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Yes, basically your husband has accepted that his heart will likely kill him, and sooner rather than later. And he has chosen palliative care, without further testing and procedures. This he should inform his doctor of. If POLSTS are legal in your state he should do one and it should hang in your home clearly visible so that any EMTs don't attempt to bring him back from cardiac arrest. His choice would be my own.
I think that you should refrain from encouraging him to have heart surgery. At this age this complicated surgery OFTEN goes wrong, and as a cardiology nurse for many years I can assure you of that. Clots are often a complication as they struggle to give and control blood thinners; there can be hemorrhages in brain. There can be strokes. And death or debility can come rather than valve replacement. If your husband has atrial fib there is more wrong with the heart than the valve so that the "electrical signally for a beat" (as an easy way to explain) is not functioning well as well as the mechanicals within the heart. Ablation sometimes works for this, and much LESS OFTEN than they will suggest to you it does.
With Palliative care the heart failure will be treated with diuretics to help manage fluids in lungs, in peripheral areas. This will require testing to make certain that potassium (which is washed away with diuretics and which is crucial to life) levels remain stable. Other testing would not be done. Your husband should explain to his MDs that risk of surgery is worse to his mind than allowing things to proceed as they will.
Heart failure means essentially a failing pump. Failure of left heart would mean difficulty in clearing fluids from lungs, more dangerous than right heart failure which will result in some abdominal congestion, swelling, and pitting edema in the feet and legs. Some people get what we call "Flash Pulmonary Edema" which can hit lungs quickly and severely.
Hospice isn't called for. People can manage heart failure for some time with medication and blood monitoring. But Palliative care seems to be where he is at. Do discuss with him if this is his final choice; then see a good cardiologist and get your staging information, and the way forward.
I am very sorry for this diagnosis. It is dire indeed. Informing yourself with internet on what to expect and what the diagnosis means is a good thing, but once you know the basics, stop scaring yourself to death with it. Some people manage with medications well.
Learn to do blood pressure at home. One of the most common admissions on our floor was plummeting BP. Because it is measured in MD office it is abnormally high; they give medications and it goes low low at home and the patient is down on the floor with their first trip up to the bathroom.
I wish you good luck in managing all this. If you have read "complications with valve replacement" you will see many; they may make you feel somewhat better about your husband's choices. While at 67 he sure is younger than we would want him to be, but I would, were I you, honor his decision, give him time to think, and discuss honestly what his choices mean for you both. Try to take this a day at a time. Don't let doctors rush you out the door; don't let doctors bully you. Despite their sometimes wrong ideas that they are God, they honestly aren't. Remember that much depends on the specialist you visit. As my Dad used to say "Surgeons cut cut cut cut." That's the facts. It is what they do. A good cardiologist will help you and your husband manage the facts of his condition.
I surely do wish you the best.
Helpful Answer (15)
graygrammie Mar 2021
Thank you for such a detailed answer. It is what I need to hear. We have living wills but it seems a POLSTS is different in that the physician is involved. I will revisit your reply tomorrow when I am more awake.
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This absolute volte-face in a 24 hour period, when he told his PCP one thing one day and then the very next day denied all knowledge of it, is a puzzle. It also makes your responsibilities as his POA even harder, because you don't have his clearly established wishes to go on. Was he deferring to authority? Was he just agreeing to get out of there as fast as possible, without actually listening to a single word?

If he weren't your husband but you had all the information about a person that you have about him, using your best judgement, would you say that that person is competent to make these decisions, or not really?

Are you able to put searching questions to the cardiologist, such as what estimate of quality of life would be reasonable if your husband were to go ahead with the recommended treatment?

I think you're right not to confront your husband with these issues yourself, but there remains the question of whether you want to lean on his clinicians to do so. Thinking it through: I am the PCP. My patient appears to understand the plan and to agree to it. Next day, my clerk tells me, he states he never agreed to any such thing. What do I do? Do I ask him to come back to my office and clarify his wishes? Do I take his bare word for it? Or what?

I'm so sorry you're having to wrestle with this (and with your hands tied, what's more). It seems terribly unfair.

But I don't think it's possible to get the answer wrong, or right; you just have to do your best with what's available. My Dad dropped dead at 71 from myocardial infarction (classic heart attack). My mother was diagnosed with LV cardiomyopathy (classic heart failure) in 1995, and died in 2015 at the age of 90. Even if there had been any choice about it for either of them, and having been down both roads, I still couldn't say which fate was preferable.

A bit overwhelming, indeed. Hugs to you.
Helpful Answer (3)
graygrammie Mar 2021
Not a puzzle at all. I learned a new phrase here on the forum last week -- Showtiming. That's what he was doing -- giving the doctors what they wanted. He has been diagnosed with Frontotemporal Disorder and Mild Neurocognitive Disorder, so it makes sense that he would forget that he agreed to the procedures. He didn't believe me until I showed him copies of the papers he signed. So is he competent? I question that. He is holding on to control and making sure I know it. And he'd rather die sooner than later, caring for his heart might extend his life but what life would it be with dementia?
I've done a little online searching and I think you may be able to find some better answers on forums specific to heart failure, this is one

but there are several others. Although the focus is understandably on positive treatments I'm sure there will be many there who have the kind of answers you are seeking.
Helpful Answer (1)
graygrammie Mar 2021
Thank you for that information. I appreciate you doing a little homework for me because I am just overwhelmed with all I see. Too much info!
GrayGrammie, do you know which valve? (My husband had a "valve job" [aortic] at 55 and while it was no walk in the park, he was fine.

My MIL recently had her aortic valve done in a minimally invasive procedure at 91 and is doing great.
Helpful Answer (3)
cwillie Mar 2021
IMO it doesn't matter how successful treatment options may be if he refuses to consider any of them.
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Not having a valve replaced will not be helped by strengthening the heart. The Valve will continue to weaken until it doesn't work anymore. My Dad had two valve surgeries at 65 and 67 and pulled thru both. He also had a triple bypass why they were in there. Now each valve does something different and I don't remember which is which. But with Dad they put a Dacron valve in the first time and the valve clotted shut. This was not good because its the one that needs to open. They then went in and put a pig valve in. Again he did great but unlike the Dacron one that was suppose to last 20 yrs, this one only lasted 10 yrs. Which Dad said was OK because he wouldn't last 10 yrs. He pasted 12 years later and the valve was still good. He died from something else.

My question to the doctor is what happens if the valve doesn't get replaced. For my Dad, he would have died. I think at this point ur husband is with it enough to know what goes into having this surgery. What you need to do is worry about your future. Make sure everything is in order. That you are taken care of.
Helpful Answer (4)

Ah, I see, GG. I had forgotten about that.

I think maybe "submitting" in this situation means doing nothing and letting nature take its course.

It would, however, be a shame to suffer death from CHF without hospice. My mom's pulmonologist warned me about that. Morphine is a great blessing in the end.

Or perhaps he wants to suffer. There are those from the old "Hellfire and damnation school" who feel that way.

You might bring that up for conversation, how much does he want to suffer in the end, and would he like to be connected to hospice.
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Reply showed up in the wrong place.
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If you are his POA for health care, how is asking for clarification from a doctor "going behind his back"?

Does he have someone else he'd rather act as medical POA?
Helpful Answer (1)
graygrammie Mar 2021
Because he has told me I am not allowed to! If I contact anyone, I have to do it without his knowledge. He has a strong sense of "he's the boss and I better submit to him." All this because of some very wrong teachings we were subjected to in the early years of our marriage.
I hope you’ll be able to contact your husband’s cardiologist and get many questions answered. My dad died from end stage congestive heart failure. Several years prior he’d had his aortic valve replaced. It was a very temporary help, despite much optimism after surgery over time things only continue to worsen. CHF is slow and insidious. It makes fluid up and leaves a person panting for each breath. It zaps energy and makes an active person inactive. My dad did many trips to the hospital to have fluid removed, most often by IV Lasix. One time 16 pounds of fluid was removed. It’s a very temporary fix and the fluid returns again and again. Dad wouldn’t change his diet and the cardiologist didn’t much argue with him, they both knew where things were headed and my dad felt at his age he’d earned the right to eat as he pleased. I’m pretty sure it wouldn’t have mattered. My dad had wild swings in BP, very high at times in stroke territory and other times so low he’d nearly pass out. Sorry to be so negative sounding but CHF is cruel and relentless. Last summer my dad had another hospitalization and decided to come home on hospice. After years of CHF he’d had enough and died in about a month. I’m sorry you’re facing this, we didn’t deal with dementia, can’t imagine how all that would complicate matters. Reach out for any help you’re eligible for and practice self care. I wish you both peace
Helpful Answer (7)
graygrammie Mar 2021
Daughterof1930, thank you for telling me your dad's story. It helps me to understand what is ahead. (My parents were both born in 1930.)

A few years ago, my husband would walk 18 and even occasionally 27 holes of golf every day (course is 2.4 miles from our house, small easy course). Two years ago, the course manager started to see a decline in him and gave him a cart free for the second half of 2019. (Well, he actually told him to either use the cart or don't come back!) Last year he needed to use the cart daily and seldom golfed more than nine holes. By October he was too tired to even go over for nine holes (and his golf buddies didn't want to golf with him any more because he was so slow).

I have definitely watched this active person become inactive. I suspected heart failure last summer when I saw his game didn't pick up as he got into the season like it usually does, his energy level was so low, and he began huffing and puffing. But neither his pcp nor cardiologist pursued it when he off-handedly mentioned that he was short of breath. If he didn't take it seriously, why would they? Maybe I should have said, "Yeah, you can't make it from the living to the bathroom without being out of breath."

I don't want to see this go on for years and I'm pretty sure my dh doesn't want that either. His brother died last March and all he has talked about since then is "going home to be with his real family again."
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The future as it stands for him now looks grim. However, there are no incurable diseases...only incurable people.
If your husband is willing to make positive changes he can and will recover
In medical terms 65 to 75 is 'young old age' he is not as 'old' as you imagine.
However, the body is a self healing miracle.
You might consider Dr Christophers Hawthorn Syrup to strengthen his heart. Cayenne pepper...and drinking & cooking with only distilled water
2 tablespoons cold pressed wheat germ oil x 2 times daily
You can find the products on Amazon
Read about by googling Benefits of...Despite drug company owned websites claims of side effects...there are no side effects when foods are used in their 'wholesome form"
goggle "hawthorn for heart disease dr christopher legacy"
You will find extensive knowledge there for each of the foods I suggested
I have seen people who had been advised they would die very rapidly unless they had eg. pacemaker, extensive by pass etc
They are now healthy productive citizens. Nature will take care of the problems
If the person is willing.
Keep your head up
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Daughterof1930 Mar 2021
Of course there are incurable diseases. I’m sure if my dad had consumed enough cayenne pepper he’d be here today 🤦‍♀️ Yep, nature and Amazon can fix it all....
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You are NOT asking a 'selfish' question at all when you say, 'what about me?' You are half of this team and you matter! Your life is being altered here with every decision your DH makes or doesn't make, so of course your input is important! He should take your feelings into consideration as you BOTH travel this path, too, because you're on it TOGETHER!

Like Barb said, you need to speak with DH's doctors about the questions you have and about his prognosis w/o medical intervention. The questions you have about salt intake & fluid intake are valid; if he's refusing treatment, why bother worrying about those things, even if it hastens his demise. If he's strong willed and has dementia, he's unlikely to follow YOUR dietary instructions ANYWAY, let's face it. So get all the 411 you possibly can from his cardiologist, and go from there.

Wishing you the best of luck with a difficult situation. Sending you a hug and a prayer for strength, too.
Helpful Answer (4)
jacobsonbob Mar 2021
Any decision he doesn't make IN ITSELF becomes a decision!
GG, are you your DH's health care proxy or on HIPAA forms?

If you are, you can certainly call the cardiologist and ask all these questions.

Does your husband allow you to accompany him to doctor visits? It certainly sounds as though he needs the support.

I don't think you sound selfish at all. And yes, I would ask about hospice and palliative care eligibility.
Helpful Answer (2)
graygrammie Mar 2021
Yes, I am his health care POA. We had papers drawn up ten years ago.

If I contact the nurse or cardiologist, it is behind my husband's back. I have to use the portal and fortunately he doesn't know how to use it. I was thinking about attempting to reach the nurse that called yesterday via the portal today.

I do go to all his appointments with him and we often come away having heard things very differently. I appreciate the summaries that doctors now provide after an appointment (although I have had to question what's there a few times).
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