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Sammie23 Asked March 2011

Would a veteran who is is receiving an Aid & Attendance Pension lose their benefits if they drive a car?

EXPERT Carol Bradley Bursack, CDSGF Mar 2011
I would assume that this is an individual call, depending on doctors orders. I'd check with the doctor first, and if the person is able to drive from a medical standpoint, then check with the VA program,
It's smart of you to look into this so your don't risk benefits.

missmacintx Jan 2018
Driving requires complex physical and mental coordination to achieve safely. Yes, driving could raise questions about the need to A&A benefits


JoyceW Mar 2011
When I filled out the application for VA assistance for my Mom, I don't recall a specific clause about driving. That being said, the doctor has to fill out a questionairre explaining why this person needs the aide and assistance of another in order to qualify for the money they would give. I just reread my copy of the medical statement and there is a question that asks, Is the claimant able to travel? with an explanation. and another question which asks can claimant leave home without assistance? If the answer is, yes, they want to know how far he/she can go? My assumption would be, If a person can drive independently, they do not require aide and assistance of another person and could lose their benefits. I would definitely suggest doing what the previous answer suggested. Check with both personal physician to see if this person should be driving and the Dept. of Veteran Affairs about their rules and regulations. Good luck. JW


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