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mmurrill Asked April 2011

My mother has cataracts, and I know that if she would have the surgery for both eyes she would see better, but she refuses. How to convince her?

I know she has a lot of trouble with her vision. She is worried she will go blind with the surgery. She also has macular degeneration. How can I convince her (she has dementia) that she will see better with the surgery or can it be done through physician request without getting her permission as she has dementia. I feel bad for her becuase I have the feeling she would see much better if she had the surgery which sounds fairly routine.

BarbBrooklyn Apr 2017
I think you need to het her in to see an opthamologist to evaluate her cataratcts. S/he can advise you and your mom about whether surgery would be helpful at this point.

Leesdaughter Apr 2017
My Mother who is now 91 has resisted cataract surgery for 20 years and would not even go back to the Dr after diagnosis. . Despite testimonies of success from numerous friends and family, she has refused. She is in excellent mental and physical health except for her vision. Her total blindness has shocked her in to reality. Is she still a candidate for surgery?


Leesdaughter Apr 2017
My mother has had cataracts for 20 years. Despite numerous friends and relatives telling her of the great results they had from surgery, she refused to even go back to the Dr. She is now totally blind and 91 years old. In perfect physical and mental health except for her vision. Would surgery help now or not? I will stop trying to encourage her if not.

ryanharris Feb 2014
I talked about this to my doctor at Killeen Vision Source and even he recommended that your father should get injections ASAP before his eyes get affected.

Jinx4740 Jan 2014
I have had detached retina and cataracts, but not bleeding. My second cataract surgery "caused" my second detached retina. I was at high risk anyway, and they were able to fix it, so it was worth the risk. The surgery is easy and not painful, but there can be consequences if the eyes are already fragile, as mine were.

I'm not a doctor, but I think the bleeding is worse than the cataracts, and it should be treated first. It's hard to have to make these complicated decisions, when you and I aren't experts, and we know that the doctors are only human. Good luck!

Sunshine10 Jan 2014
my father has cataract that is ready to be removed. he alos has macular degeneration. The doc said to remove ASAP since he will see much brighter and in
depth. He sees very dark and would like to see better. When I went for consultation they realized some bleeding behind the eyes. There are different opinions if we should give the injectiions first for the bleeding, or remove the cataracts. The doc said its very big and ti remove right away and get injections
in between. He already got one 2 weeks ago. If I wait 3 weeks do you think it will affect his eyes and see even worse?

sumlerc Dec 2012
I hope that anyone who needs eye care gets it! My Moms vision could have been protected had she followed the Dr's orders!! I tried and tried, she put it off and off now...its too late Macular degeneration has left her legaly blind.

Danashel Apr 2011
When I had my cataract surgery (I am 55, and had to have the cataract out because it was making my glaucoma worse) they only gave me anesthetic drops in my eyes, and a relaxing IV. It was wonderful. I felt fine, there was no pain, and I don't know what was in that stuff, but I couldn't have cared less that someone was in my eyeball with a scalpel.

It kind of glosses over things that happened during that day, so the older person will not recall much of the day. I didn't, and a person with issues, even less. I think a person with dementia will forget it even happened in a week.

toadballet1 Apr 2011
Mom has cataracts right now. They do not impair her vision (at least that what she says.) Her eye doctor does not see that they have progressed that much. If I were in her shoes, I would have the surgery done. Compared to other surgeries, this one is relatively safe. When my grandmother had her surgery done, I could not believe how much it contributed to her quality of life.
I am not normally prone to suggest surgery for an elderly person - just because of the risks of anesthesia, etc. But cataract surgery is probably one of the least risky.
However, you do need to ask her doctor if it would be risky because of her macular degeneration. I would be interested to know that.
good luck

lcs Apr 2011
I didn't find putting the drops in my husband's eyes too big of a problem (compared to all the other problems we have in relation to his poor health). The cataract operations cleared up his vision although he continued to fuss for about six months about still having "floaters". My husband thought the surgery would be much more difficult than it was and after his first surgery, he didn't dread the second one. If you think it would be safer (accident-wise) for your mom to have the cataracts removed then I would suggest that you take whatever route you need to so that the surgeries take place. If your mom is suffering from dementia, now is probably the time when you will have to start "parenting" your mother and, for example, arrange medical treatments for her that you think are in her best interest just like you would do for a child. Has your mom given you the legal right to do this yet? Or could the family doctor order such a treatment? Just a few thoughts for whatever they are worth. I've "been there" with my mom and know how tough it is to parent a mother. Good luck.

anonymous101100 Apr 2011
If I were you, I would have others who have had it, talk to her, or forget it. My Mom refused for years but then with the dementia progressing, she agreed . Afterwards she said "why didnt I do this a long time ago?" She forgets she had it done but the prep isnt easy, they stuck a long needed into her face both times to numb her and she screamed. Then there is a patch over night and then eyedrops 3-4 times a day for weeks, its not as easy as one might think for the elderly person and for you doing the drops. I wouldnt make her, let he be if she is happy. 6 months after my moms 2nd surgery she had a stroke and cant hardly see a thing now, such a shame. Good luck, I know how stubborn they can be.

mmurrill Apr 2011
Thanks for all the feedback. I feel she is more prone to accidents with her vision impaired. Will try to convince at the doctor's office and see how it goes. I hope she will see the light (no pun intended)

Danashel Apr 2011
I have had cataract surgery myself, it is a piece of cake, and you see so much better afterward it is amazing. Holding eyes still is not an issue, they put in drops to still the muscles and a strap to hold the head still. And the stuff they pump into your arm is wonderful.

That said, you could tell your mom the same thing. It probably won't do any good. If she refuses, and is as stubborn and steadfast as my mom is, the surgery will never happen. I can't even get my mom to eat a meal half the time.

NancyH Apr 2011
I have to admit the thought of anyone messing with my eyes gives me the creeps. Now I know that it's safe and you get great results these days, but still....
My dad has had cataract surgery on both eyes I believe, but then again he doesn't have dementia or any mental issues. Which could be why a person wouldn't want to go through it. I'm not sure a person that is mentally impaired would be able to hold their eye still enough, or understand the doctors instructions well enough in the first place. Now when and if they come up with a surgery to correct the 'old age' vision that a person gets when they hit 40 years old, sign me up. Creepy or not.

linda09 Apr 2011
my dad s the same way . i told him it doesnt hurt etc . he said no they can just leave my eyes alone ! i see just fine ! he s the boss and he knows his eyes . cant force them or convince them .


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