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secmom05 Asked December 2014

My Mom has dementia and gets agitated, screaming, cursing and throwing things. Can she be kicked out of ALF for that?

My mom has temper tantrums and acts up in the dining room, on outings, etc. She has hit and kicked caregivers. I secretly found out that the ALF staff are considering moving her to the memory care unit or kicking her out completely. My mother is still able to carry on a conversation, knows family, and is aware of her surroundings. She gets confused at times. I don't think she's ready for a memory care unit. What rights does she have given her behavior is associated with dementia?

sophe509 Dec 2014
If meds are not working and a trip through the medical system doesn't resolve the issue, she may end up being put into a state psychiatric hospital. Not a pleasant outcome. Can you reason with her in her saner moments and explain the consequences of her behaviors?

anonymous158299 Dec 2014
my aunt sits in nh dining room and just glares at the food , will not eat a bite of it . staff always comes by musing about her attitude . sometimes i want to ask them if theyve actually tried this swill . the only thing edible is the fish patty -- think the 3 eyed mutant fish from the simpsons . i eat the crap but i can easily see why she wouldnt . ill probably hurl one of those " sweet rolls " one of these days and knock that big ugly cook out cold with it . i dont care if they throw ME out , might save my life .
im not being very helpful here but that isnt my objective . just being an annoying jerk is enough accomplishment for me .


BarbBrooklyn Dec 2014
You REALLY don't want to sit on this. Most AL staff is not trained to work with out of control dementia patients, even if their outbursts are not "all the time". Get her some relief by getting her in the hospital!,

Chicago1954 Dec 2014
Keep in mind that she could hurt herself or others. Her actions is not what AL is about. We just got back form visiting my mother in law at her's. She is 92. Any outbursts, no matter how infrequent, effect all of the other residents. You would be prudent to get her evaluated, before she is kicked out. That would make it difficult to find a new place for her.

pamstegma Dec 2014
Work with them. Get her admitted NOW. Anyone who is a threat to safety of staff and other residents cannot stay there. Don't guess. Call the Head Nurse and get it done.

secmom05 Dec 2014
I did hear that they may have her admitted to the psych hospital first. She has gone twice before and she is taking medication. She also can get additional meds because she is being seen by a psychiatrist. She doesnt get agitated all the time, but its in the dining room mostly and other residents dont want to sit with her. I certainly understand why. Im not sure how much is dementia and how much is manipulation.

pamstegma Dec 2014
Get her admitted to the hospital immediately for a neuro-psych work up.
IF they can modulate her behavior with medication, she might be allowed to stay in the ALF. Right now. Tonight.


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