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Cinot7me Asked December 2019

Life insurance for 85 year old father?

My dad and I are getting by financially, but at this time we would not be able to bury him in a coffin (which he prefers). Can anyone recommend a life insurance in which the premiums will be decent? Someone who actively has one for a parent 85 or older.... Thanks! has CLL that is in 'remission' (not sure what else to call it...Dr says white blood cells are under control and seems as if be never had CLL) ..Diabetes Type 2, Kidney disease stage 2, and AFIB. Other than that he's walking ok and quite alert. No dementia or Alzheimers.

Geaton777 Dec 2019
Look into a pre-paid funeral trust. He can put funds towards this without being penalized if he eventually goes onto Medicaid.

JoAnn29 Dec 2019
I doubt if u can get insurance at this point. If you could, the premiums would be extremely high. I think there is something where if death is within 2 yrs of purchasing the policy, the beneficiary will not be able to collect.

There are those TV insurances (Colonial Penn is one) that u can buy what u can afford. You could purchase just enough to cover a funeral.
Cinot7me Dec 2019
Thank you JoAnn!



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