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rosie123 Asked March 2013

Can someone tell me how dangerous MRSA in the blood is for my dad in NH?

Dad has been sick with flu like symptoms and has slight pneumonia and today his nursing home called and said his white cell count was up and that they gave him a blood test and he has MRSA in his blood. I've researched MRSA on the internet but would like to hear from someone who actually has experienced it or knows of someone who has had it and the outcome of their experience with it. Also any nursing home staff can add any helpful info on this subject if they want to. Dad is 75, 3 strokes, Parkinsons . Thanks

vw9729 Mar 2013
My husband contracted MRSA last summer in his sinuses - which is not the blood - but hope this helps to understand it a little. To rid his body of it, he had to take a STRONG antibiotic called Vancomycin only given intravenously (IV) which was prescribed by an Infectious Disease Specialist. The antibiotic is very hard on the body, but rid him of MRSA - thank goodness. But it doesn't always work. I hope the nursing home doctor has referred him to a specialist or at least consulted with one. I strongly suggest you inquire as to HOW and WHAT they are going to treat him. MRSA is beatable, but hard - so try and stay on top of them to hopefully stay ahead of the game. ((HUGS))

AgingCareCM Mar 2013
Here also is another thread within the community that you may also find helpful.

The Team


msdiva Mar 2013
WOW!!! did he get in the hospital??? that is the place to get it bu lately i have been reading you can get in gyms,school any pretty much publoc place its in the blood so its contagious no matter what, i work in the nursing home for yrs and people kept coming back from the hospital and next thing you know were dressing down to be protected .MY opinion of it its a awful thing to have for elderly people cause it hard to get rid of it

AgingCareCM Mar 2013
Hello rosie123,
Below is a link to a previously asked question about MRSA in the community and it contains an expert answer. I hope you find this helpful.

I wish you the best,
The Team


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