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Beri24 Asked July 2013

Please help, is me Berica I have no money and take care of my mamita.

I am taking care of my mamita ,she is 89"years young,she has more children,Une take of ,her bisneses the others,do not care.I am taken care of her because I love her is only love ,no money, because my sibilisn,take all the money.I left my profession ,licency asthetic,and ,nurcing ass.R. I do speak good two languages ,enghish and espanish.Not very well but I write Italian and French.......I also do not computer . My manita is sick,pain,Tylenol 3 ,3 times a day .Stone in the gall bladder and osteoporosis,and diverculitis.I am beside her all the time ,a do not get out,I have 2 beautiful children they are ,all ready finish university. My husband good young mam.I do not what should ,I do,my Mather ungry ,because she said,I am a bad doughter. Tell me anything it will helping me a lot.if I cousin any trouble ,forgiven me please.Iam desperate ,and I do not what to do. Kisses. And hugssssss. Berica.24 .

ellantz Jul 2013
Hugs to you, Beri24! You are a GREAT caregiver to your mother. It sounds like your mother may have dementia, and may be angry that she needs help.

all4glorygod Jul 2013
Yo no sé qué tipo de ayuda puede pedir en canada. Pregúntale a tus hijos que te ayude encontrar ayuda Para tu mamá y para ti.
Nunca te olvide que Dios te ama.


Jinx4740 Jul 2013
I can read your Spanish, but I cannot write it well enough. Please don't feel guilty - culpable because your mother is angry. When your children were little, they would get angry because they could not have what they wanted - too much candy. You were a good mother and said NO even when they cried. Your mother is your child now, and she can't be well-behaved - se porta bien - because she is old and afraid and in pain. Sometimes she will be unhappy, and you cannot fix her problem.

Beri24 Jul 2013
This is my home,only my home,my sister took possession of her house and her bisneses ,in other country ,she is living with me,only becouse a love her.Iam crying becouse she say Iam bad,and I do everything for her,and I mend,everything for her,diaper,shower food ,love,"exasthy what she did for me when ,I was a litter gird.She punish me.

Beri24 Jul 2013
Please help me today. Tomorrow is another day,and I won't tell anything.thankyou,my husband is not young ,my son is 27 ,my doughter 28 ,Iam 58 ,he is 59.,my mama 89.thank you,very much..this is my house ,Iam living here for 35 years,I love Canada I feel more canadienses them Spanish and .Me.

Beri24 Jul 2013
I do know what to do. I have not idea of anything.Thank you for written to me ,I seeing you understand ,but whent I ask for help,they cullet ,I they say they understand ,thanks you for that xoxo.,look you understand but you do not want to talk until at get calm dounn.honesty whent I will calm daunt y won't say a nothing ,becouse this is the time.thakns. My children say to me ,I have to read what I write,but if I read,I won sent it "love always .Berica.Iam 58 not 24 .I do not know you,but I sent you hugssssss for your time.Kisses .Me.

pinenuts Jul 2013
Berica, It is a shame that your mother is calling you a bad daughter, it sounds like you are the best one she has. I think I understood most of your question, so your English is good enough. It must be hard to try to be with your husband when your mother scolds you for it. Unless she really needs someone right next to her all the time, you are not doing anything wrong to spend some time with him. If she does need continuous bedside attention, it is not wrong for someone else besides you to watch her for a while. If she gets angry, that is sad, because no one wants their mother to be angry with them. But realize she is the one who is wrong, not you. You don't have to tell her that. You can say, "yes I understand that you feel angry about my taking the day off and leaving you with that other person you don't like as much." She will probably still be angry. But it could be just her taking out her frustration with being sick and in pain and you. It doesn't mean she doesn't love you.

ChristinaW Jul 2013
Berica, tu tiene el Corazon de Los Caregivers. Nosotros Entendemos! Es lo mismo con nosotros. No preocuparse, tienes amigos aqui:) xoxo

Beri24 Jul 2013
Gracias por contestar.God bless you. Estoy desesperada,no se que idioma hablo o escribo,.Mi esposo es 59 yo 58 ,es mi casa.,en canada.Mi hijo es 27 y la niña 28 .perdón. Me equivoque.tengo 4 hermanos y Todos abusan de mi.Me dejan sola.No hacen nada por mama.Ella vive conmigo ,hace 30 años ,yo la cuido ahora,hace 14 años.Ella no tiene hambre,Disculpeme esta enojada.No se que decir me desespero,mi única ayuda son ustedes.Tampoco digo nada porque aquí en canada,hay mucha ley.Si acuso a mis hermanos se irán presos,pero yo no tengo el corazón ,de acusarlos de abuso,eso hacen ellos y mi mamaa también. Yo soy media retardada sin ofender a jadien.pero mi corazón es ayudar y lo hago solo por amor.De mi mama no recibo nada da dinero,ella se los da a mis hermanos yo la cuido día y noche,no me interesa el dinero ,ella si me da lo mas valioso amor y carino,cuando esta contenta.No se que hacer todos abusan de mi y yo lo se ahora ,lo veo con mis bellos ojitos. Gracias,si me contesta ,si no entiendo ,pensara que estoy loca ,si lo estoy pero soy buena y jamás le hecho daño a nadien.Quizas pueda escribir otro idioma a la noche ahora mi cabeza,llora y mi corazón salta ,no se que hacer ,estoy completamente crazy.Same bady read this,that happen to me .God blless you all.Kiss and hug .I dit not meant to course any trouble if,I do not what to do.If you hear this for same bady else ,is because they are desperate and they do not what to do.Help them,I am ok,I am cra zy ,no more.Muchas gracias.thank you very much.

Chicago1954 Jul 2013
I can read this. She is trying to take care of her mother. No other siblings are helping. Her mother is angry and said that she is a bad daughter. Tell me anything that will help. If I am causing trouble, please forgive me.

Ok. Is your mother in your home or in her own home? Are you in the United States?

ChristinaW Jul 2013
Ok, I read it again. Your kids are finished with school. Your mother is Angry
(tiene enojado) Claro. A lo mejor, su made tiene dolor y hacer enojado. Es la pensamiento. Perseverance--help me out here.

Perseverance Jul 2013
Dios le bendiga. Puede ser muy difícil de cuidar a un padre enferma, sobre todo con una familia joven. ¿Califica su madre para Medicaid? ¿Está cuidando a su mamá en su casa?

ChristinaW Jul 2013
Hola Berica! So, you have un esposo joven?! A young husband? Ay Caramba! Sounds good to me.
Your Mother is hungry-- tiene hambre? What food are you giving her? Que comida? Mas information, por favor. Hugs ( en abrazo, chica) Besos xo
Soy Christina, la gringa, no Hispanic


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