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sisternightmare Asked November 2016

Does the under curator of an interdicted person have the right to review financial records?

We allowed our eldest sister to be Mom's financial curator because all she seemed to care about was Mom's finances. I was appointed under curator. My sister has changed Mom's checking account and refuses to give me any info so that I can keep an eye on it. Can I take my letter from the court showing I am under curator and insist on having access to view Mom's account. We live in Louisiana.

pamstegma Nov 2016
sisternightmare, YES take your court order to the bank. The law says:
1. Notify court when curator fails to qualify timely. CCP 4565(B).
2. Have free access to interdict and interdict’s records. CCP 4565(B).
3. Review all accounts and personal reports filed by curator. Id.
4. Notify court when he thinks the curator has failed to perform duties. Id.
5. Approve or disapprove transactions which require his concurrence. Id.
6. Move to appoint successor when curator’s office is empty. Id

pamstegma Nov 2016
In many places, this is called Guardianship. The Guardian takes the court order to the bank and moves the accounts to a guardian account with only the guardian's signature on it, but in the name of the Ward (mom). This is pretty standard practice. IF you suspect the money is NOT where it should be, immediately notify the court in writing.



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