
I am a caregiver for my husband . Worried if something happens to me, how I will get care. Should I buy long term care insurance?

I would be very very careful buying one of these policies. Friends mother had one. It required the care facility to have a full time R.N. on duty. There are few of town, but the one in town that had one was very expensive and the policy with her income was not nearly enough to cover it. So long term care policy went unused.
Our financial advisor told us not to buy one as it was not worth it, but to use our own savings. Also I don't know how many of these policies are going to pay 14k a month which is what skilled nursing costs here. Many people will need to access Medicaid.
Helpful Answer (1)
Reply to Pjdela

There is more than one kind of insurance that will offer LTC benefits. “Regular” LTC insurance may be prohibitively expensive, but there are other options. Don’t buy without talking to an elder law attorney and a really good insurance agent—or several agents. My husband and I wound up with a type of life insurance with an LTC rider that converts the whole thing to LTC if needed or functions as a life insurance policy if not. The price was much more reasonable than the regular LTC policies that were presented to us at first.
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Reply to mom2mepil

BLG2024: Retain an attorney.
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Reply to Llamalover47

I'm presently dealing with a long-term care policy from John Hancock. My husband bought it many years ago. The claim process is tiring and not easy, even though I usually don't mind filling out forms. Submitting the forms, invoices and receipts is done online, and they require a certain format. They also have limits on how large a file they will accept online. I find it very cumbersome, though it looked easy at first. It takes away a good bit of my time that I'd rather be spending with my sick husband.

Rather than having a LTC policy, I'm in favor of establishing a savings account using layered CDs. Never touch the money for any reason and let it accrue money, which automatically gets reinvested into the CDs. It takes a minimum of managing but requires purpose and resolve.

Think of it this way. If you pay for a LTC policy, you send them premiums which they invest. They make money on your money for years. Hopefully they'll invest well and will still be around when you need them to pay for your care. But you can invest and make money for your old age all by yourself, leaving out the middleman insurance company, who wouldn't be in business if they weren't making money off of you. Let yourself make money off of your money. Makes sense to me, and no one has ever told me why that's not a better idea than buying a policy.
Helpful Answer (1)
Reply to Fawnby

If you choose to get one - know the policy inside and out - know WHAT they will do and WHEN and how much.

My grandmother recently passed away - but prior to that my mom and I pulled out her LTC policy to see what we could do to offset the 24/7 caregiving mom was doing, and the fact that I was the only person she (my GM) would allow to help.

My grandparents had been paying on the policy for a very long time. And it was supposed to pay $120 a day towards having assistance in her home - specifically to give mom a break.

Fine print....she had to pay out of pocket for 90 days BEFORE they would begin to cover that $120 a day. And worse yet, the 90 days only counted as days that someone came to her home to help. So for what we needed (which was one day a week) it would have been 90 WEEKS before the plan would have kicked in.

I can see it being helpful if she was moving to a SNF to offset the cost within 3 months of private pay. But in our situation, it was going to be virtually useless because it was going to be almost 2 years before she qualified for the help.
Helpful Answer (3)
Reply to BlueEyedGirl94

If you get or have a LTC policy get the details on accessing those funds long before you need them. I’m just learning now how cumbersome the process is. I’m in Ohio and I’ve had a LTC rider on a life insurance policy for many years (with a huge well-known insurance company.) I’m 76 and realized this past September I was going to need assistance at some point soon.. During my first call I was casually told it was “ as easy as pie” to access those funds when I needed them. When I called in early December to begin the process, they said they had to mail paperwork to me. In late December, I called again because nothing had arrived. They had a record that I had called in early December but nothing had been done. This representative apologized for the first call being blown off and promised to put my case on the fast track. She explained she turns the case over to a third-party who handles the process and they will call me. After a week of receiving no call, I called again. They assured me they had turned it over to the third-party. Several days later I received a call from the third-party who explained the process and didn’t know anything about expediting the process or putting it at the front of the line because of the early December debacle. This third-party is sending paperwork that has to be filled out by me, a doctor, and the caregiver. There also is a visit by a nurse. Once everything is completed, it gets evaluated by a “team” who determines if I’m eligible. At that point, there’s a 90 day wait before the payments begin. I’m guessing the process will take more like six months and I’ll never see those funds forLTC. The policy draws on my death benefit so the death benefit eventually will reimburse the funds that have been used for the actual care. I guess this is a cautionary tale to plan ahead…way ahead.
Helpful Answer (2)
Reply to Jacelam

You can look into a Hybrid Life Insurance policy with a LTC, or, Critical Illness rider. If you had to file a claim, once verified, it will be useful, however, it will reduce your death benefit. But if you are healthy, it might be a lower out of pocket cost to you, than a standalone LTC policy.
Helpful Answer (3)
Reply to MandoBlues
igloo572 Jan 10, 2025
Personally I really like hybrid policies, but, they are going to require a significant sum of $ for the policy to be in place. Hybrids are kinda perfect if you are getting a buy-out from your job or sell a big $ house and downsize so either way getting a nice mid6 figure something to put into a hybrid as a 1 time single premium paid so it’s cost doesn't at all affect your income.

Something to consider is that hybrid policy factor in for assets for LTC Medicaid as hybrids have a cash value, which Medicaid will want cashed out. Unlike Term life insurance which does not. If that hybrid and your other resources are not enought to truly cover private pay for 2-3 yrs then it may not be best plan.
Dad bought momma a Long Term Care policy when she was 61 and we have been using it for the past six years. It covers every bit of her assisted living fee of a little over $6000.00 a month. I don't have to use her SS or dads pension to pay for her assisted living. She still has some left over that she is using. Now we did have to pay for it. Her premiums were over $2000.00 a year and she paid until she turned 85 which at that time we were paying almost $4000.00 a year.
Helpful Answer (2)
Reply to akababy7

See an elder Care Attorney.
While Long Term Care Insurance is a good idea if you can afford it often by the time we realize it is a good idea you either can't afford it or you have preexisting conditions that make it impossible.
An Elder Care Attorney can set up Special Needs Trusts or have other ideas that would help.
And because it is me...
Is your husband a Veteran? If so he may qualify for benefits through the VA. And depending on where and when he served it might be a little or a LOT.
And the VA will now pay spouses to care for the Veteran so that might help a bit. Contact your local Veterans Assistance Commission or your States Department of Veterans Affairs. Or you can contact the closest VA and ask to talk to a Social Worker.
Helpful Answer (2)
Reply to Grandma1954
swmckeown76 Jan 10, 2025
Not always. I was more than healthy enough to get long-term care insurance at age 63, I had to pass a phone interview with a nurse, but that wasn't too difficult. It's not the best long-term care policy, but it's better than nothing. It started at coverage of $3K/month for 36 months, but with an inflation rider it's now up to about $3.3K/month and it increases every year. I decided to get it for me a couple of years after my husband became a private-pay long-term resident due to frontotemporal degeneration at age 59. I realized we'd use up so much of our assets to pay for his care that I'd need to protect myself. Premiums aren't that bad: only about $2,600/year.
The best time to purchase it is before you reach age 59. The premiums increase at certain age milestones.

Look on or for better information from more appropriate sources.

Do you have a PoA? This is the most practical thing to put into place first. You should have all your legal ducks in a row so consult with an elder law attorney to get it done. If you don't, you'll become the ward of a court-assigned 3rd party legal guardian, like so many other elders. Don't let it happen to you.
Helpful Answer (2)
Reply to Geaton777

At 73, I'm sure LTC insurance is way too costly. See an elder care attorney about various options you have, and the status of your finances, home ownership, etc.

Good luck.
Helpful Answer (3)
Reply to lealonnie1

LTC insurance is very costly when you reach a certain age.
You certainly can explore it, but there are many reasons not to get it as there are TO get it. It will raise your monthly income, oft times making you ineligible for Medicaid when you need it unless you access Miller or OIT trust. And it will not, even with your SS, be enough to cover good ALF or MC.

You will have to explore this issue thoroughly and I would suggest an elder law attorney with a list of assets and facts in hand to find out how best to move forward.
Helpful Answer (3)
Reply to AlvaDeer
swmckeown76 Jan 10, 2025
Why would anyone want Medicaid if there's a way to avoid it? It depends on the state, but many have very strict estate recovery programs. A friend I talked to yesterday said that while her elderlaw/estate planning attorney (actually the same one I have) was able to purchase Medicaid-compliant annuities for to preserve her funds, she won't be able to pass down the entire value of her house to her children when she dies, but she can stay there until then because her husband needed Medicaid for about a year. Medicaid will only allow her children what ever remains after selling the house. Another woman I know was still working when her husband needed Medicaid to pay for part of his care. She had to contribute about $700/month from her salary every month. I'm eternally grateful that I could keep my husband off Medicaid. We paid his long-term care expenses for six years, four months.
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