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Hummer Asked February 2019

Suggestions for eating and serving utensils for elders with tremors?

This is Essential Tremor, not Parkinson's, if it makes a difference.

JoAnn29 Feb 2019
There are utensils for Parkinson tremors. They are weighted so easier to handle. They are expensive but probably worth the price.

Tothill Feb 2019
My former mil has quite a bad tremor that is not related to Parkinson's. If she is eating in a restaurant she only orders food that is eaten with hands, such as a burger and fries. I do not know what she does at home.

Soups can be served in travel mugs.

Dad does not have a tremor, but since his stroke which caused right side weakness, he uses one hand to lift the other. He will also use his fingers to push food onto his fork.


Rainmom Feb 2019
My father had a hand tremor that was not related to Parkinson. Actually, his doctors never did find a cause. However, as my dad aged the tremor got worse - eating and drinking became more difficult.

The drinking was easy to fix as due to the coffee shop explosion and designer water craze - you could find all kinds of cups with lids for both hot and cold drinks. Dad slipped a straw into the drinking hole and was good to go.

Eating was more difficult. At first dad used a spoon of his own making. It was a larger spoon - not quite serving spoon size - and it had a sort of squared off, flatter head. My dad next built up the handle with a soft sponge wrapped in duct tape. This one helped for quite a few years. When a better spoon was needed we went to a medical supply store - the type that sells walkers as well as smaller medical items. They had a large selection of eating utensils designed for varying needs. The sales guy suggested a larger spoon like dad was use to - but as well as having a large, soft grip stem it was significantly weighted. The weight of the handle really help on days when the tremor wasn’t wickedly bad. On those days - nothing really seemed to help much.

Anyhoo... Good luck to your
in your search!


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