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Tillyx Asked November 2020

What is happening to mum?

She begs me to end her life, constantly tells me she can see flashing lights and some one is spraying gas. Says she cant breath or swallow, says things that are not true. I'm at my wits end.

Tillyx Nov 2020
Ty every one for most of the day she's been awake and agitated she lots of things wrong with her I've explained all to doc a url was confirmed 9 days ago she won't get up and crys so much tells me where she wants to be buried how she wants her funeral service ECT ECT begs me not to leave her tomorrow I shall insist the doc calls in on home visit she is in stage four of kidney failure as heart probs and ostiophasis she now only 50kg and a diabetic I'm living my worst nightmare in past five years I've struggled with cancer the loss of my sister brother nephew and dad and my other sis has phycosis and I'm not just looking after mum but my autistic and epileptic son and we r all isolating Becos of dam covid I'm at my wits end mum as carers in three times a day to help us my hole body aches iv no sleep my only other support was my daughter who thankfully has just got over covid infection so she can not support me ty all for your replays

JoAnn29 Nov 2020
Yes, ur profile says she has a UTI. Is it or has it been treated? If treated, by IV at the hospital or at home with medication a doctor recommended?

If the UTI is being treated at home, it may not be enough. Shevneeds to go to the ER. She needs to be catherized to get the urine out of her bladder. That urine cultured to find out what type of bacteria is involved and then given meds by IV.

My Mom was in for 3 days for a Uti and did a 180 on the 3rd day. She was worse than the day she came in. It was found the antibiotic had penicillin in it which her hospital records showed she was allergic to. A change in the antibiotic made the difference.

My daughter, RN, explains it that they use a broad spectrum antibiotic hoping that will work. If that doesn't work, another is tried. In some people this could take a few tries until the right one is found. Some people have chronic UTIs. My Mom took cranberry tablets and a probiotic to stem off hers. Alva recommends  D-Mannose.

So, I would agree that if Mom does not suffer from Dementia, its a UTI and you need to take her to the ER. Even if she has Dementia, if this is unusual behaviour, it maybe the UTI. UTIs are very serious and can become septic.
Tillyx Nov 2020
Our hospitals are dangerously high and some closed be cos of yet again covid but I will take her to a/e if the dam doc doent listen to my concern tomorrow I'm getting mad with them but I won't be able to go with her and it will awful she would be alone and scared


AlvaDeer Nov 2020
What is your mother's medical condition and what is her diagnosis, if any of dementia? Is she indeed having problems with swallowing? If these changes have come on suddenly, there could be a UTI involved here. Swallow difficulties are not uncommon with many dementia's but could also be a symptom of something else including stroke. I would say, if there has not been one, your Mom is in need of seeing her MD, the possibly to go for neuro-psyc evaluation. Wishing you good luck.
Tillyx Nov 2020
She has stage 4 kidney Brest cancer copd and heart deases she is on perm antibiotics plus she was on amoxicillin then a course of 2 sachet of antibiotics every 3 days heart tablets steroid inhaler subutimol tablets for kidney s warfarin and others to meny to list she is ninety
pamzimmrrt Nov 2020
My mom said she could not breath a few nights ago,, It was CHF and her lungs were filling up with fluid. Have you had this checked?
Tillyx Nov 2020
No but might ask dock as she says thing like I'm full of water
Midkid58 Nov 2020
Mum is having delusions and nobody can talk her down from them, I'm sure you have tried.

Have her checked for a UTI? I cannot believe the havoc those wreak on us!

If it's not a UTI, maybe doc can prescribe a mild sedative to help her be calm. That has to be awful--seeing things that aren't there, feeling things that aren't there.

lealonnie1 Nov 2020
In your profile, you say your mother has a UTI which would explain why she's having hallucinations. It's quite common to speak gibberish when an elder has such an infection. Get her to the doctor immediately for treatment and the appropriate antibiotic to kill the infection.

If she's already being treated for a UTI, get her evaluated for dementia. The doctor can administer a simple oral (and 1 part drawing)exam to test her cognizance level. Then you can go from there, with advice from her PCP.

Good luck!
Tillyx Nov 2020
Her last scan says there r changes in her brain and was supposed to be seen by someone I tried to follow this up but still answers big delay be cos of lock down yet again
funkygrandma59 Nov 2020
Have you had her tested for a UTI? I would most certainly keep notes on everything she is saying and make a Dr's appt. soon where you can share what's going on with your mom, and they can run the appropriate tests. Best wishes.
Tillyx Nov 2020
Yes she had test 10days ago and been on to different antibiotics she has perm antibiotics too but in my own mind something else is going on too I think the on set dementia


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