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AlwaysExhausted Asked May 2019

How to get parent with dementia to shower?

Anyone have suggestions on how to get a parent with dementia to take a shower? My dad's care home has said that he is getting upset whenever they ask him to shower, or offer to help him shower (he doesn't physically need help since he is very mobile). They don't push him too much because the more they try to help, the angrier he gets. They don't know what to try next and have asked my sisters & I if we can help. I don't know what to do. None of us live nearby. Whenever I speak with him, he tells me he showers every other day. He's been tested for a UTI (negative), the doctor could not find any signs of pain or other physical issues that could be resulting in this increase in agitation. Thank you in advance for your suggestions.

freqflyer May 2019
AlwaysExhausted, I remember when my Dad's new caregiver was trying to get him to shower, Dad would become very shy and refuse. After a week, his caregiver put her hands on her hips and said "Mr. Bob, I raised a house full of boys, there isn't anything I haven't seen". That got Dad laughing, and it was smooth sailing after that.

I know some would like an elder to shower daily, but if an elder isn't doing hard labor, doesn't have to deal with Depends, or isn't out in hot weather, a couple of showers per week should do the trick. Otherwise, elder's could develop dry skin which can itch. In between showers, one can use baby wipes.


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