
I noticed that Oswego County in New York through the State Office of Aging has offered "Walker Squawker" animatronic birds that are attached to walkers to sing as the person walks.

Has anyone had good results with this device?

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I have never even heard of this device before. Sounds interesting.

My mom wasn’t interested in using a walker at first. I had her doctor suggest it to her.

Sometimes our parents listen to other people better than they do with us.

Good luck and please report back if you do decide to try this product.

Best wishes to you and your mom.
Helpful Answer (5)
Animallovers Mar 2023
my mother wouldn’t use a walker until someone else recommended it either. Sometimes they just need to hear it from an outsider rather than family.
I have seen those birds and was tempted to get one but I haven’t yet. I’d be interested in how it goes as well!
I think it would be more effective if the device just said "don't forget your walker" (bonus if you could insert their name), I imagine those birds can easily be ignored or a confused person wouldn't remember what all that chirping is about.
Helpful Answer (6)
faengelm Mar 2023
I like your idea of a personalized voice encouraging a person to "remember" to use the walker when they stand up.

The bird seems to be more of an encouragement to "stay" on the walker once you are on it.
I think any "noise" would drive others nuts.
The "birds" would have to be pretty loud if someone has hearing problems (know any elders that don't?) Not to mention anyone with tinnitus last thing I need is more chirping or buzzing!

Personally I think walkers, traditional ones, are poor design. They encourage people to walk hunched over as most are not fitted to the person and are the wrong height. People using walkers push them far in front of them so the person using the walker is not in the proper position to possibly be able to prevent a fall. Many people using the walker are looking at the floor/ground between their feet and the walker so they do not see what is ahead.

*side note I just watched a video on this. Can you imagine 30 or more people in a facility all with birds chirping on their walkers? Also this is a pretty pricy item that probably will not last long. (batteries will probably not get replaced as they die)
Helpful Answer (9)
cwillie Mar 2023
Good points, I wasn't picturing this being used in a facility 🤣🐥🐦
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faengelm, welcome to the forum. I am all for anything that will get a person to use a walker.

For my Dad, he had one of those grey walkers which only had 2 back wheels. He found it hard to use on carpet. So I bought him one of those rolling walkers that had 4 wheels, hand brakes, seat and basket. Oh my gosh, you would have thought I had bought him a Mustang, he loved it. It was cobalt blue. This type of walker came in a variety of bright colors.

At one time I was thinking about buying those tassels that kids use to put into their bike handles, which were long flowing tinsel type design of all different colors, but I couldn't find any at the time. Dad would have found that to be fun. He would have liked a bicycle bell ringer or horn, maybe even a odometer to track how far he had walked.

I wasn't able to get my Mom to use a walker of any type. She said it would make her look old.... wait.... what?.... she was already in her 90's, and hunched over due to using a cane for many years. Someone needs to think of something to make using a walker part of a fashion item for those who feel embarrassed using a walker. Or a well known older celebrity to endorse same.
Helpful Answer (6)
Davenport Mar 2023
My mom initially wouldn't even use a cane, for crying out loud, because it would make her look old. Uh, mom, you're 88, you are old and everyone knows it ... instead she'd have me bring her a shopping cart to the car and use it in place of a walker--fooling everyone into thinking she was 40?

I will age with as much acceptance and dignity as I can manage, and possibly even with grace.
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Those birds singing would drive me nuts.

Its not the walkers design that makes people hunch over, its using it incorrectly. They are suppose to be adjusted so the person stands straight. The person pushes the walker a little ahead and walks into it. But most people push it ahead without walking into it. There are Jr walkers and reg walkers. A PT can tell people the right way to use it. There are "skis" that can be used on the back legs for carpeting and tennis balls for hard floors.

I love Rollators and plan on having one but they cannot be used for everyone because they can get away from them.

Canes are also used wrong. And when both legs need support, a walker is needed.
Helpful Answer (4)
NeedHelpWithMom Mar 2023
You got that right about canes, JoAnn. My friend’s mom really should be using a walker. She is stubborn and won’t do it.

She went to the store with her daughter and brought her cane along. She fell, broke her arm, bruised her chin and basically looks like she has been in a fight.

She was mad at the employees when they couldn’t get her up. She only weighs about 100 pounds but she doesn’t understand that it’s ‘dead’ weight, plus they don’t want to be responsible for harming her in any way.

She definitely needs more support than a cane. Maybe an ambulance ride to the hospital scared her enough so that she will start using a walker.
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That device has got to be one of the stupidest things I've ever heard of. The noise would drive everyone crazy.
Helpful Answer (7)
NeedHelpWithMom Mar 2023

What do you think of Margaret’s idea? A hammer 🔨 to threaten them? My word! Too funny 😁!
A hammer can be a useful technology device, if waved carefully with a stern face.
Helpful Answer (5)
NeedHelpWithMom Mar 2023

Thanks for the laugh 😆! Oh gosh, too funny!!!

Any particular kind of hammer?

Geeeez, sounds like a plot for a horror movie! Insane person meets an old lady! Don’t forget that stern face as the motivating factor.

Sorry if my comments are offensive to anyone. Shame on both of us, Margaret. You for saying it and me for laughing. 😊
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My biggest challenge in getting my wife to use one was her mental state. They have to want to walk or you are wasting your time.
Helpful Answer (4)
Davenport Mar 2023
That was my experience with my mom. Very frustrating.
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You can see them in action on YouTube.
Love it.
How can you not like a cardinal that whistles "Campdown Races"?

I can imagine some people will really enjoy these and have fun with them and even possibly increase their level of activity, and others will hate them and their creators and anyone who attempts to introduce them to their home environment.
What is there to lose? I think it's a great idea, full marks to Oswego County for giving it a go.
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Countrymouse, yow, I would hate it--both as the person needing the walker and as a caretaker. And "Camptown Races"? Ouch! ...
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Those birds might be great for a fitness center. Like a spin class. Faster you pedal the more it sings. Hehe
Helpful Answer (2)

So - I've looked them up on YouTube and they are not at all what I thought, as far as I can tell they are a motion activated toy meant to encourage people to get their exercise... the more you move the more they sing. I can't see this doing anything to prevent falls.
(and I think the charm would wear off pretty fast)
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Did anyone see the movie, Funny Farm?

The scene where Chevy Chase is sitting at his typewriter and looking out of the window at the cute little singing bird was so funny! The next scene shows him throwing a cup of coffee on the bird to shut him up.

I can see this little animated ‘walker’ bird starting to work on people’s nerves! LOL 😆
Helpful Answer (4)
Catskie62 Mar 2023
I love that movie 😄
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Ok, I'm sorry - all I'm having are flashbacks to all of the motion activated toys my kids had when they were little and the panic stricken nights of tripping out of bed thinking some possessed home invader with a Sesame Street voice had invaded our bedroom when one of our cats happened to get within sensor distance.

Are these things meant to ONLY pick up motion at a certain height? Because if they pick up any motion - having pets or small children in the home will be a complete and total nightmare - and especially pets, you would lose your mind before it was over with - birds squawking all hours of the night. Can you turn the motion sensor OFF? Additionally - if the user does have pets, especially cats - this particular item would be a big no. The bird would be....well.....yeah...let's just say it wouldn't last very long. Sitting up there on its perch. Looking all tasty...LOL

But in all seriousness - there is something called Walkwise - it's not really something that reminds them to use their walker though I don't think- its more like a Fitbit for walkers -where you can track the usage. It's more of a safety - remote tracking tool.

There IS something called i-Tell that is supposed to turn a regular walker into a smart walker and provide reminders to the user directly.
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I find canes to be unstable, but I like to use one of my hiking poles! Or two, if someplace with different elevations (like at my zoo).
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How about a Bluetooth device paired to their hearing aides? And, for my mom, some sort of motion sensor, reminding her she'll fall if she doesn't use walker...
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MomsBrain Apr 2023
I was going to respond to this excellent suggestion - and then I realized it was me, who made it! Gave me a good laugh on this sad morning after yet another fall.
Haven't heard of this. Sounds Like it might appeal to younger patients.
I'd try it once (though I use my walker a lot) but think the "novelty" would wear off quickly for most older people (esp. if they experience discomfort/fear using the walker).
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Blue, a possessed Big bird sounds kinda creepy lol
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Sounds awful and very attention thanks.
Helpful Answer (4)

The best motivation I've had to use a walker is the presence of mind to realize if/when I fall from not using it, I'll be in even WORSE shape than I am now. A broken neck sounds a lot more annoying than a lightweight frame appliance intended to prevent such a thing.

If an elder does not have the cognitive ability to recognize a need for a walker, sorry but ain't no bird on earth gonna convince her otherwise 😑
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faengelm: A walker is better than healing from a bone break; give me the waker. I've not heard of the singing birds.
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I watched the video. I haven't laughed so hard in quite awhile. This would be like giving a 4 year old a whistle or a 6 year old a drum set. However, I could see them selling a lot of these, like the Pet Rock.

As for me, the bird would just be plain annoying, especially since my hearing aids enhance treble pitches.

What helped my Mom use a walker (not rollator) was "bling". She didn't like the look of tennis balls, so we got skis. However, the skis "speared" me when I was carrying the walker so we went with walker glide caps which coincidentally, made the walker move easier. than the skis, even on grass. About once a quarter, I had to replace them due to use on concrete and asphalt.

My brother's PT showed us to put the wheels on the inside of the walker. That actually helped a lot so that she didn't clip corners as she rounded them. She also didn't like the fact that she couldn't carry anything while using the walker, so we got her a tray table. It doubled as portable table wherever she went (better than the cane!) We decorated the walker with "lights" for the season. Ghosts and jack-o-lanterns for halloween, christmas lights for Christmas, fake grass and felt bunnies for Easter, etc. We attached a fake Easter basket as well as bicycle tassels too. People came up to her and asked about her walker and she was proud that she had a unique walker as no one could accidentally "take" her walker. She won a few awards at the Senior day care with the "bling" on her walker.

She also took the walker on two cruises and people showered praise on her for how well she was able to maneuver her walker so that she could go around the ship and on shore. Whereas people using a cane needed to be careful where they put their cane, my Mom was a lot more steady than they were with her walker.

My Mom was also very hesitant to use her walker at first. However, as time wore on, she realized that she could go more places, faster, with her walker than her cane. If there was an obstacle like a raised sidewalk, her front wheels would hit it or go over it first, alerting her to the fact that there was an uneven surface that she would have to walk over.

However, it was the "bling" and the accessories that convinced her to ditch the cane in the beginning.
Helpful Answer (7)
MaryKathleen Apr 2023
Look on Amazon for bunny feet and feet with sandals for the sliders.
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