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mnl3790 Posted October 2009

My father died six months ago, before he died he paid part of his plot with his credit card, he didn't have credit protection, he didn't

have money or assets at time of death. Is my mother liable for his unpaid debt, we are in California

aew2004 Oct 2009
I agree with the rest. You check your state laws and speak to a lawyer. Alternatively, you can also check with the credit card company directly, asking them how is this debt going to be handled and see what they say, but to do not commit to anything, just listen to what they have to say and tell them you will get back to them, than check the facts for yourself, with a lawyer, or you could also go onto the web and do a search on such issues, within your state. There are sometimes, very good write ups on the web.
Take care and God bless.

N1K2R3 Oct 2009
Funny question: If you want the plot, then I guess you'll have to pay the other half of the cost, right? If your father died six months ago, how DID you pay for the remaining balance on his plot? If your mother is to share the plot (s), then you will definitely have to pay the remaining balance on his plot. If she is or will be buried elsewhere, then you don't have to worry about her burial. (On that card).
You are not responsible for any other credit card charges outside of this sitaution.


LTCIguy Oct 2009
Certainly check out your state rules to confirm, but as said before, if the cards are in both parents names the debts roll to the other person, if the cards are in Dads name only, the credit card companies may "lein" on the estate and could end up being moms (or the families)debts anyway, depending on how the estate is set up of course. I would encourage having this discussion with an estate lawer who specializes in these kind of issues.
Hope I've helped.
remember to ask as many questions as you can, there may be other situations they can help you with.
Best of luck

EXPERT Carol Bradley Bursack, CDSGF Oct 2009
You should ask a financial adviser or attorney about this, however my guess is that if the card was in his name only, she is not, but if the card was jointly held, she is.

As I said, that is just information from what I've read and I'm not a financial advisor nor do I know California law. However, that is fairly general when it comes to credit cards. Death may alter that, so checking with the California State Bar Association for a qualified attorney may help.
Good luck,


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