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NeedHelpWithMom Posted November 2019

Recently I was browsing Etsy. Did any of you see the Christmas ornaments made from a loved one’s clothing?

The ornaments I saw were hearts made of a father’s or grandfather’s flannel shirts or a dress from mom, etc. They were reasonably priced, $5.00.

Interesting idea as a remembrance. Of course, I don’t have any articles of clothing from any of my relatives.

It would be super simple to make yourself too. A poem is attached to them about the memory of the person.

Some people do keep a favorite shirt or robe they wore. Could be a way to pass on a memory of a special relationship.

NeedHelpWithMom Nov 2019
Oh, yes! Quilts are always special, GA.

GardenArtist Nov 2019
What a great idea!    And it's a good option for clothes that are still partially wearable but not in good enough condition to donate.

The only family recycling of this nature that I'm aware of is using family clothing in quilts, especially for newborns or young ones, so they can grow up with family in their lives, whether in memory or in reality.

One of my students made a flying geese quilt for her nephew; each of the geese came from a family member.

You've given me some ideas for clothes that might otherwise be thrown away.   (Just what I need - more projects I'll probably never complete!)


NeedHelpWithMom Nov 2019
That’s lovely too. Sweet idea. Are you talking about the rag wreaths? I like those. Easy too.

You can get those frames at a craft store but also at DollarTree for a buck!

Wuzzyblue Nov 2019
We made a wreath from my grandmothers clothing.  Bought the frame and did tie knots all the way around.  A lot of her clothes we donated, but we kept things that we remembered her wearing and cut the cloth and took turns finishing the wreath.  It hangs on the wall in my home.

NeedHelpWithMom Nov 2019
How sweet, Lealonnie.

You know, you reminded me of my friend who had stuffed teddy bears made from her grandmother’s chenille bedspread. They were adorable! She gave one to each of her children.

You know what else she did that was wonderful? She had two daughters. Their headboards on their beds were made from the cypress doors in her parents house. She grew up in a lovely old New Orleans home with very tall ceilings and doors. She had always loved those doors.

She replaced the doors with other doors before selling the home.

lealonnie1 Nov 2019
I had stuffed animals made from my father's shirts, with the buttons for eyes and a nose, and they turned out amazingly well! We have an elephant, 2 dogs and a rabbit. I haven't heard about ornaments, but that sounds like a lovely idea as well!


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