
I'm 75 years old, I live with my brother who is 74 years old. He is on Social Security Disability, that pays $2,020.00 per month. He needs more care than I can give him. I don't know where to turn for help.

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You don't mention what type of care he needs. If he were to be placed in a home, where would that leave you?

I would call your Adult protection services telling them brother needs help. They will evaluate his situation and get him help. You just make sure they understand, you are not an option.

I too am 75 and the last thing I would do is care for anyone not my husband. One thing about being 75, the younger generation looks at us as elderly. Use this to your advantage, I am too old to care for my brother.
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Reply to JoAnn29

What is going on with your brother? Is he ill, disabled, have dementia -- or all of the above? Yes, that's too much for you (or anyone) to handle.

Without being your brother's legal representative it will be pointless to take him to his PCP -- they have no power to do anything except diagnose and prescribe. And, you probably won't be able to physically get him there to begin with.

You contact social services for your county, or APS, and report your brother as a vulnerable adult. They will get the ball rolling.

If you are not your brother's PoA (Power of Attorney) and he doens't have one at all, and no one is his legal guardian, then in order to do anything on his behalf he needs a legal representative.

Social services will work to get him a court-assigned legal guardian. This may sound scary but our family's experience with this was a good one and honestly it was the only solution available. My SFIL had Parkinsons, no legal representative and no one was willing/able to care for him any longer. County social services got him into a facility where his needs were met and the legal guardian managed all his affairs and made all decisions in his best interests. Lutheran Social Services is where the guardian came from, and he never communicated with us without at least 2 other "higher ups" monitoring the communications, so there was accountability.
Helpful Answer (1)
Reply to Geaton777

The Primary Care Physician can help you with services for medical needs like an aide if he qualifies. Also, your state has a Department of Aging Services. Google that with your State to find the number. Also, each state county has a Mediciad Department that can also help.

Good luck.
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Reply to AMZebbC

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