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LINDA165 Asked March 2021

Mom (78) with the beginnings of Alzheimer's and very high anxiety, has been prescribed 25mg of Seroquel twice a day for anxiety. Any info?

If her anxiety is lessened she will not be so fearful and hopefully stop having anxiety attacks when waking in the night. Is it safe to be home alone on this medication? Anyone have any info?

Geaton777 Mar 2021
Someone needs to administer it to her so that she does not overmedicate herself or get in her car and drive. Even if there was an auto meds dispenser someone would need to make sure the meds got inside her, and at the right time of day.

Midkid58 Mar 2021
I take Seroquel for sleep at night. I have horrific anxiety and this does calm me down, every night. No way I could take this and drive--I have to be in for the night before I take it.

You should watch her and see how she reacts before you just give her the Seroquel and walk away. Some people are super sensitive to it, some are not.

It IS quite sedating, although she is taking a 'small' dose.



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