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IHSSprvdr70 Asked November 17, 2023

As a live-in provider that self-certified am I exempt from paying the landlord rent? If so, under what laws?

JoAnn29 Nov 19, 2023
Are you on the lease? Is the only reason your living there is because its easier to care for your friend? Is IHSS paying you as a live-in or just a Caregiver. IMO, if your purpose in living there is only because you are caring for ur friend, then no ur not responsible for the rent. But, if you are using this address as your legal residence, then maybe u should be paying rent.

AlvaDeer Nov 17, 2023
I think a lot here is going to depend upon what you mean by "live in care provider" and "self-certified". Perhaps you will need an elder law attorney on this one if you are questioned. It will be dependent on many things:
Who hired you.
How you are paid and by whom.
What care do you provide.
And etc.

It is often, on AC, difficult to know just what people mean, so great specificity is best when asking a question. For instance one might ask "I'm a girlfriend taking care of my guy who is paralyzed. I'm here 24/7 for him and we share living expenses. He has no lease and pays rental month to month. Am I also expected to pay rental?" We can get a real picture from that.

In most caregiving situations you aren't going to be responsible for rental. But would help to know more. Sure wish you good luck.


Isthisrealyreal Nov 17, 2023
Are you a live-in caregiver for your girlfriend (44 years old per profile) and the property owner that owns the house/apartment the landlord you refer to?

Under this situation, yes, you would be required to ensure the rent is paid.

If this is your care recipient/girlfriend wanting you to pay rent, look at your contract.

The thing is, rent needs to be paid, no free rides at someone else's expense.

JoAnn29 Nov 17, 2023
Burnt, who owns her own agency, has said that rent can be negotiated in the salary. But, usually room and board are included. So no, u don't pay rent.

You need to call your Labor Board to find out the laws in your State for live-ins. As a Caregiver you do not work 24/7. You have time and days off. Your employer should be making payroll deductions and sending to the correct agencies. IRS does not consider you self-employed.

KNance72 Nov 17, 2023
You should Not have to Pay rent . If I Hired a Live in caregiver they would get the bedroom for free . Look On

Grandma1954 Nov 17, 2023
Room and Board is not an exchange for caregiving.
Your contract should spell out your wages and if room and board is included that should be indicated.
Do a search what caregivers are paid in your area and what the labor laws are. Is what you are paid within line of what is standard in your area? And are you getting the time off that legally you are entitled to?

cwillie Nov 17, 2023
Your employment contract should include all the details of your pay structure, including all deductions. If the terms are not satisfactory you either keep negotiating or you move on, there's no shortage of people looking for caregivers.


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