I am an Attorney In Fact for my husband and used his POA to sign a new lease with our tenants. When my husband received his copy of the signed lease, he then said that it was a fraudlent signature because he had recinded it. This was the first I had heard of it and then he sent me an image of the recindication. Will the lease still stand?
You could argue that you had no notice of rescission and acted based on your knowledge of a still in existence POA. I think it's up to him to notify you of the rescission though.
OTOH, it's unfortunate the mother and her children are caught up in this situation, and it seems as if your husband is doing this not b/c of any issue with the tenant but rather with you. I hope you've got an attorney as it seems as though this might get messy.
I also wonder if you're both elders and he needs to have someone act on his behalf. Are there any incapacity issues with him?
And what has this got to do with elder care?
Were you acting on his instructions?