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Hadnuff Asked October 2016

Rehab doctor didn't provide medication refills.

How do I let go of anger? I just noticed. Went to internist and heart doc. For follow up appointments after husband got out rehab. Both doctors asked what he was taking and that's it. No discussion of meds. Now internist secretary says it was up to me to tell doc I wanted him to stay on meds rehab had him on. That he needs to see husband to prescribe pills. We saw him a few weeks ago. Said doc may not prescribe. And take few days to find out. Rehab doc may or may not extend pills. Heart doc took list of pills said nothing. We had no pills prescribed previously by him.

BarbBrooklyn Oct 2016
Barbara, it feels to me like you are a rather passive person. This is not the time to be passive. You ( or your husband, or someone) needs to be willing to be an active partner in your husband's health care plan.

Post surgery, my husband and i went to see his pcp. We wanted to know what the plan was. He read the discharge notes and said we needed to follow up with a cardiologist. We discussed who the best person for husband to see was. We discussed the management of my husband's blood thinner and how he would accomplish blood testing, and who would recieve those results. We discussed which doctor ( cardio or pcp) would get called if X, Y or Z happened.

You need to develop a list of questions to take with you to doctor appointments. Top one needs to be " who is precribing meds?".

BarbBrooklyn Oct 2016
Hadnuff, when your husband was discharged, didn't they tell him that he needed to follow up with his pcp and a cardiologist within a week or two? That was my experience with my husband post open heart surgery, and with my mom post stroke.

You are supposed to follow up with these docs and have a conversation about what the treatment plan is , going forward. Did you have that conversation, at least with the pcp? Someone needs to be the conductor here.


Hadnuff Oct 2016
Husband finally got his meds. Had follow up visit with internist, heart doc and neurologist. They all knew he got out of rehab just a few weeks ago and had heart valve repair plus stroke. I provided list of meds that rehab doc prescribed. I think heart doc said are you on blood thiners? Internist sat there with us in room typing the meds into his tablet. Neurologist we never saw before. So he should have read the list of meds attached to the new patient form i. filled out. Not one of them said i will write a prescription. Or asked if there were refills on the medications.

staceyb Oct 2016
Your going to have to come eight oyt and ask the Dr I suppose. What sort of medications are you talking about? Meds for post Stroke or heart attack will be important, so it does seem odd.
I do know, that my FIL'S DR, has slowly eliminated all but his thyroid meds this past year. No more BP, cholesterol and diabetes meds, as his lab values show he just doesn't neeed them anymore. So a lot will depend on his lab tests.

Rainmom Oct 2016
Never mind, found my answer.

Rainmom Oct 2016
I'm confused - stoke or heart surgery?

Hadnuff Oct 2016
Ment to say doctor said nothing about meds.

Hadnuff Oct 2016
Went to neurologist. Filled out new patient form gave them copy of meds. Doctor did say anything during visit about meds.

pamstegma Oct 2016
If he had a stroke, didn't they want him to follow up with a Neurologist? Did the hospital discharge say anything about that?


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