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capnhardass Posted June 2013

Update on my mom

hospital gave her a haldol shot saturday night. she done well till monday morning , refused to eat her morning meds cause i was trying to poison her. hospice nurse came out and gave her a 30 day, slow acting haldol shot. mom told her and the social worker guy that they had to get her out of here cause i was trying to kill her. they asked her if she wanted me to leave. she said no just get him to the va cause hes crazier than i am..
i dont know about everyone else but if someone were trying to kill me i probably wouldnt be leading him thru the house by his beard like an errant goat.
gettin crazy out here. took her pills tonight, of course miscounted them , tasted them all to check for poison. then she called sis and asked her why the pills were 3 short. i dont know what sister told her but mom told me that george ( ? ) was going to look for them and if he didnt find them she had 10 to 15 minutes to live. i took her to town for a slushy to distract her from the impending sudden death and things are a little better now - but the night is young.
" beam me up snotty "

moonchild Jun 2013
I only fight when a doctor is so f--cked up that she is actually causing me physical problems. I don't mean I actually fight mind you, I just contact the Chief of Staff at the hospital and ask for help straightening out the problem. It was done. :)

capnhardass Jun 2013
but, anyway. the haldol is working great for mom. no hallucinations and shes becoming lucid enough to, on her own, suggest that those hallucinations were too far out to be real. docs done a good job imo.. she will get a shot every 30 days..


capnhardass Jun 2013
na bonnie, you just need manhandled with the optional lewd chit chat . love lewd chit chat..

BoniChak Jun 2013
Is it wrong that I'm kinda crushin on some care giving man,that lives 1000 miles away, that speaks his (crazy) mind, and makes me laugh and scares me at the same time? Maybe I just need a life...

capnhardass Jun 2013
theres a fine line between dilligence and hyper showingyourassedness i guess. when my mom was hospitalized last summer i walked into the hospital and my sister was refusing to let a doc give mom a medication. i thought i had that straightened out when she tried to tell the nurses why mom couldnt use a bed pan. then i got annoyed with her end runs around me and told her if she tried to tell the docs how to do their jobs one more time id have her removed. she is kind of dumb. by " removed " i meant shallow grave out in the barnyard..

moonchild Jun 2013
LOL! Love ya capn!

capnhardass Jun 2013
yea, well, when you left they probly documented; daughter hypochondriac, mother bipolar and phsycotic. lol.. just screwin with ya pamela, you made it too easy..

yaya51 Jun 2013
Jeez cap'n, you're gong through quite the rough patch! My heart goes out to you and your mom. I can empathize to some degree - my grandson's father is bi-polar and lived with us for two years before the relationship ended. He used to go off his meds on a regular basis. He'd self medicate on coke when he cycled into very scary a time or two. His eyes got so dilated once and his mood so dark it was like facing down a demon. NEVER have I gazed into eyes like that before, and never wish to again. In all my "motherly wisdom" I though all he needed was some understanding and him into therapy, found him a part time job, helped him apply for SSDI, TRIED to help him manage his meds...unfortunately all to no avail. I know it isn't easy. Add dementia into that mix?....I can't even imagine. You are an amazing guy and you're doing an amazing job...don't let anyone tell you different!

moonchild Jun 2013
I still question doctors even when I don't know. When they give a diagnosis, I ask them, "Why do you think that?", and "which symptoms lead you to that?". If I have the pen and paper I write it down when I'm there, if not I commit it to memory, then I go home and do the research. Most of the time I have done some research before I go. I like being prepared.

Sometimes I disagree with doctors and I have no problem telling them so. Like when they tried to say Naemi was psychotic and bipoloar. I know her well enough to explain why she is not. Her medications and the fact that she is a hypochondriac were influencing everything at that time. It was taken out of her diagnosis. I also told her doctor that she was more likely to be borderline personality disorder, histrionic p.d., and narcissistic p.d.

Always question doctors, remember that much of what they do is educated guesswork.

capnhardass Jun 2013
i also read today that the family carer is frontline on the caregiver team and should be careful that he / she doesnt get bullied. i dont question medical shit that i know nothing about but aps told me i was responsible for what happened in this home and i dont be pushed around (even by aps). they created a monster.. dumbasses..

MishkaM Jun 2013
Cap'n -oh my- you have been through it lately!! Love the slushie solution!! And your humor through out it all! Seriously , hang in there. You are doing a great job.

Btw-my husband thinks I am going to kill him in his sleep-but that is because I get so darn mad at his snoring that I have stood over him with a pillow. So, yeah, he should be worried :^0 ;0)

BoniChak Jun 2013
Tough and compassionate....your Mom is lucky to have you.

JessieBelle Jun 2013
If our walls could talk... You are one tough son, capn. I don't know how we keep our wits about us as much as we do.

capnhardass Jun 2013
ive seen mom rapid cycling once or twice in the past. the facial expression will go from despondant to euphoric to manic to pissed and these mood shifts are only seconds apart.. it can go on for days. thats why ive said before im getting carpal tunnel in my hands from clenching and unclinching my hands to strangle her.. if that dont draw a funny visual i cant help you.. youre screwed..

capnhardass Jun 2013
i learned this weekend by doing some reading that dementia patients seldom use nouns.
it was tough watching mom lying in bed crying cause she only had 10 minutes to live. fortunately the bipolar shifted and she was getting a jacket and shoes to go get a slushy with the next breath. ive had a lifelong fascination with mental illness and was privileged to visit the other side on two different hepc tx's. the last one found me in the va phsyc ward, yup, lying on the floor. a tile or concrete floor will pull the fever from your body in a matter of a half an hour..

BoniChak Jun 2013
God bless you capt, you sure have your hands full. I hope you have a calm, easy night. Good Luck!

jujubean Jun 2013
Captn (N Book)....I don't know how you do it...I could not! If dad hadn't died back then when that crap went on I would not have been able to care for his irrational behavior....

I admire your strength and humor!! It has got to be such a hard situation!!

At some point I guess we all just have to learn to laff or this is gonna kill us!!! Thoughts and prayers are with you and your mom!!!

jujubean Jun 2013 dad was sure we were going to harm him...he would not let us in house or help him. he called police on us. they had no choice to ask us to leave since he did not want us there... I just didn't realize it could have been dimetia.. I thought a bipolar episode phsycotic break, my guess is all of the above....nevertheless...

I never had any idea other people had this happen too..parents not recognizing them calling them buglars! idk... I ramble this is a good place but seems like when I see something new I can totally identify with...causing emotional shitstorm here, hahhha! and I just start typing!! Sorry!

capnhardass Jun 2013
mom says im not her son sometimes. its all textbook stuff for later stage dementia. persecutory delusions, caregiver tryin to kill them and family members are imposters. she told us in the hospital that if the cops ever get on to me ill do 100 years in jail. i stuck my arms out to be cuffed.
humor helps. when she was hospitalized last august she was babbling on about when to pull her plug. i grabbed a plug on a bedside diagnostic machine and told her " ill pull your plug right effin now " . lol

ChristinaW Jun 2013
But cap'n, you know you are crazy. Even she knows you're crazy. I, on the other hand, find you perfectly normal. I'm sure the staff you are dealing with has made an assessment of who is crazy and who is not. Hand to hand combat tough:) xo

bookluvr Jun 2013
Capn, I know what you mean about the parent accusing us of trying to kill them. Father is in that stage too. It seems you are handling it much better than I am. He hasn't reached the stage yet where he will refuse anything I give him. But I have noticed that he would rather have oldest sis give him his pills, his nutrient, etc.. Not me. =) I just realized that maybe because he thinks I'm trying to kill him, he won't ask me to bring those stuff to him. that's why he keeps calling sis!

capnhardass Jun 2013
i AM crazier than she is by a long shot but she really damaged her credibility by not wanting me to leave despite the " fact " that i was trying to kill her. as crazy statements go, that one is a head spinner..

ladee1 Jun 2013
*hang tough" or hand tough , guess it depends on your mood..... lol

ladee1 Jun 2013
CapnHA, it still amazes me that half us are not in the pen for attempted murder.... just from the accusations.... hand tough man, and "snotty' is NOT going to beam you up and leave the rest of us here...... no rest for the wicked....hugs


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