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anniej Asked October 2016

How difficult is it to transfer Medicaid from Wisconsin to Minnesota?

We just went through the fun process of getting Medicaid for my dad in Wisconsin. He doesn't have much longer. He has end stage cirrhosis of the liver, serious cardio issues, kidney issues, low hemoglobin, encyphalopothy (not sure if I spelled correctly). We decided today to do palliative care. If we moved him to Minnesota, I'm worried about the hoops I'd have to jump through & the time it would take to transfer his Medicaid (he has to reapply). With my dad's prognosis, he doesn't have a lot of time.

pamstegma Oct 2016
anniej, hospice facilities are few and far between. You will have to move him to a nursing home in the same state where he gets Medicaid. Medicaid does not cross state lines. You would start with all new hoops to jump through in another state.

BarbBrooklyn Oct 2016
Just a bit about hospice. It's generally a service, not a place ( although hospice facilities do exist). So no matter where your dad is, home, nursing home, Assisted Living, once you find a hospice provider, they would come to him to provide services. If he only has weeks to live, it sounds like he's eligible now.


BarbBrooklyn Oct 2016
Where does your dad envision being these last few weeks of his life? At his home? With help brought in, paid for by Medicaid? Will that be enough care?

Does he have other friends and family in Wisconsin who will step up and care for him, along with hospice, when he returns home?

jeannegibbs Oct 2016
If he is in a nursing home, most likely hospice will come to him. He doesn't need the disruption of being moved again.

It is understandable that he would prefer to stay out of a nursing home -- most people would. But that nevertheless might be the best placement available, all things considered. Where does he want to be? Does he understand that he is dying?

If he is likely to have more visitors if he stays near where he is, that is a factor to consider.

This whole situation is producing enough anguish -- I hope it is not also producing any feelings of guilt. The disease conditions your father has are Not Your Fault. The fact that he did not share advanced wishes with you is Not Your Fault. That Medicaid requires new application in each state is Not Your Fault. You are doing your best as a loving daughter. Certainly you feel sad. Please, please, do not also feel guilty.

anniej Oct 2016
We simply thought that having him in Minnesota near us would be easier for us to see him often (my husband & young kids), but there are no other family members & no friends in Minnesota who would be able to easily visit him. I'm still not 100% whether he would stay with us or in a facility. I don't know...this is my first experience with EVERYTHING! And, my parents did not have a "plan" for my sister & I so that we'd know their wishes. We don't know the "right" thing to do. Having him stay in Wisconsin allows many family & friends to easily see him.

He wants out of the hospital! He doesn't want to go to nursing facility. He's been back and forth from hospital to nursing facility back to hospital since August 29th.

I am working with a transplant social worker. Bit of history: my dad found out he had cirrhosis of liver back in 2008 or 2009. He continued his usual habit/routine of drinking. The result caught up with him 6-8 months ago & came full force 3 months ago. He went through liver work-up to see if he was a candidate for liver transplant, but he isn't because he's too sick - other important organs are not working properly. So the transplant social worker talked about putting him in nursing facility first & could go to hospice when necessary.

jeannegibbs Oct 2016
Hospice can occur in the hospital, in a nursing home or other care facility, in a private home, or in a hospice facility. It can be used when the prognosis is death within 6 months.

Where did you want your father to be in Minnesota? A facility near you? In your home? What is the reason for moving him?

If he is in a hospital now, there should be a social worker who can explain his options at this point.

I am so sorry your are dealing with this difficult situation.

anniej Oct 2016
He isn't imminent right now. The prognosis isn't months, it's weeks. Can someone go to hospice right from hospital - skipping the nursing facility?

jeannegibbs Oct 2016
Is hospice appropriate for your dad? Hospice is paid for by Medicare. Perhaps he wouldn't need Medicaid in Minnesota ... ??


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