyone is shy about disagreeing with them, based on their own experience. (I could point you to examples of such disagreements.)

You are welcome to your opinion. You are welcome to simply not read the expert advice. But when you ask "what is this based on" about the expert status, the answer is very readily available. Just look at the profiles. You may then disagree that being a lawyer entitles someone to give "expert" advice on a legal question. But at least you will know what Aging Care based their label on.

What I assumed was you really wanted an answer to the question what is "expert" status based on in this website. If that assumption was wrong then my answer isn't meaningful.


Marco40 Oct 2013 stated I have refused to look at what...a profile....and to have the gull to ask what..ask a question..propose a very basic and simply question? Do you know what I've looked at, what I've studied, what I've researched, and/or my esperience? How do you have the remote ability to make such a statement? I asked / proposed a question. Period.

You made assumptions. What is this "pick a fight" all about that you raise?

We are all here, to help each other, to get through very difficult heal and help each other, to take a deep breath and perhaps grive about what we see and experience and, to find peace in moving forward within the confines of a very difficult time ,and a new day.

All questions / comments are good, and responces...and is how we all make things better for each help each other. We all learn something, everyday.

Labs4me Oct 2013
The experts are the ones who acutally do the caregiving! No amount of education can compare to the actual experience. Seek the advice of those who do it and those educational trained in the field for guidance.

jeannegibbs Oct 2013
Mark, many of us are very glad that there are "experts" on here that occasionally answer questions in their areas of expertise. For example, when someone has a question about how to protect assets, I'm glad to read the answer of a licensed Certified Financial Planning Practitioner and Accredited VA Claims Agent. I also like to read the answers of persons who have had personal experience on the subject.

I am glad to see answers and articles by the psychologist, lawyer, and others. I wouldn't continue on this site if those were the ONLY answers given. We learn from each other and we don't have to be experts to have something valuable to share. But the experts add another perspective. I wouldn't want them to go away!

I am confused, Mark, that you ask what qualifies these people as "experts" and yet you refuse to look at their profiles to see what their qualifications are. Do you really want to know, or just to pick a fight?

Marco40 Oct 2013
Really Veronica91???... In other words, only the opinions from the "experts" are worthly? Really?

You are right...caregiving is not an exact science...and it is often flying by the seat of your pants...until a certain point. After that, it's called "a degree of logic".

Structure can certainly be implemented, and you can implement a game plan. I'll leave the reading of expert bios up to you, and to the experts.

jeannegibbs Oct 2013
Mark, "experts" are so designated by Aging Care. Other people with expert qualifications may also answer questions here, but have not been vetted by Aging Care.

When a designated expert answers a question there is always a hyperlink to their profile, explaining their qualifications.

Veronica91 Oct 2013
I need to add you have come to the wrong place Mark to pick a fight or make political proclamations. Read the bios of the experts who give of their time and knowledge paid or not to help others struggling to find answers. Caregiving is not an exact science. most often it is flying by the seat of your pants

pamstegma Oct 2013
Well I would rate most doctors as "perts" and the nurses who are in actual combat as "Experts" and the lawyers as "perverts"

Veronica91 Oct 2013
In my view an expert is someone who has studied the topic in which they have their expertise or someone with extensive experience in the field or both. There are many self proclaimed experts out there who spread half truths around and can not back up their opinions, or manipulate information to suite their own ends and usually sell something. From what I have seen the experts on this site either have degrees in their subject or extensive practical experience

JessieBelle Oct 2013
Yes to all you have said about what qualifies the experts on the group. They are professional people who do this for a living, so have a lot of experience on the front lines and a lot of studying so they know things that the rest of us don't.


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