
does a doctor have to refer an assessment? Our mom is 77 and is becoming unsteady on her feet, has hearing aids and trouble hearing, and we are concerned about nutrition as she has lost weight -in addition she is getting very forgetful and loss of memory - she lives in a condo with my dad and though he has some health issues is still able to drive and caregive

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Check out this page for Geriatric Care Managers in Port St Lucie, FL:
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go to state of florida govt department of elder affairs and contact the local
resource agency

To apply for services, call 1-800-96-ELDER (1-800-963-5337)
or contact your local Aging Resource Center.
(PSA = Planning and Service Area)

if they are at risk for possible nursing home placement the state can do an assessment,
or I suppose if you prefer you can ask their physician about how to have them assessed, either through a govt agency or a private one.
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As usual, most elderly people want to maintain their independence. The fact she is unsteady could have many causes. Sometimes as simple as worsening eyesight. Sometimes dehydration can weaken a person. Have her doctor do a neuro check on her to rule out something neurological. Explain she needs an evaluation as you see a deterioration in her memory. If she has early dementia the sooner medications are prescribed, it may keep her at a level which won't progress more rapidly. My mother in law had been due to have her 2nd dementia evaluation and fortunately we were able to request it while she was an inpatient in the hospital. Since she lived alone, the hospital would not allow her to be discharged to home alone. It was then we had to hire a live in for her.
Sometimes the best time to be able to achieve a refused thing by a parent is during a crisis.....
Good Luck! Let us know how you make out with this situation.
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