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needtowashhair Posted February 2020

Snot is my kryptonite.

I can't stand it. Poop is no problem. Pee, what's the big deal? But I can't stand the sight of snot.

Grandma has taken to using her pillow case as a handkerchief. It makes me want to puke. I can't even stand the idea of washing it. I throw them away. Why can't she just use the box of tissues at hand?

needtowashhair Feb 2020
Target sells a 2 pack of pillowcases for $5. It's full polyester though instead of the cotton polyester blend that costs $5.47 at Walmart. For grandma's purposes, she doesn't seem to notice.

NeedHelpWithMom Feb 2020
Amazon’s choice, 50 pack of handkerchiefs for $18.99.


Gershun Feb 2020
My mother in law spits partially chewed food onto her dinner plate. First time I saw her do this was at an Indian restaurant. She just let it hang out of her mouth for a bit before it landed. Gross! In fact she's gross, period! I try to never be at her home but the odd time I can't avoid it I have this feeling
like I don't want to touch anything she's touched or sit anywhere she has sat.🤮

Sendhelp Feb 2020
Snot, tears....
Quirky loved one just lets it drip, does not wipe or blow.
Imagine having to tell a grown man to go blow his nose! 🤧

NeedHelpWithMom Feb 2020
Okay, here’s what I am thinking. She wants cloth. If there is tissue available and she reaches for a pillowcase or her shirt then it’s a texture thing. Get some old fashioned handkerchiefs. Look on amazon. They sell everything! Don’t buy fancy, plain cotton.

Personally, I think poo and vomit is tons worse than snot but yeah, it’s gross.

The gum story was interesting about Oprah. Everyone has their own quirks. I hate, hate, hate hearing someone crack their knuckles, neck, back, knees, Hahaha
Don’t crack anything around me!

Or spit when you talk either! Hahaha

So, what other quirks are out there?

Daughterof1930 Feb 2020
Okay, I’m also here for the headline, good laugh for me! We did have friends who moved for an oilfield job 500 miles north of Calgary, and the first thing they told us was that their snot froze there. Don’t suppose you want to move!? 🤣

Sendhelp Feb 2020
Good information Needtowashhair!
After reading your response, and that of Midkid, I was laughing into my pillow, and thinking maybe I will get some pillowcases at Walmart too!

needtowashhair Feb 2020
Sendhelp, I can get a 2 pack of pillow cases for $5.47 at Walmart. That's disposable enough for me.

Midkid58 Feb 2020
Yup---I have trypophobia. Gives me the willies like none other.

I have to say--when I was in the wreck that is chemotherapy, I had NO NOSE HAIR. My nose ran constantly and sometimes I would bend over and liquid would come gushing out of my nose. So, all night for months I was 'snotting' my pillow cases. It's awful when you gross yourself out.

I just began changing all the pillowcases out everyday. I did keep tissues at hand, but I could not control what was just pouring out of my nose all night. And I did something I swore I would NEVER do, I stuffed a huge wad of Kleenex down my bra, essentially making me a walking Kleenex box, like my ancient Kindergarten teacher, who, it seemed, had Kleenex coming our of all her entire body--up the sleeves, in pockets, wherever she could pack them.

And my DH does the 'farmer blow' in the shower, Boogers all over. 44 years and he won't quit. He can't SEE them, so to him, he thinks they magically disappear.

Once my chemo was over, the first hair that grew back, was , thankfully, my nose hair.

Rainmom Feb 2020
It’s crazy, right? The things that can send us into heebie jeebies overload!

I heard Oprah tell a story once...

Evidently, Oprah’s thing is gum. Totally grossed her out. When she had her talk show no one was allowed to chew gum in the audience. Anyhoo- Oprah had a very fancy dinner party to honor someone important. Natch, Oprah invited a mix of the fancy and famous to attend. One guest - she wouldn’t say who, but did say it was a young woman in the entertainment field - sat down to dinner with a big wad of gum in her mouth. Oprah goes on to say - she could barely function as she was so grossed out and fixated in the train wreck kinda way on the chewing... then to her utter horror, the guest took out the gum and stuck it on her plate. Oprah said she was totally sickened by it. When the dinner was winding down - Oprah got a servers attention and quietly told them to collect the plate and throw it in the garbage. It’s good to be the big “O”, yes?

Take a que from Oprah. Go buy as many cheap/Good Will/Dollar Store pillow cases as you can - and treat them like disposable. And, maybe they make disposable pillow cases? I’m pretty sure I’ve seen paperish ones in dentist/doctor offices.

Lastly - just to share... my thing is something called Trypophobia. It’s impossible to explain without sounding like a nut. Give it a google if your curious. It’s really an odd one. What can I say?!?

pamzimmrrt Feb 2020
Can you wrap one of the big bed pads around her pillow? And I have to say snot is my job,, so we all know what we can handle,, I cannot handle vomit or poop.. "Yes I see that, let me get your nurse!"

neeniedith Feb 2020
your headline made me laugh too. maybe get very firm with the snot issue? if pee and poop are fine, and your issue is snot, i think you are allowed to very sternly insist on tissues and YOUR way. have you done this yet?

Sendhelp Feb 2020
We use the sink?
My husband used to use the shower.
I say used to, because no one blows SNOT into their hands. then flits it all over the shower walls as they rinse it off their hands.
Not in my home. Have you ever tried cleaning that up? Gross.

I technically had to re-teach him a few things.
Now, I get re-amazed that he needs to learn things all over.
Basic hygiene things. 🤮😡

Sometimes I think I am Superwoman too! But I am immune to kryptonite at this stage in my life.

I think throwing the pillowcases away is an excellent solution.
You can pin the hankies loose onto the new pillowcase. Maybe she will use one, someday.

Do they make disposable pillowcases?

needtowashhair Feb 2020
Oh it's snot. I'm sure. I can hear her blowing her nose. During the day when's she sitting in the living room, she uses her shirt even though I put a stack of tissue on her lap.

It's not a medical issue. It's just standard snot. The same thing everyone gets but we use tissue or the sink. She uses her shirt or pillow case.

Sendhelp Feb 2020
Have you seen Grandma blow into her pillow? What if it's
Maybe it is a medical problem, and she is drooling out of her nose and mouth overnight. Maybe even vomiting a bit of phlegm, choking?
Does she have emphysema? Breathing difficulties?
Need a C-Pap machine to help her breathe?

A non-medicated humidifier can cut down on dryness in the air, help her nose feel more comfortable. Or try Mentholatum or Vicks just below her nose. Is her nose running in the daytime?

gladimhere Feb 2020
Get a bunch of hankies, my mom had stacks of them and beautifully embroidered. Why is this happening? Maybe part of the WWII shortages and rationing? Tissue components needed for bandages? These were conservation efforts to support the war effort. That may be where in time she is with her dementia, 1940ish, still contributing to the effort by rationing her use of disposable tissue.

XenaJada Feb 2020
Gotta say, your headline made me LAUGH!

Countrymouse Feb 2020
Saliva for me. Cleaning the partial denture made my flesh creep. The thought of it still does!

Would wearing a pair of disposable gloves help when you're changing her bedlinen? Only you're going to get through a heck of a lot of pillowcases at this rate.

PS Is she normally a very snotty person or might there be something the matter?


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