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DonnaF Asked January 2017

Has anyone used CBD oil with dementia?

My mom is 81 and in the later stages of dementia. She has been living with me for the last 3 1/2 years. The most recent development is that she is up and down sometimes all day and night, sometimes just night and then she stops eating as well. She becomes very shaky and unsteady on her feet due to lack of sleep and food. So now she is a high risk for falling, which she does. She does currently take Risperidone which helps with agitation and such during the day, I don't see where it does much at night on a regular basis. I have tried Melatonin up to 9mg at night and it did nothing. Then I tried 50 mg of Benadryl and that worked but not every time. Then I tried the combination of the two and that worked sometimes but not always. This was all done under the doctor's advice.
So we continue to struggle with her eating and sleeping enough to keep her mobile and keep her safe on her feet. I know there was some talk about medical marijuana, but I don't want to go that route nor is it legal in New York State.
So, I am asking on this forum because there are so many wise people here in so many different stages of care giving. This forum has become my number place to go for answers and support. Please share your experiences if you have tried CBD oil and in what form: lotion, pills, oil, gummies, etc. Or just share your thoughts based on others that you know who may have tried it. Take care.

CaptainTy Jul 2018
My 84 y.o. mom was involved in a serious car accident 3 yrs ago, breaking 6 ribs and a clavicle, along with head and internal trauma. Whether due directly to the trauma or if it accelerated the aging process, her memory along with overall physical health was greatly affected. Two months ago she started taking a CBD product with 0% THC. I can tell you her current condition is night and day from where she was. It reminds me of who she was before the accident. She's not 100% yet, but making great strides. 

This led me to begin research on CBD. I recommend researching the endocannabinoid system. It's fascinating. Some key notes to be aware: 
1. Hemp oil does not necessarily mean it has CBD. In fact, there are a lot of people pushing hemp oil that has been watered down with other oils. Try to find pure hemp oil that has been infused with CBD. 
2. They have discovered over 85 different types of CBD's. I'm assuming more will be discovered. Different parts of the hemp plant (leaves, flower, stalk) manufactures different types/concentrations of CBD. Try to find CBD made from the entire plant. 
3. There are some who will say that THC is required for maximum benefit. I have not seen definitive proof, but am open to any credible research. My guess is it probably does have benefits, but not for everything. Combined with the fact it's illegal in most States in concentrations over 3% makes it difficult to obtain, whereas CBD with less than 3% can be legally shipped across State lines under the most recent Federal law. 
4. While it's always good to check with your doctor for any medicine, keep in mind the majority of doctors have been influenced by big pharma. Hemp oil with CBD is a natural substance, just like taking fish oil or vitamin e. In fact, I learned that echinacia, long known for boosting an immune system, contains small quantities of CBD. My research shows if you are taking anything that interacts negatively with grapefruit or grapefruit juice there might be concern. I have no idea why, but just passing along what I've learned. Otherwise you are most likely good to go. 
5. I am not a doctor or scientist. I'm just a logical and curios individual who has seen the benefits first hand. I am not telling anyone to try it, just trying to provide some clarity based on what I've seen and learned. Everyone needs to make the choice best for them. 

Good luck with whatever you choose.

Susanhaywood Mar 2018
I started half hour ago. One drop under the tongue. My sister has Alz. We each took it. I wanted to feel effects, if any. I’ve done a lot of reading. Source must be reliable and reputable. Available over the counter in many stores in St. Louis. Readily available on line. I’ll post back about our experience.


jukerete Mar 2018
CBD gummies might be a solution as well. Here you have a very interesting article about the benefits and side effects of cbd gummies. Anyway, ask your doctor before using any kind of supplement

Doriii Jan 2018
I was reading forums regarding CBD and dementia a year ago and find out someone would like to hear some experiences. Well, my 86 years old grandfather broke his leg and after surgery the dementia has progressively improved. Some days he knew everyone one and everything, the day after, he was unrecognizable.
He thought he was at home and he saw things he actually could not see. Well it's hard to describe it. Well, it was difficult to watch, how the illness was deteriorating day by day-so I started searching imformations about CBD and asking customer services of some hempstores for best solutions regarding demence. After a few incorrect decisions I found one store called Hempbazaar and after discussion with their customer service I ordered Hemp CBD paste. It takes you some time to see the progress, but it was worth it :)

jeannegibbs Jan 2017
Sorry I have no direct experience with this. But I know that in your place I would try it after discussing it with her doctor and perhaps her pharmacist. If she has side effects or it doesn't work, I'd discontinue it. Her situation currently is miserable. I'd try anything that has a chance of working and isn't permanently harmful.

I wonder if her doctor really has a grasp of how disabling the lack of regular sleep is, both for her and her caregivers. What the doctor has tried so far is at the mildest end of options (and ones that don't often work with the sleep disruptions caused by dementia). In my book it is time to try more drastic measures. My husband's sleep disruptions early in his dementia were such that I could not continue caring for him at home without a sleep solution. His dementia-specialist neurologist and his sleep psychiatrist consulted and came up with a prescription that solved the problem.

If you decide not to try CBD or you try it and it doesn't work, the next step is to insist on a stronger solution from her doctor, or find a doctor who takes sleep deprivation seriously.

staceyb Jan 2017
I don't have any experience, but it is a Great question for her Dr! The CBD byproduct of Marijuana, is Los THE, and I've heard great things about it for people suffering from pain and arthritis, and there is information online about people using it for other mental health, Dementia, Migraine therapy, and other health care issues too.

I hope someone comes along with some experience to share with you!

DonnaF Jan 2017
I'm not thinking that CBD oil is considered medical marijuana. Only because a friend of mine bought the gummies for her mom and there was no prescription need to purchase it. The CBD oil has very little THC in the oil.
You are right that it is legal in New York State, my bad on that. But I didn't want that and the effects that would have on my mom. So I was just wondering if anyone had any experience with the CBD oil before I bring it up to the doctor.

cwillie Jan 2017
Uhm, am I missing something here, CBD oil IS medical marijuana.

pamstegma Jan 2017
It IS legal in NY state. Ask your MD for a prescription.

Sunnygirl1 Jan 2017
I'm bumping your thread up so maybe someone will respond. I'm afraid I don't have any information on this. I would be cautious of mixing any meds, even supplements, with mom's other prescribed medication without doctor approval.


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