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Kabeeena Asked April 2013

Is there any way to wake mom up when she is in a deep sleep?

pllfangirl Sep 2015

pllfangirl Sep 2015
my hamsters under my bed but can't get my mom up.PLEASE HELP ME


LEP627 May 2013
No one has brought this up, but have you considered she may be over-medicated? It may be worth looking into.

MishkaM May 2013
Hi kabeena, I would get a wheel chair and park it by her bed in case of an emergency so you can get her in the chair and wheel her out. I am thinking in case of fire or something like that.

I do not know of a good way to wake someone up. I like to wake my girl up slowly so she glides gently out of sleep ( and then doesn't get so darn crabby!). My husband's father would stand by his bed, so the story goes, and say one weird word over and over and over until he got out of bed -"eggs, eggs, eggs , eggs" . Haha. Husband HATED it! My Mom would scream from the bottom of the steps--"WAKE UP I HAVE CHORES FOR YOU!!!" ---still sends chills down my spine. My husband thinks it is hilarious to wake me up that way sometimes.

I have made provisions for the time I may be in a coma. :O ) Because I have OCD and I think if these things. I tell my husband to wake me up now with this one special memory of my daughter when I am sleeping. See, then if I go comatose my husband will tell me that memory and it will trigger the wake up center in my brain. This is my own theory. :0). Who knows -that is all I am saying. Who knows. I like to be prepared.

ChristinaW May 2013
Kabeena, I just saw that you answered. Sorry. Looks like everyone has given good ideas. I really dontt know about sleeping too much:(
Dr. Oz had a show awhile ago on different sleeping patterns. My only thought would be to regulate her sleeping. But how can you? You don't want to startle her.
When I was in high school, my Mother would reach under the covers with her cold morning hands and pull my toes while snickering " Rise and shine, Sleeping Beauty." Yea, funny Mother. Don't do that, ok? Lol
I'll read in Dr. Michael Breus' book on Sleep to see if he gives any ideas.
May I wish everyone Pleasent Dreams:) xo

Kabeeena May 2013
Thanks for the suggestion. I had been thinking maybe smelling salts. She doesn't have much sense of smell anymore, but I think I will get some, and I'll try the oil of peppermint, too. Maybe something super strong or pungent will get through.

Any other ideas out there?

Thanks. I just want to be prepared in case of an emergency, and to be able to get mom up and mobile for appointments and even last minute opportunities.

BoniChak May 2013
Maybe some peppermint oil under her nose. Glad you are both well.

Kabeeena May 2013
Thanks for your concern! I'm ok. Mom's ok, her doctor did not see a problem with the extra sleeping. Took blood and urine sample to double check and have not heard back yet. My main question is, for future reference, in case of emergency, like, now, if there was a fire and we had to get out, and she was in a deep sleep. I can't carry her, I would need to wake her up. Or, even, if she has a doctor appointment and I need to wake her up and get her going in time, but she's in a deep sleep. Does anyone have any techniques for waking someone up when they are sleeping so deeply?

BoniChak May 2013
Please update us. Is your Mom ok? Are you?

Eyerishlass Apr 2013
Is she sleeping soundly at night or does her daytime sleeping interfere with a good night's rest?

Is she on any medication that could make her drowsy? Is she taking any new medication that she could be having an adverse reaction to?

It could be any number of things like the disease process, infection, things you've already thought of. I would have her checked out in case she has an infection and while you're there ask her Dr. about the sleeping and how to go about waking her up since she won't wake up on her own.

People tend to sleep much more in the beginning of the dying process. They don't want food or fluid and are difficult to arouse. Perhaps your mom is on this path?

BoniChak Apr 2013
Capn, thanks for another laugh. Needed it.
Kab.....I would call her PC Dr. and ask this question immediately. ( In the morning.) Somethings not right, imo. Good luck and God bless.

Kabeeena Apr 2013
Christina- Thank you for your questions. Sorry, somehow my question got submitted before I filled the details box. My mom has severe dementia and I'm her caregiver. Lately she has begun sleeping in till about noon or later. She falls back asleep after or even during her breakfast and she sleeps so deeply there is NO waking her. I've tried yelling, patting, flicking her palms and feet, wiping her face with a cold wet washcloth, etc., and the best I get is almost open eyes and mumbles and then she is sound asleep again. Yesterday she slept til late afternoon. I actually have a few questions about this situation:

Is this just the disease progressing?

Is this a sign of something wrong, like a UTI, or something going wrong in the body that needs medical care?

Is it bad for her to sleep so long (loss of stimulation, no moving around or exercise,) or does she just need that much sleep at this point?

What can I do if there is a reason that I just HAVE TO get her up? I don't mind the long periods of sleep- I get some peace and can get things done that are very difficult to do when she's awake, and I have more time for myself, but my concern is, what if there is an emergency and I HAVE TO wake her up, or, if she has a doctor's appointment, etc., and I need her to be able to wake up and get somewhere on time? Does anybody know of any techniques (short of inflicting pain, of course) for waking a person who is in such a deep sleep?

I appreciate anyone's input on this situation!

ChristinaW Apr 2013
Help me.
Why do you want to wake her up? What are the circumstances? Has she been asleep for an unusually long time? What's up?

capnhardass Apr 2013
AC / DC ( loud )


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