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peace416 Posted November 9, 2023

Another interesting article about caregiving.

Caregiver99999 Nov 11, 2023
The comments are worth the read! Thank you for sharing article. Was about to do so myself.

SnoopyLove Nov 11, 2023
From the article, “The Quiet Rage of Caregivers”:

Ms. Brenoff’s husband of 15 years died in 2017, after 18 months of “misery.” Before he died, she found solace in another Facebook group for caregivers, which observed Throat Punch Thursdays. “That was the one night that you could sign on and say you wanted to scream at somebody,” she said. She has since remarried and written a book about her experience: “Caregivers Are Mad as Hell! Rants From the Wife of the Very Sick Man in Room 5029.”
Though most people have responded positively to her speaking and writing about her anger so openly, it has not always been easy.
“There’s a lot of shame if you dare to say to somebody: ‘No, this actually isn’t rewarding. This isn’t what I signed up for,’” she said.


CaringinVA Nov 9, 2023
I read this one too. I’m glad that it addresses the stigma.

cwillie Nov 9, 2023
Thanks for posting this peace416. I particularly identified with the idea that caregivers often feel they can't express their anger, especially when caring for a spouse, because of social stigma and the fear of being admonished. I personally found my support group right here on AgingCare where there were many others who have been there done that!

Just an FYI - there is a paywall but I was able to access the article though my google account.


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