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BobbieSena Posted July 2020

I am not against all supplements!

I am not against all supplements! I have seen some precious loved ones greatly helped by sublingual B12. Ther may be other supplements that are good. Supplements will not be necessary if we eat only real food, breathe clean air, drink pure water, and lead an overal healthy lifestyle with no statins, diuretics, nor other nutrition draining substances consumed. I take no supplements nor meds. I am not totrally against supplements nor meds. I just wanted to convince people of the physical and mental dangers of statins, diuretics and narcotics. Also, some meds are wonderful. Most antibiotics (definitely pennisillin) are God's precious gifts to fight infections. There may be other good meds too. May God bless you every one!

samanthasummner Aug 2020
Supplements are just that. Supplementation, if you can get it from food that’s fine but if not then supplement it that’s the actual purpose. So whichever works best for you is fine. Do your research through

Geaton777 Jul 2020
The supplement industry is also a multi-billion dollar one. It is for profit, just like "big" pharma. Unlike the pharma industry they are not required to prove that their products actually work (so none are overseen by the FDA as drugs, only as "food"). I don't work for a pharma company, don't have any family that does, don't own stock in pharma company. Just 38 years of working with med-tech innovators, doctors, researchers, entrepreneurs, I'm pretty familiar with the clinical trial and FDA approval process and requirements. I have only once in 38 years done work for a pharma company (and it was small, local one). Did you know that the Placebo Effect accounts for much of the reason people claim that their supplements "are working"? In actual scientific clinical studies it is factored in by 20% so they don't calculate an inaccurate result. When you purchase a supplement you have no real idea if it is being made by dirty, ungloved hands (and no masks!) in a dirty, unsterile environment, whether one dose is consistent with any other capsules or tablets in the same bottle, whether there is consistency of dosage from bottle to bottle or what the "correct" dosage is for each person, of if the pill/tablet/tincture even contains ANY of what the bottle states? If there were any promising scientific clinical proof that any of those supplements actually worked for what they loosely claim the pharma industry would fall over each other trying to get in on it because that would be waaaaaay cheaper, faster and less medically and legally risky than coming up with original, proprietary products and the multi-millions they spend annually on R&D. Did you know that pharma spends almost 1 billion dollars to bring 1 new product to FDA approval and then the consume market? It can take decades. I know because I've worked peripherally in med-tech for 38 years. I also know 1 person who died from a contaminated batch of supplements (L-tryptophan) and the other has permanent circulatory damage in his legs from the same supplement, different bottle. Caveat emptor (buyer, beware!). This goes for the "wild west" of CBD in any form. It hasn't been legal up till now to test it so no one has ANY idea if it causes long-term damage or even does what it claims (and the sellers make many fantastical claims). FYI most water-based supplements are peed out. Oil-based ones can cause overdose if too much is taken. Taking vitamin B12 will help your condition if you have an actual deficiency (or any vitamins for that matter). You can be tested by a doctor for deficiencies. But American food is so fortified it is not a common problem. There's far more to it than what I've written here. Just want people to understand what they're getting when they spend so much money (and invest a lot of hope) in Big Supplement.


BobbieSena Jul 2020
I was only advising everybody to avoid any substances thatcause nutritional deficiencies that can then cause physical and mental damage.Iwas not advising anybody to live with pain. Each case is different. However, I again emphasize avoid nutrition draining substances if at all possible. i will always be glad I did.I do realize I was very blessed to be able todo so.I would never want to villify anybody. Acombo of excellent knee replacement surgery, great therapy, and a wonderful healthy dietremoved all my infection, inflammation, and pain. I eat delicious pure real maple syrup every day. It removes inflammation , but only if infection has been healed first.I am sure that if my pain had not been healed, I would have had no choice but to take the vicodin.I am also I would now be dead or very impaired.i am just thankful. I do not want to criticize anyone.

cwillie Jul 2020
People love to bash pharmaceuticals, especially tho ones you have mentioned but I'm not going to allow your comments without posting a rebuttal -
When my mom began to experience repeated TIAs and perhaps little strokes she came under the care of a neurologist who used advanced ultrasounds to study the carotid arteries and the effects of statins on plaques. When I saw a comparison of before and after several months treatment with statins I was amazed, I never knew it was even possible to reverse narrowing of the arteries, and the change was dramatic. My reaction at the time was anger that her doctors had never prescribed them previously, by her early 90's the cumulative damage had already been done.

Narcotics have gotten a bad rap because some doctors seem to hand them out like candy - I'm sure almost everyone has a story about someone they know being given too many at a time for pain that could have been treated without them. The unfortunate fallout from that has been vilifying people with chronic or intractable pain and forcing them to ration their medications or do without altogether - sorry, but not everyone can find relief with alternatives, and living with pain is no way to live.


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