
Hi my name is Vanessa. Im 26 and my roommate is 55. We live in a supported living apartment. Anyway her behavior and memory issues have been stressful. She constantly forgets names. She thought our staff was here the other day when they weren't. She's constantly confused about what day it is. She has extremely inappropriate behavior like cursing at customers at her job because when they ask her where something is she gets upset that she doesn't know it. She also misplaces things. She wanders around when I take her somewhere. I'm getting concerned about her. My apartment manager is too but her boss says My roommate has always been like this but all her friends are people around her say it's new and even Helene said it's new and that she's never been like this.

Anyway she went to a doctor who said she's fine but I feel like it's a misdiagnosis. It's getting difficult and I would like advice.

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I agree, I'd ask for a test for a UTI, but, if that is ruled out, I think that I would ask for a referral to a specialist like a Neurologist. It could be something that you can't see with just checking her vitals.

Is there any chance that she's taking some medications or drinking that could be altering her mental state and memory. Does she have a history of drinking? Sometimes, young people who have that history can suffer the effects at a young age.
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One recommendation is for her to see her primary doctor to be checked for a Urinary Tract Infection,  the symptoms are different as we get older.... and being upset and cursing is one of them. Doctors usually don't do a UTI test unless someone suggestion one be taken.
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