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sally10 Asked July 2013

I seem to be unwittingly fluctuating between changing my name and taking off, and changing my name and taking off. Normal?

Just trying to lighten my mood after a few very troubling dreams, insomnia, recurring panic attacks and morbidly obese self pity.

jujubean Jul 2013
oh I have begun dreaming again this past week, seriously I cant remember when the last time I had a dream. Someone said it was the lack of restful sleep I think it was more than that, lack of any kind of joy or happiness which is now returning!

jujubean Jul 2013
I have thought of that seriously once...just change my identity and disappear! seems to be a common fantasy for us who have sacrificed all for the love of our caretakee's. an RV travelling or a boat would be nice as I am a scuba and beach (river lake or ocean) bum, love the sound of the water!!! But I get terribly sea sick so I guess it is a coastal trip thru the US in an RV!!!
We can dream can't we???


eguillot Jul 2013
I know. Since my mom was diagnosed with AlD last month, I've been having nightmares (oddly, nothing to with Mom), just really scary dreams. In all of them, though, I scream for my husband to come save me, and he does. He's a good guy :)
We like to talk about what we're going to do "later", and one of those things is travel the US in an RV. Hopefully we won't be 90 when we get that RV, or we'll need a lift to get in and out lol

anonymous176456 Jul 2013
Yep. Running away from home and family (not hubby) has been a fantasy for many years now but at the rate things are going, I'll have to get my own walker with a turbo charger to get past the front door. hehe

BoniChak Jul 2013
I hear ya!
I hear ya!
And I hear ya!

LadeeC Jul 2013
Are ya kiddin'?? *laughs* Running away and starting over. Hmmmm .. Can't imagine why that's appealing. (Says the person who has actually 'changed' her name - back and forth - about a dozen times, lived on the streets in an RV .. "what could be wrong with this: look at my backyard" *points to the wide-open park*)

And a fantasy life is always appealing. The grass is always greener, the water and sky bluer.

*heads out to her second life*

sally10 Jul 2013
Actually, it sounds like a great idea until I realize how much I will miss everyone, (sometimes....) have no where to live, be absolutely penniless, not be a very attractive homeless person, probably develop multiple personality disorder(s) (and like it) and oh, the notorious, wreckless fear of the unknown to deal with too. Not a good plan at my age. So why does it feel so f-ing appealing???? Guess I'm going to be cranky today.


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